PAX: Sally, Rump Roast, Icebox, Draper, Sweet Baby, AlrightAlright, Coach K, PowPow
QIC: Ina
AO: Burleson Park : Saturday, June 22, 2019
SSH x 15 IC
IST x 15 IC
Jump Lunge x 10 IC
Windmill x 10 IC
Run big loop around park
Ab Party #1
Flutter kicks/Plank on elbows/Rugby sit ups/x-ups – Each exercise was timed for 1 minute, followed by 25 seconds rest (on stopwatch).
Round 1 – All Pax asked to partner up
Partner 1 Partner 2
Long jump down/back Cherry picker and press with 10 lb wts.
(3 rounds) (3 rounds)
Run small loop
*Med ball Russian twist/toss *Med ball Russian twist/toss
(15 reps) (15 reps)
Run small loop
Frisbee walrus down/back Jump rope
(3 rounds) (3 rounds)
Run small loop
*Merkin – 5 yds *Merkin – 5 yds
(10/8/6/4/2)= 30 total (10/8/6/4/2)= 30 total
Run small loop
Pull ups x 5 Dips x 10
(3 rounds) (3 rounds)
Run small loop
*Partners do same exercise
After all were completed, PAX ran another big loop around park.
Ab Party #2
6 inch hold/J Lo/LBC – Each exercise was timed for 1 minute, followed by 25 seconds rest (on stopwatch).
Round 2 – Due to time, each group was asked to try and complete one station with the run
Partner 1 Partner 2
Sprint down/Burpee back Shoulder press with 5 lb wts.
(3 rounds) (3 rounds)
Run small loop
*Med ball sit up/toss *Med ball sit up/toss
(15 reps) (15 reps)
Run small loop
Frisbee inch worm down/back Jump rope(R leg down/L leg back)
(3 rounds) (3 rounds)
Run small loop
*Merkin – 10 yds *Merkin – 10 yds
*(9/7/5)= 21 total (9/7/5)= 21 total
Run small loop
Bench jump x 5 (continuous) Al Gore
(3 rounds) (3 rounds)
Run small loop
*Partners do same exercise
Ab Party #1 – #2
YHC prayed us out
Even in the warm, humid temperature, PAX were upbeat and ready for the challenge. The goal was to keep everyone moving with core, cardio, multiple exercises, and no down time. Worked with partners to push and encourage each other. We all got through round 1 and both Ab parties, and one station of round 2. The frisbee walrus was (again) a crowd favorite, proving to be more difficult with 3 rounds and slightly uphill. Coach K and I discussed some possible modifications to get through more of round 2 next time. Tclaps to AlrightAlright for posting for half the workout even though he had a commitment at 0845. Tclaps to Icebox for providing tunes requested by YHC when he arrived (he was prepared)!
1. Sweet Baby is working on F3 Dallas shirts
2. Several races coming up – see Band