SHIELD LOCKS and dissing Spiderman

May 28, 2021

PAX: Classified Slippy AlrightAlright Big Tex Icebox Meatball Siesta Jennay Chase (FNG)
QIC: PowPow

AO: Lindsley Park

See below

Circle of Pain at the Pavilion, Q leads PAX through the exercises below. After each set the PAX run the smaller loop path from the pavilion around the playground and back to the pavilion.  Beginning with the 2nd run (after the Hillbillies) 2 PAX stay at pavilion to perform sandbag deadlifts (120#) – 5 reps then switch alternating while rest of PAX run. Each pair of PAX did the deadlifts twice.

SSH x 20 DC
Hillbillies x 20 DC
ISTs x 20 DC
Eagle wings x 20 IC
Lunges x 20 IC
Derkins x 20 IC

LBCs x 20 DC
One legged Burpee x 20 OYO
Carolina Dry Dock x 20 IC
Knee to elbow x 20 DC
Superman x 20 IC

WWI sit-ups x 10 DC
Jane Fonda’s x 10 / leg
Crab cakes x 20 DC
LBCs x 20 DC
Flutter kicks x 10 DC
Freddie Mercury x 12 DC

YHC’s typical blend of expressing gratitude and a charge to the PAX to go out and get after it and accelerate their relationships. Capped off with an enthusiastic “Kobe!” from Alright Alright

Lots of mummblechatter and high levels of 2nd F (or put another way, lots of Alright Alright talking and the rest of the PAX reacting) given the structure of the workout. Chase, the FNG that Jennay brought, did great, YHC is looking forward to seeing him again. Classified helpfully gave PAX guidance on deadlift form (and carried the sandbag back to YHC’s car after the workout, thanks brother!).

AA mostly gave YHC a pass with the Eagle Wings exercise but lost his mind when YHC called Peter Parkers “Knee to Elbow” in order to suit my spelling needs (spelling SHIELD LOCKS), then YHC dropping Supermans right after the “disrespect” to Spiderman just added to the drama. YHC would have loved to “argue” with AA over these unforgiveable violations of protocol, but was occupied counting cadence. The rest of the PAX really failed to come to YHC’s defense in any meaningful way…YHC will chalk that up a failure of his leadership.

The point of the workout was to acknowledge Shield Lock Week here in Dallas but also to incorporate some heavier lifting. Coupons are good, but at 35 pounds they’re not really gonna build much strength/power when it comes to certain movements (squats and deadlifts for example).  Hence the 120 pound sandbag deadlifts.

Carry the Load- this Sunday 5/30 – Monday 5/31
Memorial Day Flag planting and removal on 6/5 –  leading this
F3 Bingo launching on 6/1
Bro/M/2.0 Yoga – 6/5
F3 Golf – planning is underway

PT Test on Katy Trail – 5/6/21

PAX: Draper, Gambler, Gutenberg, Aaarrrggghhh, Trash Panda, Phelps

AO: Katy Trail

SSH x 10 IC// IST x 10 IC – Mosey to stairs at corner of Mockingbird and Bush for:

Aussie Merkins x 10 IC – Mosey to Katy Trail

PT Test: 2 minute AMRAP Merkins, 2 min AMRAP Sit-Ups, 2 mile run for time

The Standard: 42 Merkins // 52 Sit-Ups // 18:18 for 2 miles


  • Draper: 72 // 51 // 15:20 – FAIL
  • Gambler: 57 // 55 // 14:20 (estimated) – PASS
  • Gutenberg: 30 // 38 // 16:34 – FAIL
  • Aaarrrggghhh: 67 // 51 // 15:38 – FAIL
  • Trash Panda: 48 // 51 // 16:24 – FAIL
  • PowPow: 44 // 55 // 14:37m – PASS
  • Phelps: Did not test (see Moleskin)

1/4 mile interval then 12 x Flutter Kicks IC // 1/4 mile interval – 15 x Plank Jacks IC

Mosey back to La Madeline – LBCs until time (5 reps)

Total distance: 3.5 miles

During workout

YHC thanked the PAX for posting this morning and explained how it gives me energy and enthusiasm and hopefully I reflect that back to the PAX throughout the beatdown. Encouraged the men to think about their Jester today (The Daily Discipline over the Temptation of the Flesh that Hinders Acceleration) with the intention that will lead to acceleration across all 3 Fs, especially leadership within our families.

