PAX: Special Sauce, Chairman Mao, Sally, Alright Alright, Sex Panther, Coach K, Teasip, Oatmeal, Rump Roast, My Space, Icebox.
QIC: Thunderlips
AO: Caruth Park
Hot start – Mosey to Tennis Courts
Shoulder Warm Up:
Arm Circles x 1 Min OYO
SSH x 30 IC
Burpees x 25 OYO
Seal Jacks x 30 IC
Close Grip Merkins x 10 IC
Ray Lewis’s x 25 IC
Wide Grip Merkins x 10 IC
Dirkins x 10 with Partner
Bottom Feeders:
Wheelbarrow with Partner 20 yards then complete 20 Dirkins OYO – swap with partner and return to starting point.
Broken Wheelbarrow (one leg free) with Partner 20 yards then pair completes 30 Merkins OYO (Swap positions and Partner repeat going back)
Empty Wheelbarrow (facing up) with Partner 20 Merkins OYO (on knees)
Lunges across tennis court and reverse lunges back
Mosey to Playground
Circuit for 8 minutes which included 5 Pullups, 10 Merkins, 15 Squats
Finished with Dips on Benches x 25 IC.
Hold Em Ups x 20 IC (2 sets)
Dolly x 20 IC
Rosalita x 20 IC
LBS’s x 15 IC
Flutter Kicks x 15 IC
Knee Ups/Rugby Situps x 15 IC
Freddie Mercury’s x 15 IC
Circle up to pray.
Lots of mumble chatter but VQ was too busy thinking about stuff to recall all of it – here are the cliff notes…
MumbleChatter – Pax suggested “Prime Time” would be great FNG name for a super cocky FNG.
QIC kept stopping exercises on rep increments other than intervals of 5 which invited mumblechatter.
PAX learned not to make eye contact with partner during “empty wheelbarrowing”.
PAX complained of all the Merkins this week.
PAX mentioned that MARY on the soft top was more enjoyable than MARY on pavement or turf.
QIC Brought favorite beer (Love Street Kolsch from Karbach) to celebrate VQ
Chairman Mao showed his knowledge of Deep State mind control programs by spouting off facts about Project MKUltra.
1. Q-Source today at 1230 @ Hopdoddy
2. Saturday Morning – 3-16 Q @ 0700 Burleson Park – QIC – Plus One