SHIELD LOCKS and dissing Spiderman

May 28, 2021

PAX: Classified Slippy AlrightAlright Big Tex Icebox Meatball Siesta Jennay Chase (FNG)
QIC: PowPow

AO: Lindsley Park

See below

Circle of Pain at the Pavilion, Q leads PAX through the exercises below. After each set the PAX run the smaller loop path from the pavilion around the playground and back to the pavilion.  Beginning with the 2nd run (after the Hillbillies) 2 PAX stay at pavilion to perform sandbag deadlifts (120#) – 5 reps then switch alternating while rest of PAX run. Each pair of PAX did the deadlifts twice.

SSH x 20 DC
Hillbillies x 20 DC
ISTs x 20 DC
Eagle wings x 20 IC
Lunges x 20 IC
Derkins x 20 IC

LBCs x 20 DC
One legged Burpee x 20 OYO
Carolina Dry Dock x 20 IC
Knee to elbow x 20 DC
Superman x 20 IC

WWI sit-ups x 10 DC
Jane Fonda’s x 10 / leg
Crab cakes x 20 DC
LBCs x 20 DC
Flutter kicks x 10 DC
Freddie Mercury x 12 DC

YHC’s typical blend of expressing gratitude and a charge to the PAX to go out and get after it and accelerate their relationships. Capped off with an enthusiastic “Kobe!” from Alright Alright

Lots of mummblechatter and high levels of 2nd F (or put another way, lots of Alright Alright talking and the rest of the PAX reacting) given the structure of the workout. Chase, the FNG that Jennay brought, did great, YHC is looking forward to seeing him again. Classified helpfully gave PAX guidance on deadlift form (and carried the sandbag back to YHC’s car after the workout, thanks brother!).

AA mostly gave YHC a pass with the Eagle Wings exercise but lost his mind when YHC called Peter Parkers “Knee to Elbow” in order to suit my spelling needs (spelling SHIELD LOCKS), then YHC dropping Supermans right after the “disrespect” to Spiderman just added to the drama. YHC would have loved to “argue” with AA over these unforgiveable violations of protocol, but was occupied counting cadence. The rest of the PAX really failed to come to YHC’s defense in any meaningful way…YHC will chalk that up a failure of his leadership.

The point of the workout was to acknowledge Shield Lock Week here in Dallas but also to incorporate some heavier lifting. Coupons are good, but at 35 pounds they’re not really gonna build much strength/power when it comes to certain movements (squats and deadlifts for example).  Hence the 120 pound sandbag deadlifts.

Carry the Load- this Sunday 5/30 – Monday 5/31
Memorial Day Flag planting and removal on 6/5 –  leading this
F3 Bingo launching on 6/1
Bro/M/2.0 Yoga – 6/5
F3 Golf – planning is underway

Lindsley Ladder

#backblast #lindsleywarriors #lindsleyladders

PowPow Siesta AlrightAlright Dirtbag Meatball sound machine Dirtbag’s Brother from Another Mother (FNG) joined YHC for the unveiling of Lindsley Ladders

Dirtbag knew it was serious when we walked over to the park together (safety in numbers) when I didn’t have the speaker

After a quick warmup we went to the corner of Lindsley and Tenison Memorial and did a Lindsley Ladder, run up one block for 50 merkins, run back one block for 10 LBC’s, then 40-20, 30-30, 20-40, and 10-50. YHC was accused of doing my best F150 impression and AlrightAlright fell behind Meatball’s Italian merkins and couldn’t recover from the deficits after the first 50 merkins. Might need to do this for time and make it a #benchmark

Then we went back to the corner of Lindsley and Tenison Memorial and did a suicide down Tenison Memorial, running to each house on the street and back, doing squats when we got back starting at 10 and increasing in increments of 10 until 40 where YHC called #omaha and we went to the trail

At the trail we did two full rounds of baton death marches, with PAX needing to do two burpees before running to the front of the line

After that we went with a traditional Native American run back to the Lindsley Park pavilion and finished up with some core

Hope to see Dirtbag’s friend again for what should be a good naming (cough…Stepbrother…cough)

Shield Lock Week – reply to POW’s survey
Carry the Load this coming weekend
Brigs (not taught by a Bro) 6/5, bring the M and 2.0 as Avril will be babysitting
PowPow can give just as lengthy announcement as Oatmeal

PT Test on Katy Trail – 5/6/21

PAX: Draper, Gambler, Gutenberg, Aaarrrggghhh, Trash Panda, Phelps

AO: Katy Trail

SSH x 10 IC// IST x 10 IC – Mosey to stairs at corner of Mockingbird and Bush for:

