My name is Sally O’Malley and I’m 50!

PAX: Princess Turtlehead, Splash, Special Sauce, Ina, Oatmeal, Chairman Mao, Gold Digger, Thunderlips, Sex Panther, Ma Bell, MySpace, Alright Alright
QIC: Spread

AO: The original…Caruth

F3 DISCLAIMER & WELCOME: Not a professional, but been doing this a lot longer than you.

SSH x 17 (Q b day St Patty), 20 burp, 10 storm, 20 burp, 10 fat ballerinas, 10 burp

Mosey to Coffee Park

Slow and low for all: 20 globe abs, 10 irkins, 10 dips, 10 gorillas, 10 dirkins, 10 step up left, 10 step up right, 10 dirkins, mosey

burps x 10 at each intersection for another 50, mosey to tennis court

burps x 7 (tricentennial – 7/4/2076), ski abs x 10, in-n-out x 10, bear crawl bear court x1, mosey to field, 50 yard sprint

circle – offset pushup x20, diamonds x 10, dolphins x10, slow and low x10

SSH x 17 to wrap

No protractor to keep pax off guard.

Low O2 – many in pax struggling at this stage.

Pax was expecting the “typical Spread” rings – I did not accommodate.  Expecting “typical Spread” protractor – NO again.  Getting old and shifty at 50.  Thanks to all for posting – was a privilege to lead the group to commemorate my big milestone.  Looking forward to 57 more.

Check band