Harbur 5/21

PAX: Draper, F-150, Jobu, Oompa Loompa, Slippy, Stingray
QIC: Sally

AO: The Harbur

SSH x 10

Lots of pearls-O-A-S

Run down Church, stop at.. that church

Chase Dora
P1 start lunging toward the end of the parking lot and back
P2 50 “jump ropes”; run to your partner when done and switch
Modify to P1 bear crawl 2/3 the way through

Keep running down Church to the bottom of the hill
Some flutter kicks I think

Dora #2
P1 run halfway down the street and back
P2 100 merkins, 150 squats, 200 SSH’s

I believe some mountain climbers and plank jacks

More PoaS back to the tennis courts by the track w rugby situps

Suicide long to short, all 4 courts 
got about halfway done, did some Wilt Chamberlains
Headed back to the AO start

Called upon Slippy and Draper to count a couple exercises, they chose V-ups and big-boy sit ups respectively


fun day today. lots of running. we discussed prime numbers, making up workouts as you go, and probably went about 45 seconds overtime. Topped it off by laughing that the picture is probably one of the only ones recently where PAX are all smiling.

Alcohol tonight at Slushii’s, carry the load, yoga (Jobu demonstrated a nice tree pose), and flags for fallen vets

The New Rump Heads North – McKinney

Date – 5/15/2021
Weather – 65° and beautiful  day to be alive

Count-off & Name-O-Rama:
PAX –  Eruzione, Walmart, Yogger, Maverick, Ultra, Agnes, DFib, Jobu, Shify McCoy, and Draper
QIC –  Rump Roast
AO – Bonnie Wenk Park | McKinney, TX
Disclaimer – Given 
Intro/ Warm-o-Rama:
Dynamic Warm-Up
20x Pop-Up Groiners OYO – (Omaha – Someone, @Walmart was one minute late. 15x burpees for him & AMRAP Merkins for the PAX)
Mosey to Workout Pavilion area 
20x T-Merkins (hold plank till all-in)
10x J-Lo’s IC, DC (Just for @Slushii)
Recover/Mosey thru the woods to the Y 
20x IST IC, DC
Pretty sure I did one more exercise but can’t remember!
Mosey to the Park swings
The Thang:
Break up in semi even groups (3 groups this morning)
5x Swerkins w/ the knee to chest
5x Pull Ups
5x Hand Release Merkins
Run up the stairs, across
Run up the stairs, across the bridge for 
5x Squats
5x DC Lunges
Five rounds of that.
Mosey to the field for Catch Me If You Can BLIMPS!!!
Partner up with someone you don’t know
Partner #1 Bear Crawls while partner #2 does 5x Burpees
When done with exercise run to “catch” the other partner
Then partner #1 has to compete, while partner 2 BC’s forward. 
Repeating until both partners have completed all
Going up by 5 on each new 
B – Burpees x5
L – LBC’s x10 
I – IST’s x15 DC
M – Merkins x20
P – Plank Jacks x 25SC
S – Squats x30
Wind Sprint across that ginormous field, touch the fence and back. This is where the HC’s got their prize. With a page out of the @Slippy book, I let them cut the sprint in half. But in Rump style had them burpee until we were done!
Had a little time left so did a “3 Corners” 
20x Squat Jumps OYO
Mosey across the field
20X Monkey Humpers (Thanks @DFib)
Mosey that length of the field
Ring of Fire  Merkins
Mosey back for Descending Mary
12x LBC’s IC, DC
11x Big Boy Sit Ups IC, DC
10x Penguine Crunched IC, DC…
Circle of Trust (CoT):
YHC prayed us out


A lot of comradery this morning. I was sucking wind all morning so I believe it was a good day. great coffee after

Carry the Load at Reverchon Park (I believe 30 May into 31 May Sunday to Monday)


Glencoe Mudbowl

PAX: Pow Pow, Classified, Teasip, Draper, Gambler, Gutenberg
QIC: Jobu

AO: Glencoe

Side Straddle Hops x15

IST’s x 15

Arm Circle’s Forward and Backward x 15 each

Indian Run around park

A.L.A.R.M Workout

Workout 1:

bear crawl/crawl bear 25 yds each

squats w/coupon x 20

mountain climbers on coupon x 20

row w/coupon x 20

Merkin w/coupon x 20


Workout 2:

Curls w/coupon x20

lunge w/coupon x10 each leg

scissor kick w/coupon x 20

Run 200 yds

Man Makers x 10

Workout 3:

Shoulder press w/coupon x 20

Broad jumps w/coupon 30 yds

Australian snow angels x20

Ranger Merkins x 20

Marionettes x 5


Partner up and run with coupon between pax 100 yds switch arms and run 100 yds.

