Rump’s cussin’…must be doing something right

PAX: Draper, Sex Panther, Sweet Baby, Shooting Star (FNG – Welcome!), Rump Roast, Coach K, Chairman Mao, Sally, Island Time
QIC: PowPow

AO: Burleson Park

Immediate mosey to the quad, where YHC used the warm up to lay out the bases of the “Diamond” for a 7 of Diamonds workout.

Home:  SSH x 15 – High knees & butt kicks to 1st

First:  IST x 10 – Carioca L & R to 2nd

Second:  Windmills x 10 – Sprint 80% to 3rd

Third:  Dancing bears x 10 – Sprint 90% to Home

Four rounds of 7 of diamonds, as follows:

First round: Partner carry the basepaths, stopping for 7xBurpees at each base and at home  (Total : 28 Burpees)

Second round: As a group, Carioca the basepaths, stopping for COP of 14xSki Abs IC at each base and home (Total: 56 Ski Abs where twice across counts as 1)

Third round: OYO – Lunge the basepaths, stopping for 21xMerkins at each base and at home (Total: 84 Merkins)

Fourth round: As a group, run the basepaths backwards, stopping for COP of 28xLBCs IC (Single count) at each base and home (Total: 102 LBCs)

Done as fourth round

YHC shared his gratitude for the men who came to get better today and help and inspire YHC to keep improving daily. Asked the group to keep our brothers who are traveling in their thoughts.

Rump Roast expressed his displeasure with YHC during the warmup! (and at various points throughout) There was a fair bit of running required to get through the warmup and Rump had just done the EC ruck, so perhaps understandable, but YHC took it as quite the compliment nonetheless.

After completing the first round, Coach K offered to partner carry both Sex Panther and Sweet Baby simultaneously…and he may have been serious.

During the second round, YHC proposed that Special Sauce’s modified Carioca (Carioca with a high knee by the trailing leg) should be called the Texas Two-Step…Sally and Draper seemed to like it, hoping that catches on.

The quad was set up for some kind of festival with trash cans and traffic barriers everywhere and a big string of christmas/outdoor patio lights. Fortunately, our “basepaths” were not blocked and all the extra stuff made it a little more interesting to workout in the quad today. Seems like the campus is coming back to life after the typical quiet summer.

YHC intended this as training for the quarterly fitness test, with 8 rounds planned and all exercises taken from the test (Burpees, Ski Abs, Merkins, Calf Raises, LBCs, Carolina Dry Dock, Deep Squats, and Russian Hammers)…although we only got through 4 rounds today.  The bases were pretty spread out, which was good for cardio but challenging for time….YHC will Q this one again at some point and will set it up with shorter basepaths.

Shooting Star (Tclaps to Chairman for the EH) got the name because he was wearing socks with cartoon comets on them….apparently this is the mascot of UT Dallas, his alma mater.

1. Lake Highlands launch coming soon
2. CSAUP in 10 weeks from yesterday – Sally and Sweet Baby are leading the charge on Extra Credit rucks so look for announcements on Twitter and Band


Three’s Company

PAX: Draper, Sally
QIC: PowPow

AO: Burleson

SSH x 15 IC

IST x 15 IC

Cotton Pickers x 13 IC

Mosey to Dallas Hall


Dora 123: Partner 1 runs up and down stairs in front of Dallas Hall four times while Partner 2 performs the exercises:

100 Merkins / 200 LBCs / 300 Squats

7 of Diamonds: PAX perform 7/14/21/28 reps of an exercise at each corner of a diamond, laid out on the quad in front of Dallas Hall. Movement from corner to corner was a mix of moseying, partner carry, bear crawl, carioca and backwards run.


7 – Burpees

14 – Ski Abs

21 – (Skipped for time)

28 – Calf raises

Mosey back to soft top at Burleson

Burpees x 15 OYO

Freddie Mercury x 10 IC

Uptown Crunch x 10 IC each side

Sweat Angels x 10 IC

Dr W’s x 5 IC

Flutter Kicks x 10 IC

LBCs x 20 IC

YHC thanked Sally and Draper for joining me this morning and for their commitment to accelerating themselves and others. The DRP (Daily Red Pill – daily commitment to accelerate the 3 Fs) is impossible to sustain unless one teams with other men.

Today was YHC’s 43rd post since starting F3, and lately YHC has been an enthusiastic listener of the 43 Feet podcast from F3 Nation – so the workout included a total count of 43 in the Warm-O-Rama and 43 burpees.