YHC always likes to take the opportunity to get some “pulling” work in (Aussie Merkins), the imbalance we all have in our strength and stamina for “pushing” exercises (Merkins and OH Press) compared to “pulling” exercises (Pullups and Rows) is significant.

We found Phelps on the Katy Trail about  3/4 mile into our 2 mile timed run. Turns out he showed up early, but thought he was late (left his phone at home) and took off for the trail before any of the rest of us arrived.

The PT test standard was taken from the PT test that was applied to the men at GTE22 (GrowRuck Training Event 22) this past weekend in Myrtle Beach. Many of the ~100 men in Myrtle Beach failed the test. This morning, four of six PAX failed the PT test, but for Draper, Aaarrrggghhh and Trash Panda it was only due to missing the sit-up standard by a single rep. They can definitely meet the standard. Gutenberg needs to get better at Merkins, just like YHC did when he started F3, this will 100% happen all he needs is consistency. Every one of the PAX this morning completed the 2 mile run with plenty of time to spare – good thing given that this is a running AO.

1. F3 Dads and 2.0s workout this Saturday (5/8/21) at 0900
2. McKinney launch continues 5/8 and 5/15 – EH your guys north of 635!
3. Carry The Load on 5/30 and 5/31 – Sign up and raise some $ for a great cause


Q Source Beatdown – 1/9/2021

PAX: Splash, Alright Alright, Chairman Mao, Agnes, Special Sauce, Whoops, Dirtbag, Classified, Teasip, Kitty, Big Tex, DFib, Avril, Icebox, Nicky Roth, Siesta, Sound Machine, Cougar Bait, Plus One, Oatmeal
QIC: PowPow

AO: Burleson

One warm-up exercise for each Foundation Q Point

F1 Disruption: “Disturbance to the Status Quo”
Slaughter Starter – 20 Burpees OYO

F2 Language: “The Lexicon of Virtuous Leadership”
IST x 15 IC (During which Alright Alright explained to the PAX the meaning of a few words in the F3 Lexicon, I figured since he talks incessantly through the warm-up anyway, I might as well put his words to good use).

F3 Group: “A Voluntary Combination of Two or More People”
Native American run around park

F4 Leadership Development Process: “The Process Employed by a Group to Develop New Leaders”
SSH x 15 IC – Led by Big Tex

F5 Preparedness: “Getting Ready for the Expected While Being Ready for the Unexpected”
Mosey to field to get in position for Tha Thang

As a group, five minute sets of five exercises, 1 minute AMRAP each. Four different sets of exercises, one for each quadrant of the Q Source. Exercises drawn from the fitness test. Run a lap around the park after each set

Q1 Get Right – The The Pursuit of Proper Personal Alignment
Burpees / Calf Raises / Ski Abs / Merkins / Squats

Q2 Live Right – Dedication to Purposefulness
LBCs / Carolina Dry Docks / Russian Hammers / Nipplers / Jump Squats

Q3 Lead Right – The Practice of Virtuous Leadership
Mtn Climbers / Shoulder Raises / Dollies / Hindu Merkins / Squat Jacks
* YHC cut the Hindu Merkins due to lack of time

Q4 Leave Right – Construction of Legacy
Groiners / Burpees / Burpees / Freddie Mercury / WWI Situp

Done during workout, particularly Q4 as YHC Omaha’ed the Q4 set to Groiners/Freddie Mercury/WWI Situp, due to time (ie no Burpees).