LBC’s x20 (DC)

Penguin’s x 20 (DC)

Freddy Mercury’s x15 (DC)

Plank Holds (Middle, Left arm, Right arm, Middle)

YHC prayed us out

YHC showed up 15 min early to checkout field conditions and they were just as bad as expected! Nice and muddy. Classified and Teasip were already EC rucking before YHC arrived. During warm ups PAX ran the Indian Run. Many PAX pointed out that it was the fastest Indian Run in F3 Dallas history. First exercise were Bear Crawls and Crawl Bears in the mud. Draper had a hard time controlling his Crawl Bear. He kept veering off diagonally instead of straight back. YHC found a cheat code with Muddy Crawl Bears. Keep your feet on the ground and slide backward while pushing with your hands. Many PAX loved/hated the Australian Snow Angels as well as the Broad Jumps w/coupons. All the PAX enjoyed the ALARM (Arms, Legs, Abs, “R” exercise, “M” exercise) template. YHC forgot to take a picture.

1. RIP Band app
2. Carry the Load

Beginning of the 2022 Mother’s Day Bod

PAX: Avril, Draper, Gold Digger, Maverick, Meatball, Silent Bob
QIC: Teasip/Icebox

AO: FPH #doubletime #mrm
F3 DISCLAIMER & WELCOME: Given with COIVD Disclaimer

Chatter about Cane’s (see NMM for more detail)

DT’ers ran two loops with 20 upright rows with coupons in between laps

Ruckers rucked up and down the big hill, with descending T Merkins at top and descending reverse crunches at bottom. Started at 20 and got to 17

Several of the PAX got concerned when YHC started pulling out his coupons, but YHC explained it was just for between laps for the DTers. There was discussion about Avril’s Mother’s Day gift idea to Slippy and how he was a big fan and went “once a month.” As he was challenged by Draper about how good it is, Avril explained he really only goes for the sauce, as the chicken is simply the medium through which the sauce is delivered to his taste buds. 

YHC wasn’t sure of mumblechatter on the run, as Meatball, YHC, and Draper all ran separately with Avril and Gold Digger running and chatting together.

Icebox was sure to mention that the hills with the exercises led to him and Silent Bob “hoofing it pretty good”, but this was “a better beatdown than Rump’s bear crawl vision quest” 

1. F3 McKinney Launch
2. Memorial Day Carry the Load

Dual QOTY for Retail Therapy

Hey Dirtbag hold my beer real quick…

Special Sauce Trash Panda Stingray Stingray Meatball Slushii Rump Roast Draper sound machine DFib Jobu Sex Panther Bleep Phelps (Tim) Noah “Don’t Call me Baby Shark” Phelps, Shifty McCoy, and Sally joined AlrightAlright and YHC for the first ever Dual QOTY beatdown

SSH, ISTs, Veggie Pickers

The Thang (alternating Q’s with every other song)
AlrightAlright took us up to rock out with our Camp Gladiator friends to flex our muscles and intimidate them with our EDM beats

Then I ran us to one of the parking decks and stopped us on an incline for some Mary to work on the lower core

AlrightAlright made us do some spider man push ups and and mountain climbers…Draper and other PAX showed some genuine concern about “just” holding a plank for a bit and were disappointed that planking was the exercise we were doing

OG Icebox Alert!
Listening to Baby Shark, SSH with burpees every time they said “Shark” (basically two minutes of burpees)

AlrightAlright ran us up to the top of the parking deck and had us doing bear crawl suicides

Because YHC is a sadist we followed that up with a few minutes of Arms by Mrs Icebox

AlrightAlright wasn’t done bear crawling so we had to bear crawl down a flight of stairs and followed that up with some irkins

YHC then went for a mosey to a different parking deck and was disappointed in the lack of hustle by the PAX so started to burpee, even more confusion by the PAX as I’ve never instituted the burpee rule during a Q which led to 21 burpees once the 6 was in (would’ve been 40 if AlrightAlright had been doing the burpees)

AlrightAlright took a page of of the DJ Icebox instruction manual and had us mosey to a big stairwell for Mony Mony dips (listening to Billy Idol’s Mony Mony, hold a back plank and do a dip every time they say “Mony”)…Jobu asked how many that was and I promised I’d do a real OG workout where I count out the number of reps for each song

AlrightAlright then took us back where we started to roll around and do merkins on ant hills (clearly his tolerance for ant bites is greater than his disdain for doing core exercises on concrete)

Someone must have said something because AlrightAlright used some words my playlist wasn’t allowed to use and made us run around Starbucks, taunting us with what we could be doing instead of working out

YHC then rocked out with 4 more minutes of Mary on the ant hills since we were already contaminated


Draper is kicking us off of Band 6/1 so Teasip doesnt have to repost my backblasts on the website

2.0 workout 5-8, bring the kiddos out and give the M’s a break on Mother’s Day weekend!