Aussie Merkins x 10 IC – Mosey to Katy Trail

PT Test: 2 minute AMRAP Merkins, 2 min AMRAP Sit-Ups, 2 mile run for time

The Standard: 42 Merkins // 52 Sit-Ups // 18:18 for 2 miles


  • Draper: 72 // 51 // 15:20 – FAIL
  • Gambler: 57 // 55 // 14:20 (estimated) – PASS
  • Gutenberg: 30 // 38 // 16:34 – FAIL
  • Aaarrrggghhh: 67 // 51 // 15:38 – FAIL
  • Trash Panda: 48 // 51 // 16:24 – FAIL
  • PowPow: 44 // 55 // 14:37m – PASS
  • Phelps: Did not test (see Moleskin)

1/4 mile interval then 12 x Flutter Kicks IC // 1/4 mile interval – 15 x Plank Jacks IC

Mosey back to La Madeline – LBCs until time (5 reps)

Total distance: 3.5 miles

During workout

YHC thanked the PAX for posting this morning and explained how it gives me energy and enthusiasm and hopefully I reflect that back to the PAX throughout the beatdown. Encouraged the men to think about their Jester today (The Daily Discipline over the Temptation of the Flesh that Hinders Acceleration) with the intention that will lead to acceleration across all 3 Fs, especially leadership within our families.

YHC always likes to take the opportunity to get some “pulling” work in (Aussie Merkins), the imbalance we all have in our strength and stamina for “pushing” exercises (Merkins and OH Press) compared to “pulling” exercises (Pullups and Rows) is significant.

We found Phelps on the Katy Trail about  3/4 mile into our 2 mile timed run. Turns out he showed up early, but thought he was late (left his phone at home) and took off for the trail before any of the rest of us arrived.

The PT test standard was taken from the PT test that was applied to the men at GTE22 (GrowRuck Training Event 22) this past weekend in Myrtle Beach. Many of the ~100 men in Myrtle Beach failed the test. This morning, four of six PAX failed the PT test, but for Draper, Aaarrrggghhh and Trash Panda it was only due to missing the sit-up standard by a single rep. They can definitely meet the standard. Gutenberg needs to get better at Merkins, just like YHC did when he started F3, this will 100% happen all he needs is consistency. Every one of the PAX this morning completed the 2 mile run with plenty of time to spare – good thing given that this is a running AO.

1. F3 Dads and 2.0s workout this Saturday (5/8/21) at 0900
2. McKinney launch continues 5/8 and 5/15 – EH your guys north of 635!
3. Carry The Load on 5/30 and 5/31 – Sign up and raise some $ for a great cause


Hahbah 4/30/21

#backblast Hahbah Friday 4/30/21

PAX: AlrightAlright, Bleep, DFib, Jobu, PowPow, Rump Roast, Silent Bob, Slippy, Slushii, Stingray, Trash Panda
QIC: Sally

AO: The Harbor

SSH x 16
IST x 15

Mosey to parking lot behind playground.

Dora w/ P1 running a lap around the parking lot, P2 completing exercises.
50 Parker Peters double-count
100 Bonnie Blairs single-count

Indian run on trail to playground at backside of park.

Lazy Dora w/ P1 completing 12 dips and 12 box jumps, P2 doing Mary.
3 rounds.
Mary for 1st round was flutters, 2nd round reverse crunches, 3rd low Dollies

Mosey to NE corner of park, corner of Fieldcrest and Church.

Partner up, Vacuum Cleaner x 2 (each PAX) across the street and back. Keep that core tight!

Mosey back to tennis courts.

Painting Noah’s Ark – split up into 4 groups, each group completes 4 animal crawl paint the lines in a rotating fashion. Like 4 corners but with paint the lines.
Bear Crawl, Crab Walk, Duck Walk, and Frog Hop

Some 8-count bodybuilders, mountain climbers, & other interspersed.



Good time today. Thanks to all the PAX for showing out and welcoming YHC back to Q’ing.

H/t to Jobu for bringing the Chicken Alfredo, all PAX carb-loaded up 5 minutes before kickoff. This gave many of the PAX incredible energy and strength. Supermen out there. And only one chunder.. YHC will let you guess who.

Trash Panda was unfortunately a couple minutes late, incurring 20 penalty burpees. Meanwhile, the rest of the PAX did flutter kicks. This brought loads of mumblechatter.