Twenty-one PAX is probably an all time record for one of YHC’s Qs. It was an honor to lead today and thanks to the PAX for indulging me to run a workout that involved so much talking by the Q. I spoke a lot from the heart today because I am passionate about the Q Source because it can be such a positive force for improving men’s lives.

It was a pretty cold day, so having a lengthy warm-up that was broken up by mini-speeches explaining the Q Source and the Foundational Q Points was a bit painful for the PAX I’m sure. YHC had originally planned to do a timed plank for F5 Preparedness, but scrapped that in favor of getting to the main part of the workout. Thanks to Alright Alright and Oatmeal for helping with the explanations of the three groups within F3’s leadership model during the Native American run.

Big Tclaps to Big Tex for stepping up to help demonstrate the Leadership Development Process (LDP), he had no advance warning that I would put him on the spot and he did very well – it’s time for him to begin preparing for his VQ, I think. The mistake he made in starting the count without saying “Exercise!” was perfect because it helped demonstrate the fourth step in the LDP (1. Schooling; 2. Apprenticeship; 3. Opportunity; 4. Failure). In F3 (and in all other dynamic, effective organizations) we don’t just accept failure as part of our development process, we court it. Failure is a critical part of the learning process.

The PAX found a mini-football on the field at Burleson and entertained themselves by throwing it back and forth across the 50 foot wide Circle of Pain while waiting for the lagging Q to announce the next exercise and get his timer started. Several PAX impressed the crowd with their throwing accuracy and tight spirals. The breaks between exercises and the fact that we stayed in a group almost the whole workout meant there was an enormous amount of Mummblechatter this morning – unfortunately YHC can’t remember jack sh*t, so it will remain unreported. You just had to be there.

Huge turnout for Coffeeteria at Bubba’s, despite the nearly freezing temps.

1. Q Source study launch
2. Splash’s fastest F3-er workout on January 20th – includes a clothing donation drive. Look for info on Band.
3. 4 x 4 x 24 CSAUP on February 5 – 6th – See Special Sauce’s post on Band (Notices section) and start preparing!
4. Texas Independence Day 18K CSAUP on March 6th – Mark your calendars!
5. Grow Ruck Alamo – April 9th – 11th – Mark your calendars and start learning what Grow Ruck is all about –

Sandbagging It

December 17, 2020

PAX: Oatmeal, Ina, Alright Alright, Special Sauce
QIC: PowPow

AO: La Madeline / Katy Trail

SSH x 15 DC IC // IST x 10 DC IC

PAX 1 picks up 120 lb GORUCK sandbag and starts mosey to tennis courts behind CVS. Remaining PAX jailbreak to tennis courts and back to PAX 1. First PAX to reach PAX 1 picks up sandbag and continues mosey to tennis courts.  Remaining PAX repeat jailbreak to tennis courts and back to PAX with sandbag. Repeato until sandbag has arrived at tennis court.

Let’s get warmed up with gassers and BLIMPS (no sandbag):

Gasser across the five courts to the other side – Burpees x 5

Gasser two lengths (other side and back) – Lunges x 10

Gasser three lengths – ISTs x 15

Gasser four lengths – Merkins x 20

Gasser five lengths – Plank Jacks x 25

Gasser six lengths – Squats x 30


Sandbag work

PAX 1 pick up sandbag and mosey across courts and back. When PAX 1 returns to start, he drops the sandbag for the next PAX down the line to pick up.

When not carrying the sandbag PAX cycle through rounds of BLIMPS: run across courts and back – Burpees x 5 – run again – Lunges x 5. Repeato through to squats and then start again on Burpees.

Reverse the sandbag carry / jailbreak to return to La Madeline.

Flutters x 20 IC // Alabama Prom Dates x 20 IC

YHC thanked the PAX for the inspiration they provide by living true to F3’s mission and purpose and exhorted the PAX to keep thinking about the impact they are having at home, with their friends and in their community.