Carry the Load

F3 Golf

Growruck Infinity

PT Test on Katy Trail – 5/6/21

PAX: Draper, Gambler, Gutenberg, Aaarrrggghhh, Trash Panda, Phelps

AO: Katy Trail

SSH x 10 IC// IST x 10 IC – Mosey to stairs at corner of Mockingbird and Bush for:

Aussie Merkins x 10 IC – Mosey to Katy Trail

PT Test: 2 minute AMRAP Merkins, 2 min AMRAP Sit-Ups, 2 mile run for time

The Standard: 42 Merkins // 52 Sit-Ups // 18:18 for 2 miles


  • Draper: 72 // 51 // 15:20 – FAIL
  • Gambler: 57 // 55 // 14:20 (estimated) – PASS
  • Gutenberg: 30 // 38 // 16:34 – FAIL
  • Aaarrrggghhh: 67 // 51 // 15:38 – FAIL
  • Trash Panda: 48 // 51 // 16:24 – FAIL
  • PowPow: 44 // 55 // 14:37m – PASS
  • Phelps: Did not test (see Moleskin)

1/4 mile interval then 12 x Flutter Kicks IC // 1/4 mile interval – 15 x Plank Jacks IC

Mosey back to La Madeline – LBCs until time (5 reps)

Total distance: 3.5 miles

During workout

YHC thanked the PAX for posting this morning and explained how it gives me energy and enthusiasm and hopefully I reflect that back to the PAX throughout the beatdown. Encouraged the men to think about their Jester today (The Daily Discipline over the Temptation of the Flesh that Hinders Acceleration) with the intention that will lead to acceleration across all 3 Fs, especially leadership within our families.

YHC always likes to take the opportunity to get some “pulling” work in (Aussie Merkins), the imbalance we all have in our strength and stamina for “pushing” exercises (Merkins and OH Press) compared to “pulling” exercises (Pullups and Rows) is significant.

We found Phelps on the Katy Trail about  3/4 mile into our 2 mile timed run. Turns out he showed up early, but thought he was late (left his phone at home) and took off for the trail before any of the rest of us arrived.

The PT test standard was taken from the PT test that was applied to the men at GTE22 (GrowRuck Training Event 22) this past weekend in Myrtle Beach. Many of the ~100 men in Myrtle Beach failed the test. This morning, four of six PAX failed the PT test, but for Draper, Aaarrrggghhh and Trash Panda it was only due to missing the sit-up standard by a single rep. They can definitely meet the standard. Gutenberg needs to get better at Merkins, just like YHC did when he started F3, this will 100% happen all he needs is consistency. Every one of the PAX this morning completed the 2 mile run with plenty of time to spare – good thing given that this is a running AO.

1. F3 Dads and 2.0s workout this Saturday (5/8/21) at 0900
2. McKinney launch continues 5/8 and 5/15 – EH your guys north of 635!
3. Carry The Load on 5/30 and 5/31 – Sign up and raise some $ for a great cause


Willie Mays Hayes Spring Training Workout


PAX: Draper, Slippy, Special Sauce, Gold Digger, AlrightAlright, Bleep, Swoop, F150, Trash Panda, Big Tex, Oatmeal, Stingray, Phelps, Slushii, Classified, Sweet Baby, Dr. Seuss, Gusher,   Jay (FNG), Supercuts
QIC: Jobu

AO: The Harbor


Mosey to track

15 Side straddle hops

15 Imperial storm troopers


Everyone: Jog curves sprint straight away one lap.

After each lap perform 1 exercise:

15 Burpees

15 Air Squats

15 Merkins

15 Plank Jacks 

(1 Mile total)

Mosey to tennis court:

Team  Relay groups of 2: 

Partner 1 Crawl Bear full court

Partner 2 Broad jump full court

Partner 1 Crab walk full court

Partner 2 Bear crawl full court

Partners 1 and 2 switch exercises and go back ( Complete 2 relays)

Mosey to Parking Lot 



15 LBC’s

15 Freddie Mercuries

15 Plank Jacks

20 Penguins

20 Flutter kicks


YHC prayed us out and asked for strength and endurance for the rest of the week.

Grumbling began immediately when YHC called for a mosey to the track. The only explanation can be is that Slippy’s track workouts of late have given the track a bad reputation. Anyways, every lap around the track was in memory of every donut that Bleep consumed during the Krispy Kreme Challenge. After 1 mile Phelps was ready to call it a day but YHC had other plans. After 2 impressively fast relays PAX moseyed back to the parking lot where YHC tortured everyone with a drawn out MARY until 0615.


