PAX: Pow Pow, Siesta, Teasip, Dirtbag, Meatball, Big Tex, Icebox
QIC: Oatmeal
AO: Lindsley Park
IST x 15 IC
SSH x 15
Coupon mosey from park down Shadyside, stopping midway for a continuation of warmup with SSH. Continued mosey to the People’s Hill.
Murder Bunny up hill, walk back down, 10 irkins on the block
Sprint up hill, jog down, 5 burpees
Mosey to empty lot off Shadyside for a Jacob’s Ladder
Cusak walk/rifle carry about 25 yds
6x-1x man makers
Cusak walk back
1x-6x flutters with block
Mosey to Lindsley & Tennison Memorial intersection
Sprints to Blair and jog back
Winner: x3 coupon curls
Loser: x10 burpees
All others: x7 coupon curls
Repeato x3 subbing in some OHP’s and burpees as YHC saw fit.
YHC prayed us out thanking the good Lord for the physical ability to get up and out, men of F3, accountability, and that we may have an impact on our families, communities and workplaces.
YHC had a brilliant idea last night. How would Murder Bunnies work on the People’s Hill (so named until we get a better nickname)? Well, this morning the PAX found out (I also found out who reads the preblasts). Tclaps to Teasip who correctly guessed why we were heading to the hill with coupons. I know, tough one to figure out. YHC quickly began to feel the love from the PAX with all the grumbles that followed the revelation. However, several PAX commented that the MB’s up the hill weren’t that bad and in fact, the block helped pull them up. This was not repeated going up the second time! However, this stimulated the workout sadist in me and who knows what I will brew up to top it. The Jacob’s Ladder further ingratiated YHC with the PAX as several commented that YHC was putting them through the Cusak hell to prepare for his trip to GrowRuck Alamo. YHC responded by inviting the PAX to join! A few sarcastic comments were uttered with the announcement of sprints up Lindsley insulting YHC’s ability to judge distance because of one small miscalculation when we completed our inaugural run up that hill. Again, I will remember this in the future to really inspire the PAX. With each sprint, the winner was rewarded with fewer reps and the loser paid a penalty, but was allowed to start the next sprint off the “Ladies Tee” aka head start.
1) F3 Golf
2) CSAUP – 4x4x24 in February
3) Patriot Run “Run Ranger Run” in February – get signed up!
4) Q source lunch today – Ozonas @ 11:30am
5) TID 18k – March
6) Grow Ruck San Antonio – April — COMMIT!
7) PEP clothes donation – BRING TO JAN 30th WORKOUT