Alright Alright was not happy to see the sandbag laying on the sidewalk when he got out of his truck, and to be fair the sandbag is approximately 80% of Alright Alright’s body weight so he’s at a disadvantage for sure.  YHC promised there would be a lot of running despite the inclusion of a sandbag, and with 3.5 miles YHC believes he made good on the promise.

We discovered that at 0530 the smell of bagels coming from Shug’s is very prominent on the tennis courts. YMMV as to whether it’s pleasant or just makes you feel weirdly hungry during the beatdown.

After the beatdown Special Sauce showed us the form we *should* have been using to Clean and Press the sandbag to get it in position on our shoulders.  YHC takes responsibility for that error, as the Q YHC should have demonstrated the form at the beginning.

1. Food drive – get your donations to PowPow this week! See the notice on Band
2. Holiday gathering at Glencoe on Sunday 12/20 at 1pm. Wear F3 gear, bring a gift for the gift exchange

Veterans Day – Chad 1000X

November 11th, 2020

PAX: Oatmeal, Big Tex, Stingray, Draper, F150
QIC: PowPow

AO: The Harbor

SSHx15 // ISTx15

Short mosey with rucks to pavilion

Step Ups x 25 IC – Remove ruck – mosey to handball court

Dirty Hookup (aka London Bridge)x10 IC // Chicken Peckersx8 IC – mosey back to pavilion and put on ruck

Steps Ups x 30 IC – Remove ruck – mosey SE to path near volleyball court

Merkins x 10 IC // OH Claps x 10 DC IC // Carolina Dry Dock x 10 OYO – back to pavilion

Steps Ups x 30 IC – Remove ruck – mosey to wheelchair path on west edge of park

Underdog on handrail x 15 DC IC – back to pavilion

Steps Ups x 30 IC – Remove ruck – mosey east to grass on far side of pool

LBCs x 20 DC IC // Crab Cakes x 20 IC – back to pavilion

Steps Ups x 40 IC – Remove ruck – mosey to handball court

Mtn Climbers (w/ feet on wall) x 10 DC IC – back to pavilion

Steps Ups x 45 IC – Remove ruck – mosey SE to path near volleyball court

Merkins x 10 IC // OH Claps x 10 DC IC // Carolina Dry Dock x 10 OYO – back to pavilion

Fluttersx15 DC IC // Freddie Mercuryx15 DC IC // Rosalita x 15 DC IC

Before the workout, YHC spoke about the purpose behind the PAX performing, as a team, the Chad 1000X WOD. Chad Wilkinson was a US Navy Seal who served his country for 21 years and who took his own life in 2018 due to the effects of traumatic brain injuries, blast wave injuries and PTSD; all suffered due to his numerous combat deployments. His friend and fellow Navy Seal, Dave Castro, created this Hero WOD to honor Chad upon hearing that he trained to climb Mt. Aconcaqua with this workout: For time – 1000 x 20″ box step ups w/ 45 pound ruck.

Veterans Day is a day to honor our veterans and thank them for their service.  GORUCK partnered with the Navy Seal Foundation to promote the Chad 1000X for Veterans Day to  honor Chad’s life and legacy and to raise funds and awareness for suicide prevention. We contributed to this mission in a small way through our participation today. For more information visit:

YHC prayed us out with the Peace Prayer (or Prayer of St. Francis).

Each PAX completed 200 step ups during the workout, for a team total of 1,200. Getting to 1,000 individually would be quite a beatdown and very CSAUP-y, we should definitely try it sometime! Oatmeal demonstrated excellent leadership by example by picking up litter around the park during our moseys.

Not much mumblechatter, Draper joked that the Chicken Peckers (look it up in the Exicon) should only be done with Fluoride around….pretty good advice actually.

1. Turkey Trot coming up on 11/21

The Weatherman – 10/16/20

PAX: Icebox, Stingray, Swiper, Isaiah, AlrightAlright
QIC: PowPow

AO: The Harbor

SSHx15 // ISTx10 // Windmillx10 // Seal Jacksx10

Mosey to handball court – loop around court: side shuffle to the right along sideline, duck walk endline, side shuffle to left along other sideline, duck walk endline. Repeato.