With a group of just three men working out mumblechatter was more like 2nd F…when we could breathe enough to say anything. An older couple walking through the quad laughed at us and gave us thumbs-up as we partner carried/bear crawled past them, we must have looked pretty weird.

YHC was a bit preoccupied with the plan for the workout, due to it being my 2nd ever Q for a bootcamp workout, so a lot of mummblechatter was about that. This one will be coming back again, for sure.

1. We need a Q for #DoubleTime on Monday
2. Fort Worth launch on Satur …. wait no, you missed it.

No running, no fun??

PAX: Rump Roast, Sex Panther
QIC: Oatmeal

AO: Burleson Park

SSH x 15 IC
IST x 15 IC
Windmills x 10 IC

Mosey to soft top
3x sets of the following:
Squat ups x5 (Squat pull ups)
Hip slapper merkins x5
Step ups x5

Five rounds of the following starting reps x1, 2, 3, 4, 5, flapjack exercises (burpees first on rd 2) reps x2, 4, 6, 8, 10.  Flapjack exercises each round increase reps x3, x4, x5 to finish!
-Crab cakes
-Iron crosses

Dr W’s x10
AL Prom Dates x24
Homer/Marge x12
Sweat Angels x12

To finish for a twist, YHC changed playlist and put on Thunderstruck by AC/DC where at each “thunder” PAX performed a Bobby Hurley to bring down the thunder.  Seal jacks were YHC’s choice to keep the heart rate up in between the rumbles.
YHC then changed music genres to round out the workout to “My Humps” by the Black-Eyed Peas and had the PAX perform a monkey humper at each mention of hump.  Fortunately for PAX the pain lasted less than 90 seconds, but YHC intends to add this to the set list in the future. 

YHC prayed us out.

When YHC asserted there would be no running in this workout, the PAX expressed doubt.  @RumpRoast even said his workouts have some amount of running in them.  The lack of running intrigued/scared the PAX, especially coming from YHC.  The three rounds of exercises that opened the workout was a changeup that helped warm up the PAX for the CLIMB.  YHC introduced squat ups and hipslapper merkins, the latter of which should not be completed using the swings unless you play at Expert level!  YHC suggests the hipslapper merkins become a regular in the rotation. 

Any mumble chatter during the CLIMB was slowly replaced by midwife groans and expressions of love for the iron crosses.  This turned out to be much more taxing than YHC had thought during his planning of the workout.  Par for the course!  Next time however, there will be a CLIMB down to go along with the CLIMB up (a good idea for a Saturday workout). 

Finishing with Thunderstruck and My Humps completely worked the PAX over, but it was the seal jacks over the BH’s that got the most complaints.  PAX didn’t get in enough monkey humpers to start howling with enjoyment.


    Q Source on Friday @ Preston Center
  • Marathon Team #2 has open spots. Sign up now. Cost $83.  Let’s get a third team started soon!
  • FTW workout this Saturday. Clown car leaves at 6:00a from Burleson Park and will return around 10:00a.

Burleson Omaha

PAX: Ina, Pow Pow, Oatmeal, Chairman Mao, Pepper, Sex Panther, Special Sauce, Rump Roast, Icebox, Teasip, Sally, Capsize, Isaiah, Coach K
QIC: Plus One

AO: Burleson Park
F3 DISCLAIMER & WELCOME: YHC provided the disclaimer and welcomed the PAX to the beat down.


SSH x 20 IC

IST x 15 IC

Windmills x 10 IC

Mosey to parking lot


Bear Crawl to Light Post & Run back

Merkins x 50

LBC x 100

Squats x 150

Lunge to Light Post & Run Back

Freddie Mercury x 100

Low Flutters x 200

Low Dolly x 300

Mosey to playground

Son of  Bench

Dips x 12 IC

Irkins x 12 IC

LBC x 12 IC

Dips x 8 IC

Irkins x 8 IC

LBC x 8 IC

Dips x 4 IC

Derkins x 4 IC

LBC x 4 IC

Mosey to field

Ahoy Sailor

Burpee Dan across field (8 forward lunges to 1 burpee)

Dan Burpee across field (8 backwards lunges to 1 burpee)

Mosey to tennis court

Merkin ring of fire (total of 75 merkins or 5 per PAX)

Burpee abroad jump across courts

Duck Walk back across

Carolina Dry Docks x 12 IC

Lunge across tennis courts

Dora Quacks Like a Duck

Duck Walk across the courts and Walk Duck back

Merkins x 100

mosey to playground

Freddie Mercury x 12 IC

Lance Armstrong (or slightly modified) x 12 IC (both sides)

Homer to Marge

YHC prayed the PAX out.

