Beginning of the 2022 Mother’s Day Bod

PAX: Avril, Draper, Gold Digger, Maverick, Meatball, Silent Bob
QIC: Teasip/Icebox

AO: FPH #doubletime #mrm
F3 DISCLAIMER & WELCOME: Given with COIVD Disclaimer

Chatter about Cane’s (see NMM for more detail)

DT’ers ran two loops with 20 upright rows with coupons in between laps

Ruckers rucked up and down the big hill, with descending T Merkins at top and descending reverse crunches at bottom. Started at 20 and got to 17

Several of the PAX got concerned when YHC started pulling out his coupons, but YHC explained it was just for between laps for the DTers. There was discussion about Avril’s Mother’s Day gift idea to Slippy and how he was a big fan and went “once a month.” As he was challenged by Draper about how good it is, Avril explained he really only goes for the sauce, as the chicken is simply the medium through which the sauce is delivered to his taste buds. 

YHC wasn’t sure of mumblechatter on the run, as Meatball, YHC, and Draper all ran separately with Avril and Gold Digger running and chatting together.

Icebox was sure to mention that the hills with the exercises led to him and Silent Bob “hoofing it pretty good”, but this was “a better beatdown than Rump’s bear crawl vision quest” 

1. F3 McKinney Launch
2. Memorial Day Carry the Load