Glencoe Mudbowl

PAX: Pow Pow, Classified, Teasip, Draper, Gambler, Gutenberg
QIC: Jobu

AO: Glencoe

Side Straddle Hops x15

IST’s x 15

Arm Circle’s Forward and Backward x 15 each

Indian Run around park

A.L.A.R.M Workout

Workout 1:

bear crawl/crawl bear 25 yds each

squats w/coupon x 20

mountain climbers on coupon x 20

row w/coupon x 20

Merkin w/coupon x 20


Workout 2:

Curls w/coupon x20

lunge w/coupon x10 each leg

scissor kick w/coupon x 20

Run 200 yds

Man Makers x 10

Workout 3:

Shoulder press w/coupon x 20

Broad jumps w/coupon 30 yds

Australian snow angels x20

Ranger Merkins x 20

Marionettes x 5


Partner up and run with coupon between pax 100 yds switch arms and run 100 yds.

LBC’s x20 (DC)

Penguin’s x 20 (DC)

Freddy Mercury’s x15 (DC)

Plank Holds (Middle, Left arm, Right arm, Middle)

YHC prayed us out

YHC showed up 15 min early to checkout field conditions and they were just as bad as expected! Nice and muddy. Classified and Teasip were already EC rucking before YHC arrived. During warm ups PAX ran the Indian Run. Many PAX pointed out that it was the fastest Indian Run in F3 Dallas history. First exercise were Bear Crawls and Crawl Bears in the mud. Draper had a hard time controlling his Crawl Bear. He kept veering off diagonally instead of straight back. YHC found a cheat code with Muddy Crawl Bears. Keep your feet on the ground and slide backward while pushing with your hands. Many PAX loved/hated the Australian Snow Angels as well as the Broad Jumps w/coupons. All the PAX enjoyed the ALARM (Arms, Legs, Abs, “R” exercise, “M” exercise) template. YHC forgot to take a picture.

1. RIP Band app
2. Carry the Load

B.L.O.C.K.S 4/20/21

PAX: Alright Alright,  Classified,  Slushii, Phelps, Sound Machine, Super Cuts, Silent Bob, Teasip, AAAARRRGGGHHH, Slippy, Ultra, Dfib, Rump Roast, Icebox, Meatball, Gambler, Sweet Baby
QIC: Draper

AO: Glencoe


15x IST IC

10x Windmill IC


Mosey to the goal line 

R1 of B.L.O.C.K.S

Burpee Hop over x10

Run to the other goal line and back

Lunge x10 each leg

Run to the other goal line and back

Overhead press x20

Run to the other goal line and back

Curls with hands through holes x20

Run to the other goal line and back

Kettle Bell Swing x20

Run to the other goal line and back

Squat to press x20

Run to the other goal line and back

If done before other PAX:

On your six have the cinderblock above your head raise it overhead up straight and back down

Overhead up left and back down

Overhead right and back down

R2 of B.L.O.C.K.S

Burpee Hop over x10

Lunge x10 each leg

Run to the other goal line and back

Overhead press x20

Curls with hands through holes x20

Kettle Bell Swing x20

Squat to press x20

Run to the other goal line and back

If done before other PAX:

On your six have the cinderblock above your head raise it overhead up straight and back down

Overhead up left and back down

Overhead right and back down

R3 of B.L.O.C.K.S

Burpee Hop over x5

Run to the other goal line and back

Lunge x5 each leg

Run to the other goal line and back

Overhead press x10

Run to the other goal line and back

Curls with hands through holes x10

Run to the other goal line and back

Kettle Bell Swing x10

Run to the other goal line and back

Squat to press x10

Run to the other goal line and back

If done before other PAX:

On your six have the cinderblock above your head raise it overhead up straight and back down

Overhead up left and back down

Overhead right and back down


YHC thanks the PAX for being my grounding force.  Mornings like today are what keep YHC coming back.  I have not been as consistent due to life, but knowing F3 is always there keeps me going.  YHC is looking forward to being out more.

MOLESKIN:  @Ultra defeated the odds and the fartsack by showing up with seconds to spare.  YHC made the mistake of letting @Alright Alright get in his head and I tried to change the cadence of SSH.  This resulted in confusion and miscounting.  Not a lot of mumblechatter today as we quickly spread out.  Lots of talk about which round of BLOCKS the PAX appreciated more. 


  • New Tuesday AO Shops at Park Lane starts next Tuesday 4/27

Post GrowRuck Beatdown

PAX: AlrightAlright, Slippy, Classified, Dfib, Pow Pow, Sound Machine, Stingray, Phelps, Big Tex, Slushii, Silent Bob, Icebox, Cash (Pax from Katy), Scott Friend (FNG), Tyler Zoz (FNG)
QIC: Jobu, Oatmeal

AO: Glencoe

Side Straddle Hops x20; Pickers. x.20

Group 1: Carry Coupons around outer loop 2.5 laps in 20 min. Penalty burpees for not finishing.

