SHIELD LOCKS and dissing Spiderman

May 28, 2021

PAX: Classified Slippy AlrightAlright Big Tex Icebox Meatball Siesta Jennay Chase (FNG)
QIC: PowPow

AO: Lindsley Park

See below

Circle of Pain at the Pavilion, Q leads PAX through the exercises below. After each set the PAX run the smaller loop path from the pavilion around the playground and back to the pavilion.  Beginning with the 2nd run (after the Hillbillies) 2 PAX stay at pavilion to perform sandbag deadlifts (120#) – 5 reps then switch alternating while rest of PAX run. Each pair of PAX did the deadlifts twice.

SSH x 20 DC
Hillbillies x 20 DC
ISTs x 20 DC
Eagle wings x 20 IC
Lunges x 20 IC
Derkins x 20 IC

LBCs x 20 DC
One legged Burpee x 20 OYO
Carolina Dry Dock x 20 IC
Knee to elbow x 20 DC
Superman x 20 IC

WWI sit-ups x 10 DC
Jane Fonda’s x 10 / leg
Crab cakes x 20 DC
LBCs x 20 DC
Flutter kicks x 10 DC
Freddie Mercury x 12 DC

YHC’s typical blend of expressing gratitude and a charge to the PAX to go out and get after it and accelerate their relationships. Capped off with an enthusiastic “Kobe!” from Alright Alright

Lots of mummblechatter and high levels of 2nd F (or put another way, lots of Alright Alright talking and the rest of the PAX reacting) given the structure of the workout. Chase, the FNG that Jennay brought, did great, YHC is looking forward to seeing him again. Classified helpfully gave PAX guidance on deadlift form (and carried the sandbag back to YHC’s car after the workout, thanks brother!).

AA mostly gave YHC a pass with the Eagle Wings exercise but lost his mind when YHC called Peter Parkers “Knee to Elbow” in order to suit my spelling needs (spelling SHIELD LOCKS), then YHC dropping Supermans right after the “disrespect” to Spiderman just added to the drama. YHC would have loved to “argue” with AA over these unforgiveable violations of protocol, but was occupied counting cadence. The rest of the PAX really failed to come to YHC’s defense in any meaningful way…YHC will chalk that up a failure of his leadership.

The point of the workout was to acknowledge Shield Lock Week here in Dallas but also to incorporate some heavier lifting. Coupons are good, but at 35 pounds they’re not really gonna build much strength/power when it comes to certain movements (squats and deadlifts for example).  Hence the 120 pound sandbag deadlifts.

Carry the Load- this Sunday 5/30 – Monday 5/31
Memorial Day Flag planting and removal on 6/5 –  leading this
F3 Bingo launching on 6/1
Bro/M/2.0 Yoga – 6/5
F3 Golf – planning is underway

Lindsley Ladder

#backblast #lindsleywarriors #lindsleyladders

PowPow Siesta AlrightAlright Dirtbag Meatball sound machine Dirtbag’s Brother from Another Mother (FNG) joined YHC for the unveiling of Lindsley Ladders

Dirtbag knew it was serious when we walked over to the park together (safety in numbers) when I didn’t have the speaker

After a quick warmup we went to the corner of Lindsley and Tenison Memorial and did a Lindsley Ladder, run up one block for 50 merkins, run back one block for 10 LBC’s, then 40-20, 30-30, 20-40, and 10-50. YHC was accused of doing my best F150 impression and AlrightAlright fell behind Meatball’s Italian merkins and couldn’t recover from the deficits after the first 50 merkins. Might need to do this for time and make it a #benchmark

Then we went back to the corner of Lindsley and Tenison Memorial and did a suicide down Tenison Memorial, running to each house on the street and back, doing squats when we got back starting at 10 and increasing in increments of 10 until 40 where YHC called #omaha and we went to the trail

At the trail we did two full rounds of baton death marches, with PAX needing to do two burpees before running to the front of the line

After that we went with a traditional Native American run back to the Lindsley Park pavilion and finished up with some core

Hope to see Dirtbag’s friend again for what should be a good naming (cough…Stepbrother…cough)

Shield Lock Week – reply to POW’s survey
Carry the Load this coming weekend
Brigs (not taught by a Bro) 6/5, bring the M and 2.0 as Avril will be babysitting
PowPow can give just as lengthy announcement as Oatmeal