1. Growruck
2. Memorial Day event

Doomsday Clock 2021

PAX: Ultra, Nicky Roth, Rump Roast, Jobu, Big Tex, Whoops, Sound Machine, Sally, Agnes, Nate Hartman (FNG/Boggle), Isaiah, Pow Pow, Siesta, Bleep, Ina, Dirtbag, Draper, Avril, Special Sauce, Ant Man, Classified
QIC: Oatmeal

AO: Burleson Park


IST x15 IC

SSH x 20 IC

Windmill x 10 IC

1 penalty burpee for Ant Man’s tardiness


Mosey to Quad for the Doomsday Clock for approximately 40 minutes:

Making use of the 12 spokes (sidewalks) out from the fountain, YHC had PAX perform the following rotating around each spoke like clockwork. 

  1. 10 Pam Andersons (burpee nippler)
  2. 20 Squats
  3. 30 V Ups
  4. 40 Merkins
  5. 50 Rugby Situps
  6. 60 Gorilla Squats
  7. 70 Mountain Climbers (x2)
  8. 80 Lunges (x1)
  9. 90 OH Presses
  10. 100 Plank Jacks
  11. 110 OH Claps
  12. 120 LBC’s

Following each set of exercises, PAX ran the length of spoke, performed burpees x station number (total of 78 burpees) and ran back to fountain (hub) to start next station.  An exception was made following gorilla squats and OH presses, where PAX bear crawled the length of the spoke and back.  

YHC prayed us out.  YHC challenged the PAX to seek the input of each of their M’s about F3.  There has been a theme lately from several of us whose M’s have not held F3 in the highest regard for various reasons, which means that we and much more, I, have failed to properly bring back the tenets of the life-changing organization back to my home.  I challenged the PAX to bring back the feedback and vowed to create more 2F events that include the M’s and 2.0’s as we begin to emerge from Covid prison.  


YHC had the thought to roll this oldie out after not having completed it in over a year.  Many new PAX that had not felt the burn of the Doomsday Clock so why not!  PAX were spread around the circle and YHC heard several conversations (this tells me there is much more effort to be put forth if one can carry on a park walk chat).  YHC received several complaints and groans, but only one emphatic “FU” from Rump so I will assume that he is getting stronger and the workout isn’t a cake walk since it seemed to gas most everybody else.  TClaps to Classified and Special Sauce.  Classified kept a weight vest on the entire time.  This workout sucks without added weight.  Sauce brought a speaker and playlist with minimal notice.


  • GrowRuck Alamo 4/9-4/11
  • Carry the Load Memorial Day ruck – details will be forthcoming
  • F3 Golf…

Avril VQ Groundhog Day

#Backblast Glencoe 03/09/2021

PAX: Alright Alright, Sex Panther, DFib, F150, Shifty McCoy, Rump Roast, Ultra, Gambler, Bleep, Oatmeal, Teasip, Draper, Agnes, Jobu, Slushii, Plus One, Classified, Stingray, PowPow, and Special Sauce 
QIC: Avril

AO: Glencoe

13x SSH IC

13x Daisy Pickers

13x Hillbillies



Indian Run around Glencoe

Groundhog Day:

Deadlifts x10

Overhead Press x10

Upright Rows x10

American Hammers x10

Squats x10

Short loop through Glencoe

Rinse Repeat

Finishing Touches:

Rifle Carry width of football field with 10 burpees then Rifle Carry back

Little touches of abs:

Commandos x13

Burpees x10

Flutter Kicks x20

Penguin Crunches x13

LBC x5


YHC thought about what should be touched on and that was upper body, back, and cardio.

MOLESKIN: YHC wanted to thank all the PAX that showed up for YHC first Q. Was exciting and focused on a mixture of cardio, upper body, and back. Ready for the next one!


  • Grow Ruck San Antonio 4/8 and 4/9

Big Tex VQ

PAX: Classified, Teasip, Icebox, Alright Alright, Slushii, Armpit, Stingray, Oatmeal, Draper, F150, Swiper, Meatball
QIC: Big Tex

AO: The Harbor

15 SSH, 10 ISP, 10 Vegetable Pickers

Mosey to the Pavilion

10 bench dips, 10 step ups, 10 Freddie Mecuries

Mosey to high school tennis court

7 of Diamonds: 7 burpees each corner, 14 double count flutter kicks ec, 21 merkins ec, 28 squats ec, 21 SSH ec, 14 LBC ec, 7 Bonnie Blairs ec

Mosey back to the Harbor parking lot

Penguin crunches, Outlaws, American Hammers, Mountain Climbers, Rosalitas

YHC thanked everybody for coming and prayed us out.

I’m sure there was plenty, but between not trying to screw up and trying to survive Slushii’s poisonous output, I don’t recall.

1. 4X4X24 starting Friday, Patriot Run, Texas Independence 18K, Grow Ruck, F3 Golf