The PAX were obviously disappointed that Le Tour was to be postponed, but hopefully the Omaha served as a good beat down for a Saturday.

I just like running

PAX: Alright Alright, Pony Express, Splash, Icebox, Goldie, Rump Roast, Ina, Draper, Grapefruit (FNG – welcome!), Scrubs (FNG – welcome!), Ant Man, Hotty Toddy, Sally, Coach K, Tater Tot
QIC: Teasip

AO: Burleson


SSH x 20

IST x 20

Burpees x12 OYO

Mosey to the Quad for a modification on Special Sauce’s Thursday workout a few weeks back. Everyone completes one lap around flag pole, and then you are paired up with your opposite finisher (1st with 16th, 2nd with 15th, etc.)

You and your partner start on opposite sidewalks and run around a lap around the flag pole. When you pass each other, do an exercise and then continue running until you catch each other the second time, and return to the start line. Did this five times, with the following exercises on the lap and in between laps

1st lap: Partner Derkins (Partner 1 planks while Partner 2 does 10 Derkins with feet on partner 1’s back. Flapjack when Partner 2 finishes Derkins). 

2nd lap: High five squats x12.

3rd lap: OH Claps x20. 20 Flutter Kicks between laps.

4th lap: Monkey Humpers x12. 12 Uptown Crunch between laps.

Final lap: 10 Burpees.

Next up was DORA with the same partners. 100 Merkins, 200 Squats and 300 Freddie Mercurys. Partner 1 does exercise while Partner 2 ran a lap around the fountain.

Mosey to the tennis court for Vaccuum cleaners to the first three lines on the courts. Then Penguin crunch x12 to finish

Done intermittently during the beatdown 

YHC discussed the recent emphasis on Shield Lock, Accountability, Correction and not being able to walk this life alone. The workout was mainly with a partner and the hope was that motivated each PAX to push themselves and be there for each other. We need to continue to be there for each other to encourage, correct and love each other.

A few PAX figured a cardio beatdown was coming, and boy were they right. T claps to Alright Alright, Coach K, Icebox and Rump Roast for doing a mini-CSAUP by double dipping with Sauce’s early morning beat down. Not a whole lot of mumble chatter with the PAX sucking wind for most the workout.  A few PAX were rather upset with the amount of running and the constant running, while others appreciated the running. Goldie showed his cheetah speed the last lap of the first part when he incorrectly assumed that was the end of the workout, which led to him moving a little slower during the partner DORA and regretting that life decision. Kotters to Hotty Toddy for being back in quite some time. Overall a solid beatdown and good time was had. Coffeteria led to Pony Express again reinforcing the belief that F3 Dallas has the best Coffeteria spot with Bubba’s, much to Sally’s dismay. There was a name change as we switch Grapefruit from Whammy and debated being meaner to Scrubs, but decided not everyone needs to have a mean name. 

1. July 4th workout and due to high cost of the 5k, we will do our own event/possibly seek out an alternative event

Ina’s Playground

PAX: Sally, Rump Roast, Icebox, Draper, Sweet Baby, AlrightAlright, Coach K, PowPow
QIC: Ina

AO: Burleson Park : Saturday, June 22, 2019


SSH x 15 IC

IST x 15 IC

Jump Lunge x 10 IC

Windmill x 10 IC

Run big loop around park

Ab Party #1 

Flutter kicks/Plank on elbows/Rugby sit ups/x-ups – Each exercise was timed for 1 minute, followed by 25 seconds rest (on stopwatch).

Round 1 – All Pax asked to partner up

Partner 1                                                     Partner 2

Long jump down/back                          Cherry picker and press with  10 lb wts.

(3 rounds)                                                    (3 rounds)

Run small loop

*Med ball Russian twist/toss              *Med ball Russian twist/toss

(15 reps)                                                          (15 reps)

Run small loop

Frisbee walrus down/back                  Jump rope

(3 rounds)                                                     (3 rounds)

Run small loop     

*Merkin – 5 yds                                         *Merkin – 5 yds

(10/8/6/4/2)= 30 total                            (10/8/6/4/2)= 30 total

Run small loop

Pull ups x 5                                                 Dips x 10

(3 rounds)                                                   (3 rounds)

Run small loop

*Partners do same exercise

After all were completed, PAX ran another big loop around park.