Lindsley Park 5/7/20

PAX: Oatmeal, Big Tex, Dirtbag, Icebox, Meatball, Siesta
QIC: Draper

AO: Lindsley Park

SSH x15 IC

IST x15 IC

Windmill x10 IC


Mosey to the hill

Run up the hill 50% effort

Run up the hill 75% effort

Run up the hill 100% effort

Speed skaters up the hill

Backwards run up the hill

Backwards run 1/2 way up the hill then turn and sprint the rest of the way

Burpee up the hill

10 Groiners Bear Crawl up the hill, 10 merkins at the top, crawl bear down

Partner up for modified dora

Partner 1 – Hill sprints

Partner 2 – Lunge walk up the hill

After both have reached the top 50 total Merkins at the bottom

Partner 2 – Hill sprints

Partner 1 – Lunge walk up the hill

After both have reached the top 50 total HR Merkins at the bottom

Partner 1 – Hill sprints

Partner 2 – 4 step to squat up the hill

After both have reached the top100 total Mountain Climbers

Partner 2 – Hill sprints

Partner 1 – 4 step to squat up the hill

After both have reached the top100 total Mountain Climbers

Mosey back to the park

With the same partner complete 300 LBC’s


Fluter Kicks x15 IC

Rugby Situps x15 OYO


YHC talked about how F3 has helped him be a better version of himself over the last 2 years.  I mentioned how I asked my M what she thought of F3 per Oatmeal’s request and she noted I was more patient, calmer, more positive and overall a better husband and father.  YHC also talked about how mentoring others is important and asked the PAX to find someone in their personal and professional life today and help mentor them.

MOLESKIN:    Not a ton of mumblechatter today.  Not sure If the rest of the PAX felt as beat up during that workout as I was or if it was just a quiet group.  Oatmeal corrected YHC a few times on the exercise call outs which YHC will keep in mind and implement for future Q’s.  Overall great morning in the gloom once again with a great PAX.


  • 2.0 workout Saturday 9am
  • Mckinney workouts this Saturday and the next 2.  Send names to AA and if so inclined join those going up for the beatdown
  • Slack migration soft launch next week and officially cut over date 6/1

Deck of Death at Lindsley


PAX: AlrightAlright, Classified, Dirtbag, Icebox, Meatball, PowPow, Siesta, FNG – Colton

QIC: Big Tex

AO: Lindsley


15 SSH

15 IST

10 Veggie Pickers

Tha Thang:

Run a lap around park

Deck of Death: Hearts = American Hammers (DC), Diamonds = Burpees, Clubs = Merkin, Spades = Squats. Start with a deck of cards, flip a card over and do that number of the corresponding exercise. Jack = 11, Queen = 12, King = 13, Ace = 14. Proceed until we are through all 52 cards.

12 Alternating Shoulder Taps IC

Run a lap around park

12 Alternating Shoulder Taps IC

12 Step-ups on bench DC

12 Carolina Crawdads oyo




Flutter Kicks


Penguin Crunches


YHC Prayed us out.


I planned a pavilion centered workout, which made it mumble chatter friendly, helping us get to know FNG-Colton. Alright Alright said something about too many burpees and not enough running. Icebox thanked me for the “dry” work out, which I wasn’t sure how to interpret, so I took it as a compliment. Some comments from the PAX in general about the integrity of the deck of cards.

Lindsley on Ice

PAX: Icebox, Dirtbag, Meatball
QIC: Oatmeal

AO: Lindsley Park

SSH x 25 IC

IST’s x 20 IC

Snow pickers x10 IC

Run to playground tree and back


BOMBS x2 starting at pavilion with burpees x5  and then running to each of the four ‘corners’ of the park to do each of the other four exercises (overhead press x10, merkins x15,  big boy sit ups x20, squats x25).  Ran to tree and back between BOMB sets.

Using trees on NW side of park:

Lunge walk to first tree

Backward lunge walk to next tree

Backward run two trees

Repeato to end of trees

Suicides using every other tree as turn

Lunge walk routine back to pavilion

BOMBS routine x2

Superman x 10 (to achieve maximum shrinkage)

Snow angels x5 to wrap

YHC prayed us out.