Group 2: Split into groups of 4. Starting at home plate each group must have one person performing lunges with sandbag while the rest of the pax bear crawling alongside. Group must go all the way around the entire field and stop at every light post and perform 100 merkins as a group. Once back at home plate group must perform 200 dive bombers. The sandbags were not aloud to touch the ground at any point in the workout.

Penalty burpees x10

YHC prayed us out

YHC was ready to exchange his Q for another day because of his recovery from Growruck. Oatmeal talked him into co-Qing so we could share the lessons we learned with the group. Most of the complaining came from the soreness of the Pax who attended GrowRuck 2 days before. 

1. All future GrowRuck events

Avril VQ Groundhog Day

#Backblast Glencoe 03/09/2021

PAX: Alright Alright, Sex Panther, DFib, F150, Shifty McCoy, Rump Roast, Ultra, Gambler, Bleep, Oatmeal, Teasip, Draper, Agnes, Jobu, Slushii, Plus One, Classified, Stingray, PowPow, and Special Sauce 
QIC: Avril

AO: Glencoe

13x SSH IC

13x Daisy Pickers

13x Hillbillies



Indian Run around Glencoe

Groundhog Day:

Deadlifts x10

Overhead Press x10

Upright Rows x10

American Hammers x10

Squats x10

Short loop through Glencoe

Rinse Repeat

Finishing Touches:

Rifle Carry width of football field with 10 burpees then Rifle Carry back

Little touches of abs:

Commandos x13

Burpees x10

Flutter Kicks x20

Penguin Crunches x13

LBC x5


YHC thought about what should be touched on and that was upper body, back, and cardio.

MOLESKIN: YHC wanted to thank all the PAX that showed up for YHC first Q. Was exciting and focused on a mixture of cardio, upper body, and back. Ready for the next one!


  • Grow Ruck San Antonio 4/8 and 4/9

Groundhog Day!

PAX: Teasip, Slushii, Rump Roast, Special Sauce, Avril, Gambler, Sex Panther, Aaarrrggghhh
QIC: Oatmeal

AO: Glencoe Park

SSH x 15 IC

Hillbillies x 15 IC

Windmills x10 IC


Run a small lap to the north goal post across field, around the south goal post and back to pavilion

Complete the following:

Step up press x5 each leg

Curls x10

Squat Thrust x10

Man Makers x10

Run same lap around goal posts stopping at north end to do merkins x10

Repeato…because it’s Groundhog Day.


Legs 6” holding block


Penalty man makers x5 since several PAX dropped feet to ground

Try again: Legs 6” holding block


Low dolly, relax

No blocks:

Heels to heaven


Various planks to close out

YHC prayed us out.


It’s Groundhog Day so what could we do over and over and over…Much mumble chatter about YHC not caring about shoulders today.  Perhaps I should have warned PAX to take care of their Starbucky shoulders.  Following the shoulder comments were the complaints of back pain.  I can provide the number of a good sports chiro!  Tclaps to Slushii for being prepared with an impromptu speaker to aid with the monotony.  YHC took pity on PAX with 10 minutes remaining and moved to some Mary since PAX were also upset YHC seemed to neglect core exercises today.  PAX were relieved until they figured out YHC was serious about holding feet at 6”.  Penalty man makers for lazy feet elicited what may be a record 5-6 “F U’s” on the Rumpometer.  I was humbled with such recognition and felt I should thank the Academy and everyone that supported me in my Q journey!

We all survived, had coffee and as far as I can tell, this week’s batch didn’t prep Slushii for a colonoscopy! 

  • Patriot Challenge started yesterday.  Get signed up and log your miles!
  • 4x4x24 this Friday!  Get on the train (Rump Roast is HC!) and start hydrating and carbo loading on Weds
  • TID18K on 3/6
  • GrowRuck Alamo 4/9-4/11
  • F3 Golf…

Backblast – January 14th, 2021 – Glencoe Park

PAX: Aaarrrggghhh Ant Man Bleep Big Tex Broadway Joe sound machine
QIC: Agnes

AO: Glencoe Park

SSH – 20
IST – 20
Veggie pickers – 15
Baby arm circles – 10 (front)+ 10 (back
Indian Run – 2 laps

Mosey with coupon to field

Murder bunny across the field – sprint back and forth (can’t forget the coupon!) … murder bunny back

Coupon Carry/Mosey across the field, switching shoulders

Partner up (200 reps – 100 each alternating exercise with partner)
Bicep curls
Overhead shoulder presses

Coupon carry/mosey repeato

WW1 x 12 double count cadence
Flutter kicks – 18 double count cadence
Dracula – 8 OYO
JLo – 16 cadence
American hammer – 12 double count cadence
Outlaws – 10 each way
Plank x 60 seconds

Burpee x 10 OYO to close out

YHC prayed us out

Morning started off cold but warmed up fast with the Native American run, which YHC was quickly reminded this isn’t KTT by other PAX (we may have run a mile today). YHC woke up at 3:00 AM and couldn’t fall back asleep so the ideas were flowing to get a little bit of cardio and some good coupon work in. Felt good to do Murder Bunnies again, but probably won’t feel good later.

