COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA: F150, Draper, Aaarrrggghhh, Slushii, AlrightAlright, Plus One, Oatmeal, PowPow, Rump Roast, Bleep, Chairman Mao, Icebox, Ultra, Isaiah, Sound Machine, Jazzercise, Sex Panther, Froggy, B Cup
QIC: Classified
AO: Glencoe Park
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Given, made regretful ant bite disclaimer, karma below
Imperial Storm Troopers x 15 IC
Short coupon mosey to the field for the CLIMB
Crab Walk short side of the field and run back
Curls with coupon x 20
Lunge Walk short side of the field and run back
LBCs with coupon x 20
Inchworm short side of the field and run back
Iso Squat with coupon x 10
Merkin Walk short side of the field and run back (Ant bite Karma and merkin agony shortened merkin walk to half way)
Man Maker x 10
Bear Crawl short side of the field and run back
Bonny Blair x 20
Coupon mosey to the pavilion
MARY: (Q fatigue sets in)
Mountain Climbers x 20 OYO
Penguins x 20 OYO (YHC tries Penguin 6-inches)
WWI Sit-Ups x 20 IC
J Lo × 0
YHC prayed us out, thankful for another double digit turn out and asked for strength and fellowship in the coming months.
Very appreciative to everyone that came out this morning. Workout was supposed to be on the tennis court with motivators in between, but we improvised. Lots of grumble during the inchworm. Ant bite karma on the Merkin Walk. General disgust from pack leaders Aaarrrggghhh and AlrightAlright when YHC called the Merkin Walk when the rest of the PAX was halfway. Rump Roast claimed 7Fs on the scale. YHC was not informed of the beer/claw requirement this morning, which may have been why most of y’all showed up… but beers will be served tomorrow at the harbor!
Siesta VQ Saturday 8/22 at 7am, followed by 2.0 workout at 9am
F3 Golf October 10 (TX/ou Weekend). Ultra and Mulligan from FTW are Co-Q
Growruck postponed to April 9-10
F3 10 year January 15-17
“The Coach K'”
Date: 08/132020
Temp: 82°
Weather: Clear morning sky, but humid and hot AF!
Count-off & Name-O-Rama:
PAX: Jazzercise, Slushii, Bleep, Froggy, Classified, & Splash
QIC: Rump Roast
AO: Burleson Park
Disclaimer: Given
Intro/ Warm-o-Rama:
Mosey to the Track
No music this morning
When YHC starts the warm-up with a mosey it raises eyebrows… When I took a left at the stop sign there was immediate feeling of seriousness. Then Slushii tried to break it up by asking me if I was lost?!?! I just continued to mosey to the track. Oatmeal & I had texted the evening before about meeting at the gate we “usually” go in from Burleson. We talked about the “Boulevard” being the backup location. We got in at the opposite end by the stadium and without the KTT gang started with “The Coach K” which started with Coach texting me this workout and saying “I thought about you the whole time, Rump”… I felt compelled to share the beatdown and a little bit of Coach K whom we all miss so much. I heard plenty of grumbling and I may have dropped a few F-Bombs myself! Overall it was a great beatdown. We made 4x laps around the track plus the run there and back. While not a KTT, I thought it was pretty respectable.
No Brooks, some Biceps
PAX: Aaarrrggghhh, Alright Alright, Bleep, Classified, Double Pane, Draper, Froggy, Plus One, Rump Roast, Shifty McCoy, Slushii, Sound Machine, Special Sauce
QIC: Teasip
AO: Glencoe Park #glencoefasho #makeglencoefunagain
F3 DISCLAIMER & WELCOME: Given, including COIVD disclaimer
SSH x20, IST x15, Windmill x10
Mosey to the Playground for a quick circuit:
Group 1 does 5 pull ups, then relieves Group 2 (doing Squats AMRAP) who relieves Group 3 (doing LBCs AMRAP) who relieves Group 4 (doing Step Ups AMRAP) who goes to do 5 pull ups. Complete 4 rounds.
Mosey to the football field for some football suicides with coupons. The markers were each of the three lights on the far side and the far goal line.
Suicide 1: Going from short to long with increasing Bicep Curls (3,6,9,12)
Suicide 2: Going from long to short with decreasing Man Makers (12,9,6,3)
Bear Crawl to the first pole and Crawl Bear back. 12 OH Press when back
Suicide 3: Going from short to long with increasing Squats (3,6,9,12)
Done a little during the circuit at the beginning
YHC prayed us out
With Brooks not showing up on Sunday, YHC decided to go heavy on the running. YHC was originally going to do the Suicide Special, but decided to modify it with coupons and football field. Special Sauce and a few others were curious if we were going to repeat the Bill Murray Caddyshak/Groundhog Day workout, but quickly found that was not the case. Rump was none to pleased and let YHC know it early and often. Overall a solid turnout and YHC was happy to have so many post in the Gloom.