Started off a trio and after a victorious battle with the snooze button, Meatball joined about halfway through the workout.  Another cold morning in the snow and YHC appreciated the presence of the Lindsley Crew (Siesta was noticeably absent after I called him out the day before).  Very little mumble chatter as our Texas blood is still much too thin for this type of weather.  Speaker would have come in handy this morning!


  • Patriot Challenge 
  • TID18K on 3/6
  • GrowRuck Alamo 4/9-4/11
  • F3 Golf…

Friday Fun @ Lindsley

PAX: Pow Pow, Siesta, Teasip, Dirtbag, Meatball, Big Tex, Icebox
QIC: Oatmeal

AO: Lindsley Park

IST x 15 IC


SSH x 15


Coupon mosey from park down Shadyside, stopping midway for a continuation of warmup with SSH.  Continued mosey to the People’s Hill.  

Murder Bunny up hill, walk back down, 10 irkins on the block

Sprint up hill, jog down, 5 burpees


Mosey to empty lot off Shadyside for a Jacob’s Ladder

Cusak walk/rifle carry about 25 yds

6x-1x man makers

Cusak walk back 

1x-6x flutters with block

Mosey to Lindsley & Tennison Memorial intersection

Sprints to Blair and jog back

Winner: x3 coupon curls 

Loser: x10 burpees

All others: x7 coupon curls 

Repeato x3 subbing in some OHP’s and burpees as YHC saw fit.

YHC prayed us out thanking the good Lord for the physical ability to get up and out, men of F3, accountability, and that we may have an impact on our families, communities and workplaces.

YHC had a brilliant idea last night.  How would Murder Bunnies work on the People’s Hill (so named until we get a better nickname)?  Well, this morning the PAX found out (I also found out who reads the preblasts).  Tclaps to Teasip who correctly guessed why we were heading to the hill with coupons.  I know, tough one to figure out.  YHC quickly began to feel the love from the PAX with all the grumbles that followed the revelation.  However, several PAX commented that the MB’s up the hill weren’t that bad and in fact, the block helped pull them up.  This was not repeated going up the second time!  However, this stimulated the workout sadist in me and who knows what I will brew up to top it.  The Jacob’s Ladder further ingratiated YHC with the PAX as several commented that YHC was putting them through the Cusak hell to prepare for his trip to GrowRuck Alamo.  YHC responded by inviting the PAX to join!  A few sarcastic comments were uttered with the announcement of sprints up Lindsley insulting YHC’s ability to judge distance because of one small miscalculation when we completed our inaugural run up that hill.  Again, I will remember this in the future to really inspire the PAX.  With each sprint, the winner was rewarded with fewer reps and the loser paid a penalty, but was allowed to start the next sprint off the “Ladies Tee” aka head start.


1) F3 Golf

2) CSAUP – 4x4x24 in February

3) Patriot Run “Run Ranger Run” in February – get signed up!

4) Q source lunch today – Ozonas @ 11:30am

5) TID 18k – March

6) Grow Ruck San Antonio – April — COMMIT!

7) PEP clothes donation – BRING  TO JAN 30th WORKOUT

Lindsley Park Warriors Only Friday

Date: 1/15/21

PAX: AlrightAlright, Classified, Sound Machine, Avril, Teasip, Icebox, Meatball, Oatmeal, Special Sauce, Big Tex, Siesta
QIC: Dirtbag (disclaimer given
AO: Lindsley Park

Big lap around park
SSH – 15
Windmills – 10
Baby arm circles – 10 (front)+ 10 (back) + 10 (cross)


Round 1

Coupon Curls x12
Coupon Upright row x12
Coupon Squats x15
Big lap – Net Burpees 5 Teasip actually tied AlrightAlright but we wanted the work

Round 2
Coupon Curls hold in position half way then full curl x 20
Coupon Upright row hold at top x 13
Coupon Squats hold at bottom x 15
Big lap – makeup burpees

Round 3
Benches box jumps x12
Irkins x 13
Jump squats x12
Dirkins x10
Big lap – makeup burpees

Round 4
Coupon Curls x 15
Rapid bench press in cadence x 20
Grave diggers x 12 (need to work on cadence)
Big lap – makeup burpees

Round 5
Rapid bench press x 20
Squats and overhead press x 12 OYO
Skull crushers x 12 OYO
Hold coupon out in front until failure Special Sauce Won at 25 seconds could have gone for another 12 mins probably 
Big lap – makeup burpees

Round 6
Sprint on Santa Monica road to trail and back 
Mosey to picnic area and finish with Freddy M’s and planks (flat, right, left)


A lot of mumble chatter today for those who chose to battle today over Rump Roast pilate slayer class on west side. Big time warrior mentality was shown by all. 

