PAX: Slushii, Alright Alright, Slippy, Ina, Draper, Rump Roast, Classified, Teasip, jobu, Whoops, Oatmeal, Big Tex, Dfib, Siesta, Nicky Roth, Splash, Trey (FNG), Boggle, Ant-man
QIC: The Chairman
AO: Burleson Park
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Given…obviously
Side Straddle Hops x 12
IST x 12
Burpees – 100
Deep Squats – 100
Burpees – 100
Wide Grip Merkins – 100
Jump Squats – 100
LBCs – 200
Ski Abs – 100
Nipplers – 100 or Little Man in the Woods – 150
Mountain Climbers – 100
Heels to Heaven – 100
Dollies – 200
Calf Raises – 150 (50 regular, 50 toes pointed in, 50 toes pointed out)
Burpees – 100
Shoulder Raises – 200
Carolina Dry Docks – 100
Monkey Humpers – 100
Russian Hammers – 100
Burpees – 100
MARY: Didn’t make it
A month ago old man winter decided to intervene in the personal improvement project that is the LGN invitational. YHC was not deterred and even received song refs from Avril who decided to skip 🪦.
In the 6 am group, only AA had a strong idea of what we were doing. Other pax were like, “something, something fitness test”. YHC decided to mix it up this year with two changes, remixed exercises and doing the runs on top of the parking deck.
Mumberchatter was varied thoroughly the workout. Proper Wiping technique was discussed and an article was shared internally to ensure all pax practice good hygiene. Pax also debated YHC’s scientifically backed method of counting down reps vs. counting up reps. Got to trust the science.
Ina shared his daughter was disappointed more Kpop groups didn’t win the Grammys. YHC was surprised people still watch the Grammys but did include two Blackpink songs in the playlist, which lets be honest is more important than a Grammy.
Slippy wanted to know if I found the playlist on a iPod shuffle that was on the ground. I did not but I did find some of them from an old playlist from high school which is kind of the same.
Draper decided to pull an Antman / YHC and show up after the workout started but promised to make up for it by writing an autobiography detailing his Mad Men / advertising days.
6am PAX also discussed how crushed 7am pax would be when they showed up and saw the workout, answer… pretty crushed. Especially the burpee squat burpee Merkin starter #GetSome.
Quality of Perfect Weeks was discussed with strong shade thrown at Sex Panther’s perfect week. Which with must be answered with a savage workout.
YHC thanks everyone for coming out especially new Pax who probably hoped for an easier workout.
Grow Ruck