Ab Party #2

6 inch hold/J Lo/LBC – Each exercise was timed for 1 minute, followed by 25 seconds rest (on stopwatch).

Round 2 – Due to time, each group was asked to try and complete one station with the run

Partner 1                                                      Partner 2

Sprint down/Burpee back                   Shoulder press with 5 lb wts.

(3 rounds)                                                     (3 rounds)

Run small loop

*Med ball sit up/toss                              *Med ball sit up/toss

(15 reps)                                                        (15 reps)

Run small loop

Frisbee inch worm down/back          Jump rope(R leg down/L leg back)

(3 rounds)                                                    (3 rounds)

Run small loop     

*Merkin – 10 yds                                      *Merkin – 10 yds

*(9/7/5)= 21 total                                       (9/7/5)= 21 total

Run small loop

Bench jump x 5 (continuous)              Al Gore

(3 rounds)                                                     (3 rounds)

Run small loop

*Partners do same exercise


Ab Party #1 – #2

YHC prayed us out

Even in the warm, humid temperature, PAX were upbeat and ready for the challenge.  The goal was to keep everyone moving with core, cardio, multiple exercises, and no down time.  Worked with partners to push and encourage each other.  We all got through round 1 and both Ab parties, and one station of round 2.  The frisbee walrus was (again) a crowd favorite, proving to be more difficult with 3 rounds and slightly uphill.  Coach K and I discussed some possible modifications to get through more of round 2 next time.  Tclaps to AlrightAlright for posting for half the workout even though he had a commitment at 0845.  Tclaps to Icebox for providing tunes requested by YHC when he arrived (he was prepared)!  

1. Sweet Baby is working on F3 Dallas shirts
2. Several races coming up – see Band

Rocked Around the Clock

PAX: Coach K, Special Sauce, Draper, Ant Man, Rump Roast, Sally
QIC: Oatmeal

AO: Burleson Park
F3 DISCLAIMER & WELCOME: Given after a reminder from Coach K

SSH x 10 IC

IST x 10 IC

Windmills x 5 IC

Making use of the 12 spokes (sidewalks) out from the fountain in front of Dallas Hall, YHC had PAX perform the following rotating around each spoke like clockwork. 

  1. 10 Pamela Andersons (burpee nippler)
  2. 20 Squats
  3. 30 V Ups
  4. 40 Merkins
  5. 50 Rugby Situps
  6. 60 Gorilla Squats
  7. 70 Mountain Climbers (x2)
  8. 80 Lunges (x1)
  9. 90 OH Presses
  10. 100 Plank Jacks
  11. 110 OH Claps
  12. 120 LBC’s

Following each set of exercises, PAX ran the length of spoke, perform a burpee (adding a burpee at each spoke for a total of 78 burpees if the circuit was completed) and running back to fountain (hub).  An exception was made following gorilla squats and OH presses, where YHC had PAX bear crawl length of the spoke and back since the spokes were relatively short.

PAX results:

  • Coach K completed 3pm (15 full stations)
  • Special Sauce & Draper – 12p (12 full stations)
  • YHC – 11am (11 full stations)
  • Sally, Rump Roast & Ant Man – 9am

YHC prayed us out

YHC started workout straightaway with a mosey to the fountain in front of Dallas Hall.  There was a bit of grumbling with the lack of warm up before the mosey and Ant Man joined us fashionably late.  Warm up warm up commenced at the fountain when YHC realized I had left my phone and speaker back at the park, which delayed the start of the workout, which in retrospect was most certainly appreciated by the PAX.  Once the workout began, there was a bit of mumble chatter; mostly choice adjectives describing YHC and the workout, not to mention the choice playlist I assembled (the number of songs with “clock” or “time” in them are not as plentiful as “Christmas” or “f@&k”). Mumble chatter died away quickly as the effects of the workout took effect.  Even YHC’s state-of-the-art speaker was no match for the fountain.

This workout thoroughly beat down the PAX and there were a few comments about this being added as a benchmark workout although YHC isn’t sure any of the PAX would welcome another iteration of the Clock.