We welcomed the return of AlrightAlright who may be experiencing early effects of fatherhood fitness levels due to his break (or lack of sleep), no question it will be back to par in no time. 

Special Sauce set the alarm 30-45 seconds too late but made up ground quickly. 
T claps to Teasip for keeping net burpees low today for the group and Big Tex for the continuous display of fitness improvement and excellence. Also shout out to Oatmeal for continuing to remain in the front of the pax (will catch you eventually).


  1. Next Wednesday 1/20business casual/professional/interview clothing donations to splash
  2. 4x4x24 CSAUP Feb 5-6 starting at 1900 Sauce to assign accountability groups
  3. Texas Independence Day 18k March 6 at 0700
  4. Grow Ruck April 8-10, bring the Dallas wave
  5. F3 golf

Fighting HUNGER Black Diamond

PAX: Dirtbag, AlrightAlright, Siesta, Big Tex, Double Pane, Oatmeal, Ice Box, Meatball, Sound Machine, PowPow
QIC: Classified

AO: Lindsley Park
F3 DISCLAIMER & WELCOME: Performed robotically


  • SSH X 15
  • IST X 10
  • Produce Pickers X 10


Fight HUNGER Black Diamond

Competition to complete most rounds of the following:

  • ***Rifle Carry Coupon Between Exercises***
  • Hammers X 25
  • Upright Rows X 25
  • Newton’s Cradle X 25
  • Gorilla Squats X 25
  • Extensions X 25
  • Reverse Lunge X 25
  • Big Lap Around Park

None, arms and legs only today!

YHC prayed us out. Thanking all the PAX for coming out and hoping everyone finishes this holiday season healthy and safe.

Found out no one reads Band as we had 3 of 11 PAX forget their coupons. I also found out that editing posts on Band does not throw out another notification as many PAX were confused about how food donations would reduce their rep count. The incentive ploy may not have worked as planned, but we got a proper workout in and piled up some donations. Those Newton’s Cradles were probably the worst and AlrightAlright mentioned his displeasure multiple times. Meatball forgot his coupon, but instead of taking the 30 sec run back to his place he used the mini-coupon I had. Needless to say he won the competition, but since his coupon was ~10lbs lighter, I’ll give the crown to Dirtbag, 2nd to Meatball, and YHC rounded out the field.


  • Get more food donations into PowPow!!!
  • Oatmeal is hosting a New Years midnight workout

Bad Luck Friday the 13th

PAX: Sound Machine, Classified, Big Tex, Gummi Bear, Swiper, Pow Pow, Agnes, Dirtbag, Meatball
QIC: Oatmeal

AO: Lindsley Park

SSH x 15 IC

Hillbillies x15 IC

Deep Squats x 10 IC

Windmills x 10 IC


Split into teams of 3 and performed the following:

 P1: Sandbag carry around small lap on south end of park +1 OHP at each corner

P2: Run big lap on north end of park

P3:Exercises x 13 reps each          

PAX alternated through each phase sandbag carrier delivered the cargo

Box jumps onto table top (modified to benches as needed)

            Air squats



            Uptown Crunches

            Carolina Drydocks


Repeato exercises

PAX choice Mary for last three minutes.


YHC prayed us out

Since teams were in various stages of the circuit, mumble chatter varied throughout workout.  Box jumps onto table tops garnered some gasps, but the modification was gladly accepted by some.  The “silent K” nipplers also generated a few laughs/groans.  Sandbags elicited comparisons to coupons, noting they were much heavier.  Big Tex asked if the 80’s hair band playlist was an homage to the 80’s classic Friday the 13th, and YHC affirmed the choice noting creating a fun and spooky playlist was outside my wheelhouse and I found but one or two songs that would fit the bill.  Overall a good workout on a nice blustery morning.