Rump Roast brought an upbeat positive attitude today, even thanking the Q for pushing his limits instead of cursing him. A shocking change of heart.. will it last?!

Silent Bob was happy to “see the other side of the park.” Not necessary to get a good workout to leave the immediate AO, but definitely can be a good change of pace :).

Rain mostly held off. Prayed to get better and use our gifts for good.

Everyone stayed after for some 2nd F. The glue, baby!

Happy Friday.

1. AA’s bday party this weekend
2. McKinney Launch
3. Carry the Load Memorial Day

Deck of Death at Lindsley


PAX: AlrightAlright, Classified, Dirtbag, Icebox, Meatball, PowPow, Siesta, FNG – Colton

QIC: Big Tex

AO: Lindsley


15 SSH

15 IST

10 Veggie Pickers

Tha Thang:

Run a lap around park

Deck of Death: Hearts = American Hammers (DC), Diamonds = Burpees, Clubs = Merkin, Spades = Squats. Start with a deck of cards, flip a card over and do that number of the corresponding exercise. Jack = 11, Queen = 12, King = 13, Ace = 14. Proceed until we are through all 52 cards.

12 Alternating Shoulder Taps IC

Run a lap around park

12 Alternating Shoulder Taps IC

12 Step-ups on bench DC

12 Carolina Crawdads oyo




Flutter Kicks


Penguin Crunches


YHC Prayed us out.


I planned a pavilion centered workout, which made it mumble chatter friendly, helping us get to know FNG-Colton. Alright Alright said something about too many burpees and not enough running. Icebox thanked me for the “dry” work out, which I wasn’t sure how to interpret, so I took it as a compliment. Some comments from the PAX in general about the integrity of the deck of cards.

Safari and Penalty Burpees

PAX: Alright Alright, Big Tex, Chairman Mao, Dfib, FNG – El Chapo, Jobu, Nicky Roth, Oatmeal, Poppy, Pow Pow, Rump Roast, Sally, Sex Panther, Sound Machine, Siesta, Slippy, Sweet Baby, Tik Tok, Trash Panda, Ultra, Whoops
QIC: Teasip

AO: Burleson
F3 DISCLAIMER & WELCOME: Given, with added disclosure for COVID

SSH x 20, IST x15, Hillbilly x12, warmup lap around the park

Red Barchetta across the field

1 penalty burpee for Sally being 1 min late and then 8 penalty burpees for Tik Tok being 8 mins late (more to come on the penalty burpees) 

Safari: Form two lines, then do the below exercises two rounds each

Native American Duck Walk, everyone in line hold an Al Gore
Native American Bear Crawl, everyone in line hold a plank
Native American Crawl Bear, everyone in line hold a plank
Native American Crab Walk, everyone in line hold a Wilt Chamberlain

Everyone sprint like a roadrunner to the sidewalk, then Native American Run around the park to the playground

Mosey to the tennis court, where half the group did a suicide while the rest did burpees. Flapjack. 

Next 10 Dry Docks, and at this point, the ECers joined us. They were 52 minutes late, so everyone did 52 burpees, then ended with 10 squats

We never did do the rugby sit ups

YHC prayed us out

YHC decided to take the PAX on a little safari this AM. YHC had thought about a big planned beatdown, but alas, was slammed with work this week, so that will have to wait. The Red Barchetta starter was a crowd pleaser and generated a few “FUs” from Rump. There were some issues with defining which fence and which trash can for a few of the sprints, so YHC knows why this exercise is normally done on a football field.

The NA Duck Walk led to some discussion about the best human duck call in F3, where the consensus was Ultra would have it, with Sex Panther second. Sound Machine had a rather surprising good duck call, which he claimed is partially due to his first car having hooves.

In the middle of the NA Crab Walks, YHC turned to Alright Alright and asked if the ECers joined the beatdown, should YHC make the PAX do penalty burpees for them being 35 min late. Alright Alright said we should, which YHC kept in his back packet.

A lot of mumble chatter during the Safari, which led YHC to think that maybe the Safari wasn’t a sufficient beatdown, so YHC decided to ramp up the cardio with the NA run and suicide at the tennis court. We decided to split into two groups for the suicides and YHC took Alright Alright’s suggestion of the group doing burpees while they waited, which YHC happily obliged (insert more “FUs” from Rump Roast). 

YHC was going to just do a few exercises and some Mary, but the ECers joined right after the suicides, so YHC had to be consistent and fair and thus 52 penalty burpees were required for the ECers showing up 52 min late. This led to quite a bit of grumbling and a few cries of foul from the ECers saying we were late to the EC workout. However, YHC would like to point out that YHC did not join the EC group or workout at all, so YHC didn’t attend the EC workout. The ECers joined the workout that started at 0700, and thus the penalty burpees were instituted. 