Mosey to handrail – Australian pull-ups (inverted rows) x6 DC

Jacobs ladder on hill between lower parking lot and splash pad: Start with 10 Merkins at the bottom – run up hill – 1 Gorilla Squat – run down hill – 9 Merkins. Etc. Totals: 55 Merkins and Gorilla Squats

Partner up at playground: P1 perform 5 pull-ups and 10 Carolina Dry Docks while P2 does AMRAP of an ab exercise. Then flapjack and repeato until both  partners complete 5 sets of pull-ups & CDDs.  YHC called the ab exercises – Freddie Mercury then Sweat Angels then LBCs

Mosey a 1.2 mile loop from the NW corner of the park north past the stadium to the NW corner of the high school property then east on Lake Highlands Trail, then south on Royal Highlands Dr and west on Church Rd.  Stopping for four Circles of Pain: (1) OH Clapsx15  (2) Squats x15(3) Mtn Climbersx15 and (4) Crab Cakesx15

Finish with a Circle Burp at the Shovel Flag – 3 rounds

YHC asked each PAX to share something they are grateful for. Themes were family, the PAX of F3 Dallas and the nice weather.

Stingray rolled up looking rather sleepy at 5:28am. Mummblechatter included discussions of appropriate attire for the cooler temps, did Isaiah wear pants because PowPow’s preblast said it would be in the 40s? Also, height/long limbs being a disadvantage in F3 workouts. AlrightAlright’s claim that from an economics point of view the marginal cost of voting is greater than the marginal benefit and YHC offering up why voters in the DFW Metroplex have some of the highest “voter power” in the country (there are many very close/competitive Texas state house races in DFW and these races may determine which party controls the Texas legislature).

Thanks for the support today men, I had a blast leading this morning.

—- GO VOTE!!! ——

1. Need a location for the Blood Drive
2. Siesta’s Paella Fiesta on November 7th




Katy Trail:Bridge to Glencoe

PAX: Alright Alright, B Cup ,Chairman Mao, Gold Digger, Teasip
QIC: PowPow

AO: La Madeline (launch point)
Date: 7/20/20

ISTs and SSHs

Mosey to the North end of Mockingbird Bridge, which is station #1.  Station #2 is the South end of the bridge. Station #3 is the Northwest corner of Glencoe Park and Station #4 is the Southeast corner of Glencoe.

Station #1 = 5 Burpees / Station #2 = 5 Burpees & 10 Merkins / Station #3 = 5 Burpees & 10 Merkins & 20 Lunges / Station #4 = 5 Burpees & 10 Merkins & 20 Lunges & 40 Situps

The workout was to do the exercises above at the station and then run at typical Katy Trail interval pace to the next station, then do those exercises….repeato etc.

Station order: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 3 / 1 / 4

On the second station 4 we only ran to station 3 (due to time), but did the full station 4 exercises then interval pace/all you got back to station 2 and then from there mosey back to La Madeline with time for 5 more burpees.

Totals: 40 Burpees, 50 Merkins, 80 Lunges, 80 WWI situps and somewhere between 2.7 and 3 miles

Done at station 4

YHC exhorted us out

This was a fun one.  Due to the delinquency of this backblast YHC doesn’t recall much of the mummblechatter. The escalating nature of the exercises was cribbed from a Rump Roast workout a few day earlier. 


