Siesta Oatmeal Ant Man Teasip Special Sauce Rump Roast Coach K Toto, AlrightAlright and Draper joined YHC for what Draper is starting to dub “Games with Icebox”
After a quick, PAX guided disclaimer, we warmed up and ran out to the Mustang garage
The thang:
Partnered up and P1 ran a mustang lap (first lap included the merkins and LBC’s but Omaha’d after that to be just the lap to get more cardio in) while P2 did ring of fire until P1 returned
Ring of Fire was set up with 20 stations and we spent 30 seconds at each one before rotating. Rump Roast threw away my cards so here’s my best guess of what they were:
Apollo Creed Burpees
J Lo’s
Lil Baby Arm Circles
Overhead Press (with 25 lb free weights, thanks Special Sauce)
Jump Rope
Workout dice 1
Workout dice 2
Freddy Mercury’s
WWI sit ups
And some others
Decent mumble chatter since no one had to count out anything, AlrightAlright is pretty proud of how far he’s come on jumping rope proving that if you keep doing what you’re not good at you’ll improve, except me bear crawling, I still suck big time at those
A healthy debate towards the end about the route of the mustang with Coach K concerned that some PAX were taking alternate routes so we did a AlrightAlright guided fun run of the lap at the end before mosey’ing to the park for COT
Announcements: Plano is this coming Saturday, get all your wildling friends out there
Cole Park again tomorrow for the late brunch crowd, 0615