1. Ultra is rucking to raise money for Doctors Without Borders in their support of Beirut this Wednesday starting at 1800 and going to midnight. Come join him for all or some of it and donate.
2. 2.0 workout to take place next Saturday, August 22 at 0900 after Siesta’s VQ.
Caddyshack – The Bill Murry
Date: 08/07/2020
Temp: 83°
Weather: Clear skies and humid AF!
Count-off & Name-O-Rama:
PAX: Plus One, Sting Ray, Ultra, Sex Panther, Froggy, Shifty McCoy, Bleep, Sound Machine, Agnes, Slushii, Special Sauce, Double Pain, Alright Alright, Teasip
QIC: Rump Roast
AO: Burleson Park
Disclaimer: Given
Intro/ Warm-o-Rama by Shifty McCoy:
Side Plank Hold for 60sec each side(IC)
Good Mornings x9 (IC)
Split Squats x9 (each leg, IC)
NC Groiners x18
Rump Challenge – Lap around the Park or Burpees till pax make the lap (Everyone ran)
Circle of Trust (CoT):
Alright Alright prayed us out
No music this morning
OK, so maybe it was more “Ground Hog Day” than “Caddyshack” but, again, my knowledge of golf is limited at best! It seemed like a good idea last night. I think everyone heard that the warm-up exercises this morning were suggested golf exercises – The internet never lies… Right?
I noticed Bleep didn’t have a whole lot to say this morning. I believe @Ultra called me an A$$hole the first round across, @Special Sauce told me he was thinking about faking having to take a dump for the first time ever at an F3 workout, @Double Pain told me that he’d forgotten what round he was on reinforcing the “Ground Hog Day” movie comparison. It was a pretty epic beatdown.
#acceleration #isi #giveitaway
Grow Ruck – sign up soon
@Ultra trucking white Rock Lake for 6hrs next Wednesday – dets to follow
2.0 workout coming up soon stay tuned to Band – Ok, I forgot the dates!!
HH Officially moved to next week Friday, 14 Aug – Not sure if Q has been finalized
Bringing Back the WOD – Second Choice Thursday BEATDOWN!!!
Date: 07/23/2020
Temp: 78 °
Count-off & Name-O-Rama:
PAX: Aaarrrggghhh, Classified, Agnes, Froggy, Bleep, Slushii, and Shifty McCoy
QIC: Rump Roast
AO: Burleson Park
Disclaimer: Given
Intro/ Warm-o-Rama by Shifty McCoy:
SSH x 14 (IC)
IST x 12 (IC)
Cotton Pickers x 12 (IC)
Rump’s Choice – Run the park or Burpee
- 10 Burpees
- 10 Burpees
- 25 Push-Ups
- 10 Burpees
- 25 Push-Ups
- 50 Lunges
- 10 Burpees
- 25 Push-Ups
- 50 Lunges
- 100 Sit-Ups
- Mosey 3 blocks back to start
- 4th round mosey another block up Durham St.
- 10 Burpees
- 25 Push-Ups
- 50 Lunges
- 100 Sit-Ups
- 150 Air Squats
- Complete 5th round and mosey 4 blocks back to the start/finish!
Circle of Trust (CoT):
YHC prayed us out – Zach Tellier paid the ultimate price – 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, N.C.; died Sept. 29 at Firebase Wilderness, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when insurgents attacked his unit using small-arms fire. Hero’s like him paid so I can make the free choice to be out here in the middle of COVID getting better with my brothers. I feel like somehow these workouts honor men like him and make sure they’re not forgotten.
No music this morning
There was some mumble chatter thru the warm-o-rama and thru the mosey to the start. Bleep commented real shortly in that that it had dropped substantially! By the second round the PAX were asking what they had done to deserve this!?!?! We only got to the 4th round but didn’t make it to the 4th block to stack on the 150 LBC’s and moseyed back to the launch. I took a moment to talk about Zach Tellier and what this WOD means to me. HIM’s like Zach Tellier paid the ultimate price so guys like us can be out here in the gloom giving it away. #acceleration #taketheredpill #giveitaway
HH tomorrow at Pow-Pows // GoRuck in September see Band for both
BLACK JACK!!! — Bitch’issss (in my best Chris Tucker voice)
Date: 5/28/2020
Temp: 69
Weather: A little overcast and a slight breeze, helluva a morning for a beat down!
