Date: 08/07/2020
Temp: 83°
Weather: Clear skies and humid AF!
Count-off & Name-O-Rama:
PAX: Plus One, Sting Ray, Ultra, Sex Panther, Froggy, Shifty McCoy, Bleep, Sound Machine, Agnes, Slushii, Special Sauce, Double Pain, Alright Alright, Teasip
QIC: Rump Roast
AO: Burleson Park
Disclaimer: Given
Intro/ Warm-o-Rama by Shifty McCoy:
Side Plank Hold for 60sec each side(IC)
Good Mornings x9 (IC)
Split Squats x9 (each leg, IC)
NC Groiners x18
Rump Challenge – Lap around the Park or Burpees till pax make the lap (Everyone ran)
Circle of Trust (CoT):
Alright Alright prayed us out
No music this morning
OK, so maybe it was more “Ground Hog Day” than “Caddyshack” but, again, my knowledge of golf is limited at best! It seemed like a good idea last night. I think everyone heard that the warm-up exercises this morning were suggested golf exercises – The internet never lies… Right?
I noticed Bleep didn’t have a whole lot to say this morning. I believe @Ultra called me an A$$hole the first round across, @Special Sauce told me he was thinking about faking having to take a dump for the first time ever at an F3 workout, @Double Pain told me that he’d forgotten what round he was on reinforcing the “Ground Hog Day” movie comparison. It was a pretty epic beatdown.
#acceleration #isi #giveitaway
Grow Ruck – sign up soon
@Ultra trucking white Rock Lake for 6hrs next Wednesday – dets to follow
2.0 workout coming up soon stay tuned to Band – Ok, I forgot the dates!!
HH Officially moved to next week Friday, 14 Aug – Not sure if Q has been finalized