2. INSERT1 – Next Wednesday 1/20business casual/professional/interview clothing donations to splash
2- 4x4x24 CSAUP Feb 5-6 starting at 1900
3- TID 18k March 6 at 0700
4 – Grow Ruck April 8-10 in the land of Gregg Popovich
5- F3 golf

Glencoe “Name that artist”

PAX: Oatmeal, Sound Machine, Aaarrrggghhh, Special Sauce, Gambler, Rump Roast
QIC: Slushii

AO: Glencoe

SSH x 12 IC

Hillbillies x 12 IC

Cotton Pickers x 12 IC

Mosey to tennis courts with block. Perform burpess until on of the PAX correctly names the artist of the song playing. 

The following exercises were unlocked once the PAX named the artist:

Song 1) 50 Merkins, 100 Squats, 150 LBCs
Song 2) JLo and Squat Jumps (7’s)
Song 3) 25 shoulder press, 50 squats, 75 curls (all with coupon)
Song 4) Paint the lines forwards, Paint the line backwards
Song 5) Suicide – long to short, short to long – plank when finish
Song 6) 100 chest presses and 50 tricep presses (all with coupon)
Song 7) Sprints
Song 8) 25 shoulder press, 50 squats, 75 curls (all with coupon)
Song 9) bear crawl court 1, crawl bear court 2, crab walk court 2, lunge walk court 1 (10merkins at the end of each court)
Song 10) PAX 1 – 2 laps around tennis courts, PAX 2 – hold plank with block on back, flapjack
Song 11) Freddie Mercury with blocks x 25, 50 squats, 75 curls (all with coupon)

Done during workout

Thankful for each man present and wisdom to make decisions going forward while fighting COVID and leading our family, community, state, and nation. 

YHC and Rump Roast pulled up to Glencoe to find only Sound Machine waiting in the gloom around 0525. Normally there is a larger crowd but that could be when YHC arrives its 0529. A few others showed up and we got right into warmups. YHC underestimated the time it would take to perform exercises and some of the exercises were not completed to full before the song ended. There were few burpees but not the amount YHC was hoping for when “naming that artist”. Next time YHC will have to choose more curveballs. There were two curveballs (What is Love – Haddaway and Animals – Nickelback) which took the PAX an extra minute to figure out. #Coffeeteria talk went many ways (in which YHC thinks it should). Some can be discussed and some cannot. We all learned about Oatmeals passion for pastries this morning as YHC announced he was heading to get some after the workout. The favorite pasty by Oatmeal (YHC agrees) is the Kouign-amann which is also now referred to as the “Cougar Mom”. 

1. CSAUP – 4x4x24 in February 
2. Patriot run (see Rump)

3. Splash PEP clothes donations

4. Swiper VQ at the Harbor tomorrow 

5. F3 Golf 

BAMA Beatdown

PAX: Armpit, Avril, Classified, F150, Gambler, Oatmeal, Rump Roast, Slushii, Sound Machine, Special Sauce
QIC: Teasip


SSH x52, IST x12, Hillbilly x12 (52-24 final score in the Natty), then a warm up lap

Mosey over to the football field with coupons. As YHC mentioned, you have to pick your poison when playing Alabama, but it is “suicide” to leave Devonta Smith uncovered.

Thus, we did some coupon suicides. Run to the first light pole, come back and do 3 reps, then run to the next light pole and back and do 6 reps. Continuing until you get to the other goal line and back to do 12 reps (for the 12 catches Devonta had in the Natty)

Bicep Curls
All the way down Squats while holding coupons
Abs (curls while holding the coupon)

Since Bama when through the ringer of an all-SEC schedule (some say the toughest ever and the best final AP poll #4 team in human history) we did an OH press Ring of Fire to 55 (closest full round to 52)

Rugby Situps x12, Rosalita x12, Freddie Mercury x15

YHC prayed us out

YHC checked Band while clearing the mechanism in the AM and saw that Alright Alright became a father and thus was disappointed he was not there to post in the gloom. Special Sauce and several other PAX agreed and questioned Alright Alright’s commitment. 