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

PAX: Alright Alright, Draper, Plus One, Teasip, B Cup, Oatmeal, F150, Slushii, Sex Panther, Rump Roast, Shifty McCoy, Special Sauce
QIC: PowPow

AO: Glencoe



Merkins x 5 (DC, IC) // ISTs x 10 (DC, IC) // SSHs x 15 (DC, IC) // Squats x 15 (DC, IC) // Irkins x 10 (DC, IC) // OH Claps x 10 (DC, IC) // Nolan Ryan x 10 (DC, IC) each side

Partner up. Partner 1 does single leg deadlifts with coupon and rear leg elevated on bench (we’ll call these SLDs until we get a better name) while Partner 2 does curls with coupon

RD1: SLD x 5 each leg (no coupon for first round to work on form) & Curls x 10. Run across football field to opposite sideline (@50%), run back (@80%)

RD2: SLD x 5 each leg & Curls x 15. Run across field, run back.  Pick up coupons and lunge walk across field carrying coupon ~1 minute, lunge walk back.

RD3: Repeato RD2

Coupon bent over rows x 10 (DC, IC) then mosey to tennis courts to paint the lines

Single leg glute bridge w/opposite arm coupon press & hold (Definitely need a name for this one) x 5 each leg

LBCs x 20 (DC, IC) // Uptown crunch x 10 (DC, IC) each side // Crab cakes x 15 (DC, IC) // Flutters with block press & hold x 15 (DC, IC) // Rosalita with block press & hold x 10 (DC, IC)

Repeat single leg glute bridge x 5 each leg

Squats x 10 (DC, IC)

During Name-O-Rama Alright Alright went around the circle handing out F3 Dallas business cards to every PAX. YHC explained that we started the workout by spelling out “MISSION” and then recited F3’s mission out loud for the PAX. The business cards are about EHing other men and EHing is essential to the MISSION. F3 is unique because of the five core principles, we’ve got something that ALL men need, but most men don’t have in their lives. YHC prayed us out by reciting the five core principles and exhorting each PAX to go out and #GiveItAway.

Slushii, Bleep and Pepper gave the HC but were nowhere to be found at 0530 . Yeah, I am calling you out in the backblast, sorry!  While Sex Panther, crafty as he is, dropped the lowest risk HC ever – he HCed on Band 20 minutes before the workout started, presumably while driving to the AO.

Slushii actually showed up! He was just 15 minutes late. We were not hard to find and glad you made it out brother, better late than never! Rump Roast offered up a moderate amount of his “signature feedback”, no F-bombs that I recall, maybe a “PowPow you suck” or two. YHC’s first attempt to demonstrate form on the SLDs was a fail, completely rounded back.  Alright Alright helpfully corrected Draper’s form by shouting at the Q, “Draper’s doing it like a Claymaker, is that right?” Man, lunge-walking with a coupon is tough! There will be more of that in YHCs future Qs.

Great to see Sex Panther back in the gloom after a few weeks off in California. Alright Alright wore a weight vest with 8 lbs, getting ready for GrowRuck (Tclaps!), and this momentarily took him into full beast mode – he rage-smashed his coupon on the ground after the 2nd round of lunge walks.  Fortunately, YHC brought a spare and so Alright Alright did not go miss anything during Mary.

1. Happy Hour on 7/24/20 in PowPow’s front yard. Starts at 1730
2. GrowRuck Alamo in San Antonio on September 19 – Sign up now!
3. F3 Nation 10 year anniversary – January 2021 in Cape Fear, North Carolina. Sign ups are open now with discounted pricing!


Four corners of GO BLIMPS

PAX: AlrightAlright, Draper, Oatmeal, Pepper, Sally, Sex Panther, Siesta and Amelia (FNG Brad Trosclair)
QIC: PowPow

AO: Burleson Park

SSHx15, ISTx10


Three PAX (Draper, Oatmeal and AlrightAlright) volunteered in advance to help lead the workout. We divided into 4 teams, the team captains were these three PAX and YHC. Each team was named after one of the five core principles of F3. 

Mosey to quad by Dallas Hall. Each team occupied a “base” at one of the four points of the diamond-shaped set of pathways that surround the fountain of the quad – (1) at the time capsule in front of Dallas Hall; (2) end of path that runs SW from base 1; (3) end of path that runs SE from base 2 (ie south end of quad over towards the flagpole); (4) end of path that runs northeast from base 3.

