PAX: Aaarrrggghhh, AlrightAlright, Cookies N Cream (FNG), Froggy (B’ham), Icebox, Oatmeal, Sex Panther, Sweet Baby, Teasip
QIC: Coach K, Ultra
We don’t know because we were both late…
Tha Thang (YHC):
21, 15, 9 of thrusters and burpees (21 reps of both, then 15, and 9)
Jacob’s Ladder with OG Manmakers (burpee, push up, clean, squat, press, two lunges) and burpee jump overs with the block
Tha Thang (Ultra):
Partner 1 runs across field while other PAX does reps
– 50 double count side leg raises (each side)
– 100 double count shoulder presses
Mosey to flag for ring of fire v-ups with chest press (200x)
Rugby SUs and LBCs to round us out
In true co-Q fashion, 0/2 showed up on time as other PAX were instructed to tell the other to start first. Whoops. Not the ideal impression for an FNG, but his name might be cause for bigger concern…Teasip was kind enough to lead the warm-up before the Qs rolled up.
We grabbed the blocks and made it to the field. Pretty sure the thruster/burpee combo is more despised than a traditional YHC Burpee Beatdown, but that’s up for the PAX to decide. We had some side exercises going while the six wrapped up the circuit before moving to what was probably a worse series of exercies. YHC demonstrated a true manmaker (includes two lunges while holding the press). A couple of PAX requested follow up demonstrations, and we’re at the point in F3 where YHC assumes they’re being difficult and not serious. My bad. Time got called and Ultra took the reigns.
Mumblechatter was very scarce this morning, except for the number of times PAX asked Ultra to clarify he said “double-count” every exercise. Could not count the times on two hands. We powered on, but, again, it was a really quiet group this morning. There were a lot of comments about the hip flexors during the side leg raises, which is apparently a muscle none of us at F3 ever use. After the mini-Dora, we moseyed back to the flag for the longest ring of fire in Dallas history. Holding the block over your head and your legs at 6 inches, we went around doing a v-up. “We’re going to 200” was a nice warning that no one thought was serious. But alas…it was.
We wrapped up with the naming ceremony, where our lovely FNG gave us plenty of ammunition when, in describing his life, was bold enough to use the word “Lactation”. This overshadowed any references to his hometown in upstate NY and his two daughters. After circling around breast pumps, lactation, and milk, we finally got to “Cookies n Cream”. Ask him about it…you won’t regret the story.
Thanks for braving the weather this morning.