FNG naming occurred. Potential other names were Wild Thing, Dorn (Jobu brought him, so another Major League theme), or maybe Loggins (he has a great head of hair). But El Chapo, mentioned he is a rock climber the rock climbing led to discussions about El Captain where free climbing occurs, and that led to El Chapo. 

Shoutout to the perfect weekers (Big Tex, F150, Slippy, and Sex Panther) and pour one out for Bleep and Special Sauce. Bleep is usually absent on Saturdays, so that’s understandable. Special Sauce was unable to return from beyond the wall in time, as he journeyed to the great North yesterday. Though he’ll probably be happy that he missed all the penalty burpees after requesting no burpees. 

1. F3 Grow Ruck in two weekends (April 9-11). Houston has scholarships available!
2. Carry the Load on Memorial Day, May 31
3. F3 Golf

Doomsday Clock 2021

PAX: Ultra, Nicky Roth, Rump Roast, Jobu, Big Tex, Whoops, Sound Machine, Sally, Agnes, Nate Hartman (FNG/Boggle), Isaiah, Pow Pow, Siesta, Bleep, Ina, Dirtbag, Draper, Avril, Special Sauce, Ant Man, Classified
QIC: Oatmeal

AO: Burleson Park


IST x15 IC

SSH x 20 IC

Windmill x 10 IC

1 penalty burpee for Ant Man’s tardiness


Mosey to Quad for the Doomsday Clock for approximately 40 minutes:

Making use of the 12 spokes (sidewalks) out from the fountain, YHC had PAX perform the following rotating around each spoke like clockwork. 

  1. 10 Pam Andersons (burpee nippler)
  2. 20 Squats
  3. 30 V Ups
  4. 40 Merkins
  5. 50 Rugby Situps
  6. 60 Gorilla Squats
  7. 70 Mountain Climbers (x2)
  8. 80 Lunges (x1)
  9. 90 OH Presses
  10. 100 Plank Jacks
  11. 110 OH Claps
  12. 120 LBC’s

Following each set of exercises, PAX ran the length of spoke, performed burpees x station number (total of 78 burpees) and ran back to fountain (hub) to start next station.  An exception was made following gorilla squats and OH presses, where PAX bear crawled the length of the spoke and back.  

YHC prayed us out.  YHC challenged the PAX to seek the input of each of their M’s about F3.  There has been a theme lately from several of us whose M’s have not held F3 in the highest regard for various reasons, which means that we and much more, I, have failed to properly bring back the tenets of the life-changing organization back to my home.  I challenged the PAX to bring back the feedback and vowed to create more 2F events that include the M’s and 2.0’s as we begin to emerge from Covid prison.  


YHC had the thought to roll this oldie out after not having completed it in over a year.  Many new PAX that had not felt the burn of the Doomsday Clock so why not!  PAX were spread around the circle and YHC heard several conversations (this tells me there is much more effort to be put forth if one can carry on a park walk chat).  YHC received several complaints and groans, but only one emphatic “FU” from Rump so I will assume that he is getting stronger and the workout isn’t a cake walk since it seemed to gas most everybody else.  TClaps to Classified and Special Sauce.  Classified kept a weight vest on the entire time.  This workout sucks without added weight.  Sauce brought a speaker and playlist with minimal notice.


  • GrowRuck Alamo 4/9-4/11
  • Carry the Load Memorial Day ruck – details will be forthcoming
  • F3 Golf…

No Mustang, just #theTrail

PAX: Alright Alright, Avril, Chairman Mao, Gambler, Ina, Meatball, Oatmeal, Pow Pow, Special Sauce
QIC: Teasip

AO: Katy Trail #katytrailthursday
F3 DISCLAIMER & WELCOME: Given, with the COVID disclaimer

SSH x15, IST x15, Squats x10

Mosey to the trail for quarter intervals with the following exercises:

-OH Press x20, The Bird/Angels in the Outfield x15
-Irkins x10, Derkins x10, Rugby situps x12 OYO
-Step ups x12, Dips x12, LBC x12
-Carolina Dry Docks x12 
-Box jumps x12, Uptown Crunch x12 only one side
-Uptown Crunch x12 other side, Merkins x12, Yeah Thrusts x20
-Lunge walk 25 yards, then finish the last quarter with Plank Jacks x15, Mountain Climbers x15

