Q of the Year Semifinal 1 – Old Fashioned Cage Match

AlrightAlright Aaarrrggghhh sound machine Meatball Oatmeal PowPow Rump Roast Slushii Special Sauce Stingray joined Teasip and YHC for the QOTY Semi Final Cage Match

Teasips’s Beatdown:
One PAX carries a coupon around tennis courts

Elvis meets Forrest

Carolina Dry Docks, then suicide
E2K, then suicide
Newton’s Cradle, then suicide

Mac Tar Jie’s
Alabama Ass Kickers
Not so lazy boys
All in

YHC’s Beatdown:
Suicide long to short – suicide short to long
Bear crawl court one, 10 merkins
Crawl bear back, 10 mountain climbers
5 burpees, run down and back, 5 burpees
Mrs Icebox Arms – 2 min
Suicide short to long, long to short
Crab walk forward court one, 10 Freddy Mercury’s
Crab walk backward back, 10 flutter kicks
Pilate Plank Routine – 2 min

If there was mumble chatter I didn’t hear much of it as the socially distant lineup along the tennis courts didn’t allow for a lot of interaction among the PAX

Stingray fulfilled his prophecy of showing up late and having to do penalty burpees and t claps to Rump Roast for doing them with him when no one else did

AlrightAlright figured that the Beatdown was going to be mild and decided to wear his ruck vest during the whole thing, and on top of that called out the PAX on the crab walks for being slow (someone is still getting over his #upsetalert vs Teasip last week).

Apologies for needing to b line it out as soon as the clock struck 0615 but the Jeep was about to turn into a pumpkin and I had 10 minutes to get home before the M changed the locks on me!

YHC is humbled to make it to the finals and look forward to an all-timer against either Special Sauce or Coach K, let’s all find the motivation to fight the fart sack and deal with some colder temps, I can guarantee that the Q’s this week will get us up and moving quickly!

Reminder: see PowPow’s post on the food drive, if able try to find a way to contribute to those less fortunate