Every 5 minutes minutes each team runs a lap around the bases (approx. 400m) and then when back to their home base performs AMRAP of an exercise. At the 5 minute mark, run another lap and move to the next exercise on the list.

Exercises: Groiners, OH Claps, Burpees, Lunges, ISTs, HR Merkins, Plank Jacks, Squats  (GOBLIMPS)

At 0745 the squats were completed and the four teams met for some PAX-choise Mary at the fountain.

Mosey to the benches in front of the Airline garage. On benches: Derkinsx20, Dipsx20, Irkinsx20, Step Upsx20 each leg

Also some mary back at Burleson. Best as I can remember we did LBCs, Heels to Heaven, Freddie Mercury and Crab Cakes,

Amelia was given his name because he is a pilot.  Underrated joke that he dropped when AlrightAlright asked where he went to college “Just a small trade school in Maryland.” (Meaning the Naval Academy).  As a result he was almost named “Cadet”.

Thanks to all the HIMs who posted for the workout, conditions were unpleasant but YHC had a blast leading the group today.

The team captains recorded the total reps performed by their team in each round (much easier said then done given the light rain coming down). “Open to all men” (Oatmeal and Siesta) came in first place, followed by team “Held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold” (AlrightAlright and Sally). After that I believe third place was “Always Free” (Amelia, Pepper and YHC) followed by “Peer Led” (Draper and Sex Panther).  Tclaps to Oatmeal and Siesta!


Fitness Test Circuit – 4/6/2020

PAX: Oatmeal, Rump Roast, Alright Alright, Sally, Draper, Shifty McCoy, F150
QIC: PowPow

AO: Virtual via the UBJN (Garages, backyards etc)

SSH x 15, ISTx15

Fitness Test Circuit – All exercises OYO

  • Burpees x 20
  • Calf Raises x 30
  • Ski Abs x 20 (each time across is a rep)
  • Merkins x 20
  • Squats x 20
  • LBCs x 40
  • Carolina Dry Dock x 20
  • American Hammer x 20 (count = 1,1,2,2)
  • Nipplers x 20
  • Jump Squats x 20
  • Mountain Climbers x 20 (count = 1,1,2,2)

After completing the above circuit, PAX partnered up to tackle the circuit Dora-style.  The partner doing the “running” completes 10 single count side-straddle hops, then partners flapjack. The Dora circuit was:

Burpees > Calf Raises > Ski Abs > Merkins > Squats & LBCs. Same rep count as above.

Then switch back to OYO  Circuit where Dora Circuit left off:

Carolina Dry Dock > American Hammer > Nipplers > Burpees > Calf Raises > Ski Abs > Merkins > Squats > LBCs > Carolina Dry Dock > American Hammer > Nipplers. Same rep count, Nipplers cut short for time.

Done throughout workout

YHC shared what it has meant to him to be part of F3 DFW for the past year. Thank you to the PAX for everything they do to support each other and the community, accelerate F3 DFW and give it away. Thank you to Oatmeal for the EH.

It was YHC’s one-year anniversary with F3 and VVQ (Virgin Virtual Q). Since YHC’s first post was the Q2 2019 Fitness Test, we paid homage with a fitness test circuit. Not sure why I decided to only go to Mountain Climbers when planning the workout.

Shifty took an extended bathroom break during the workout, leaving Rump Roast to do most of the Dora workout without a partner. Dora is tough over video call, it would have worked better if the partner doing the exercise just has to complete a pre-determined number of reps while the “running” partner performs AMRAP of an exercise that lets them keep eyes on the screen (SSH, IST, OH Claps). That way the exercising partner can complete the assigned reps and just start doing SSH and the other partner will see this and know when to switch.  No verbal communication needed.

1. Alright Alright is Q’ing a workout for Fort Worth on Wednesday. Draper has the regular Q that day and will likely converge with Fort Worth.
2. Don’t forget Special Sauce’s daily challenge from Saturday – reach out to someone! Do it today and then reach out to someone else tomorrow!