Mosey back to La Madeline

Done during the workout

YHC prayed us out

YHC had promised Ina there would be no #mustang this AM, but when it was 0627 and Ina wasn’t there, YHC debated doing it since it had been so long. But, alas, Ina rolled up in the minivan at 0628, so we moseyed to the trail.
Avril had received a verbal from Bleep, but like many college bound athletes, Bleep changed his commitment the day of. Not sure if he received some impermissible benefits or not. The Infractions Committee is currently investigating and thus he may receive probation or a cervesa reduction for a couple months.
Overall a good time had on the trail with some complaints from Alright Alright about others getting a head start, Avril going a little hard on a few quarters and Ina doing his best dazed and confused of “I stay the same speed, but everyone else keeps getting faster.”
Five PAX did their best #westside impression by hitting up Starbucks after. No PSLs were purchased, but some HIM did purchase coffees for their M’s (Alright Alright and Avril). YHC, Chairman Mao, and Gambler did not partake in the purchase or drinking of caffeinated beverages.

1. GrowRuck Aril 9-11
2. F3 Golf coming soon

Avril VQ Groundhog Day

#Backblast Glencoe 03/09/2021

PAX: Alright Alright, Sex Panther, DFib, F150, Shifty McCoy, Rump Roast, Ultra, Gambler, Bleep, Oatmeal, Teasip, Draper, Agnes, Jobu, Slushii, Plus One, Classified, Stingray, PowPow, and Special Sauce 
QIC: Avril

AO: Glencoe

13x SSH IC

13x Daisy Pickers

13x Hillbillies



Indian Run around Glencoe

Groundhog Day:

Deadlifts x10

Overhead Press x10

Upright Rows x10

American Hammers x10

Squats x10

Short loop through Glencoe

Rinse Repeat

Finishing Touches:

Rifle Carry width of football field with 10 burpees then Rifle Carry back

Little touches of abs:

Commandos x13

Burpees x10

Flutter Kicks x20

Penguin Crunches x13

LBC x5


YHC thought about what should be touched on and that was upper body, back, and cardio.

MOLESKIN: YHC wanted to thank all the PAX that showed up for YHC first Q. Was exciting and focused on a mixture of cardio, upper body, and back. Ready for the next one!


  • Grow Ruck San Antonio 4/8 and 4/9

The Balboa… With a Side of Burpees

Date – 3/04/2021
Weather – 50° Moon still out and clear skies

Count-off & Name-O-Rama:
PAX –  Broadway Joe, Alright Alright, Aaaarrrrgggghhhh, Pow-Pow, Plus One, Agnes, Coach K, Classified, Sex Panther, Sound Machine, Ina, Sally, and Slusii & Bleep  decided to show up about 0600!
QIC –  Rump Roast
AO – Burleson Park
Disclaimer – Given 
Intro/ Warm-o-Rama:
SSH x20 (IC, DC)
IST x20 (IC, DC)
T-Merkins x20 (IC, DC)
Burpees x20 (OYO)
Mosey to the fountain = Burpees x10 (OYO)
Mosey to top of Dallas Hall steps x20 (OYO)
Burpees x50
American Hammers x100 (DC)
Lunges x150 (DC)
Big Boi Situps x200
Overhead Press x250
Air Squats x300
Mosey back to start
Circle of Trust (CoT):
 YHC prayed us out



What a way to celebrate… Yesterday way my 18th wedding anniversary and I decided to take it out on the PAX! (Joking, I’m a very lucky man to have an amazing wife that’s put up with me for as long as she has. Hoping I’ll grow up eventually)

Anyway, while I was STOKED to get Sally back out even if it was just a guest appearance, I was let down that my man Special Sauce and the #subarumafia were all MIA.  Was a ton of mumble chatter during the warm-up to the point I really don’t know how many IST’s we really did… Did anyone actually count?

I had planned to do 50 total OYO Burpees by the time we started the Balboa but, saved the last 20 for the end before we moseyed back to the start. There was some grumbling from AA that the double count lunges was a little too much. So once he was done with all of them I Omaha’d to move on to the Big Boi Sit-ups. I think that was about as far as we got before time was up. Slushii & Bleep FINALLY showed up at like 0550 or some where really close to the end but, honestly I was just glad to see them. More than I can say for someone…. 

Overall, it was a great turnout, I believe a record attendance for 2ndCT. Way to push yourself men. Thank you all for making me a better version of me.  

Texas Independence Day 18K – March 6th
GrowRuck Alamo – April 10th
F3 Golf