Count-off & Name-O-Rama:
PAX: Bleep, Icebox, Slushii, Froggy
QIC: Rump Roast
AO: Germany Park
Disclaimer: Given
Intro/ Warm-o-Rama:
– SSH’s x20 IC
– IST’s x20 IC
– Hill Billies x20 IC
– Squats x20 IC
– Naperville Groiners x15 OYO
The Thang:
1x Lap around the track
Bring Sally Up
Start chest on the ground, when the song says “bring Sally up” come to the top Merkin / High Plank then
On “bring Sally down” go to the Merking down position keeping chest OFF the ground
Mosey to the tennis courts – BlackJack!
1x Merkin run across the court 20x LBC’s
Icebox started us with 10x each side Leg, Pulse. Planks???
Slushii called
I took back over and wrapped u with
20x Big Boi’s
20x Penguin Crunches
10x DC Mountain Climbers
Circle of Trust (CoT):
Icebox prayed us out this morning
Rump Roasts F3 Playlist
I showed up this morning with a “field” routine only to see that they were fertilizing the field at 0527 in the morning! Had to call an audible and use the tennis courts, which had a fence dividing the two courts so again, had to modify the run portion of the Blackjack. There was some grumbling during warm-up about “legs” but, we had to get them in at some point because the rest was ALL arms, chest, shoulders! Typical Rump in that I didn’t even mean to destroy our upper body. It just comes naturally!
Noone made it thru “Bring Sally up” without touching the ground. We’ll have to do that one more often. There was some mumble chatter during the first few rounds of BlackJack which were soon replaced with grunts, moans, and a few choice words about merkins! I hope everyone would agree, it was a beat down. Good ole fashion Rump special!
Happy Hour tomorrow at Sex Panthers. We’ll be BYOB and chair to maintain social distancing practices.
Address-5542 Glenwick Ln.
Time-5:30 PM.
Fashionably Late
PAX: Aaarrrggghhh, AlrightAlright, Cookies N Cream (FNG), Froggy (B’ham), Icebox, Oatmeal, Sex Panther, Sweet Baby, Teasip
QIC: Coach K, Ultra
We don’t know because we were both late…
Tha Thang (YHC):
21, 15, 9 of thrusters and burpees (21 reps of both, then 15, and 9)
Jacob’s Ladder with OG Manmakers (burpee, push up, clean, squat, press, two lunges) and burpee jump overs with the block
Tha Thang (Ultra):
Partner 1 runs across field while other PAX does reps
– 50 double count side leg raises (each side)
– 100 double count shoulder presses
Mosey to flag for ring of fire v-ups with chest press (200x)
Rugby SUs and LBCs to round us out
In true co-Q fashion, 0/2 showed up on time as other PAX were instructed to tell the other to start first. Whoops. Not the ideal impression for an FNG, but his name might be cause for bigger concern…Teasip was kind enough to lead the warm-up before the Qs rolled up.
We grabbed the blocks and made it to the field. Pretty sure the thruster/burpee combo is more despised than a traditional YHC Burpee Beatdown, but that’s up for the PAX to decide. We had some side exercises going while the six wrapped up the circuit before moving to what was probably a worse series of exercies. YHC demonstrated a true manmaker (includes two lunges while holding the press). A couple of PAX requested follow up demonstrations, and we’re at the point in F3 where YHC assumes they’re being difficult and not serious. My bad. Time got called and Ultra took the reigns.
Mumblechatter was very scarce this morning, except for the number of times PAX asked Ultra to clarify he said “double-count” every exercise. Could not count the times on two hands. We powered on, but, again, it was a really quiet group this morning. There were a lot of comments about the hip flexors during the side leg raises, which is apparently a muscle none of us at F3 ever use. After the mini-Dora, we moseyed back to the flag for the longest ring of fire in Dallas history. Holding the block over your head and your legs at 6 inches, we went around doing a v-up. “We’re going to 200” was a nice warning that no one thought was serious. But alas…it was.
We wrapped up with the naming ceremony, where our lovely FNG gave us plenty of ammunition when, in describing his life, was bold enough to use the word “Lactation”. This overshadowed any references to his hometown in upstate NY and his two daughters. After circling around breast pumps, lactation, and milk, we finally got to “Cookies n Cream”. Ask him about it…you won’t regret the story.
Thanks for braving the weather this morning.