YHC announced in the preblast that the beatdown would be Natty themed and the PAX realized once we passed 20 on the SSH that we would probably be going to 52 for Bama. YHC didn’t even have to point out the obvious that Ohio St lost by the exact same score as A&M and they didn’t even have to deal with a fully armed and operational Alabama offense like the Aggies did.

Several choice words from Rump (even said them via proxy through Sauce) during the suicides. Special Sauce also mentioned that Devonta Smith only played a half, so shouldn’t the suicides only be half of the workout, but YHC did not oblige. 

During the ring of fire, several eyerolls ensued from the PAX when YHC mentioned the toughness of an all-SEC schedule and how the Big 12 played defense now (from the flag bearers Oatmeal and Classified) and then some ACC comments too from Slushii.

1. 4x4x24 CSAUP Feb 5-6 starting at 1900 on Feb 5
2. TID 18k March 6 at 0700
3. GROWRUCK April 8-10 in SA

Happy 6th F3 Birthday Plus One and Glencoe

PAX: Big Tex, Bleep, Classified, Oatmeal, Rump Roast, Slushii
QIC: Alright Alright, Plus One

8 PAX posted this morning and 6 were surprised and perhaps disappointed to find out that Teasip had delegated this morning’s Q to Your Humble Correspondent and Plus One. Conveniently, this week is the sixth anniversary of Plus One’s first F3 workout and the first F3 workout at Glencoe Park. We decided that we would throw it back (sort of) to the theme from that day six years ago…

YHC led the PAX to the football field for Warmorama…
Side Straddle Hops x15
Upright Rows x6
Curls x6
Kraken Burpees x6
During the Kraken Burpees, Classified made a comment about my loss in the Q of the Year Quarterfinals …. and I took that personally (insert MJ meme)… so I scrapped the original plans and decided to punish the PAX.

Fast mosey to The Bridge with #burpeerule in effect.
17 Burpee Penalty.
12 Jumping Spiders OYO, run across The Bridge. 12 Burpee Penalty.
12 Freddie Mercury’s IC, run across The Bridge, 12 Burpee Penalty.
12 Merkins Single Count, run across The Bridge, 6 Burpee Penalty to be made up later.
Run Back to Glencoe Park and our Coupons. (We were supposed to complete American Hammers, Monkey Humpers and Jump Squats, but ran out of time)

Plus One took the reins from there.
Rifle Carry 50 yards
31 Curls
7 Merkins
Murder Bunny 50 yards
31 Overhead Presses
8 Merkins
Rifle Carry 50 yards
30 Curls
9 Merkins
Lunge Walk 50 yards
31 Curls 10 Merkins
30 LBCs
11 Penguin Crunches
12 something else…

6 Penalty Burpees

Only 8 men in attendance today with lots out of town and lots exposed to COVID. Keep checking on each other. And keep working out OYO if you have to. You don’t want to just take a week or two off. You will feel the pain.

Q of the Year Semifinal 1 – Old Fashioned Cage Match

AlrightAlright Aaarrrggghhh sound machine Meatball Oatmeal PowPow Rump Roast Slushii Special Sauce Stingray joined Teasip and YHC for the QOTY Semi Final Cage Match

Teasips’s Beatdown:
One PAX carries a coupon around tennis courts

Elvis meets Forrest

Carolina Dry Docks, then suicide
E2K, then suicide
Newton’s Cradle, then suicide

Mac Tar Jie’s
Alabama Ass Kickers
Not so lazy boys
All in

YHC’s Beatdown:
Suicide long to short – suicide short to long
Bear crawl court one, 10 merkins
Crawl bear back, 10 mountain climbers
5 burpees, run down and back, 5 burpees
Mrs Icebox Arms – 2 min
Suicide short to long, long to short
Crab walk forward court one, 10 Freddy Mercury’s
Crab walk backward back, 10 flutter kicks
Pilate Plank Routine – 2 min

If there was mumble chatter I didn’t hear much of it as the socially distant lineup along the tennis courts didn’t allow for a lot of interaction among the PAX

Stingray fulfilled his prophecy of showing up late and having to do penalty burpees and t claps to Rump Roast for doing them with him when no one else did

AlrightAlright figured that the Beatdown was going to be mild and decided to wear his ruck vest during the whole thing, and on top of that called out the PAX on the crab walks for being slow (someone is still getting over his #upsetalert vs Teasip last week).

Apologies for needing to b line it out as soon as the clock struck 0615 but the Jeep was about to turn into a pumpkin and I had 10 minutes to get home before the M changed the locks on me!

YHC is humbled to make it to the finals and look forward to an all-timer against either Special Sauce or Coach K, let’s all find the motivation to fight the fart sack and deal with some colder temps, I can guarantee that the Q’s this week will get us up and moving quickly!

Reminder: see PowPow’s post on the food drive, if able try to find a way to contribute to those less fortunate