Lindsley Park 5/7/20

PAX: Oatmeal, Big Tex, Dirtbag, Icebox, Meatball, Siesta
QIC: Draper

AO: Lindsley Park

SSH x15 IC

IST x15 IC

Windmill x10 IC


Mosey to the hill

Run up the hill 50% effort

Run up the hill 75% effort

Run up the hill 100% effort

Speed skaters up the hill

Backwards run up the hill

Backwards run 1/2 way up the hill then turn and sprint the rest of the way

Burpee up the hill

10 Groiners Bear Crawl up the hill, 10 merkins at the top, crawl bear down

Partner up for modified dora

Partner 1 – Hill sprints

Partner 2 – Lunge walk up the hill

After both have reached the top 50 total Merkins at the bottom

Partner 2 – Hill sprints

Partner 1 – Lunge walk up the hill

After both have reached the top 50 total HR Merkins at the bottom

Partner 1 – Hill sprints

Partner 2 – 4 step to squat up the hill

After both have reached the top100 total Mountain Climbers

Partner 2 – Hill sprints

Partner 1 – 4 step to squat up the hill

After both have reached the top100 total Mountain Climbers

Mosey back to the park

With the same partner complete 300 LBC’s


Fluter Kicks x15 IC

Rugby Situps x15 OYO


YHC talked about how F3 has helped him be a better version of himself over the last 2 years.  I mentioned how I asked my M what she thought of F3 per Oatmeal’s request and she noted I was more patient, calmer, more positive and overall a better husband and father.  YHC also talked about how mentoring others is important and asked the PAX to find someone in their personal and professional life today and help mentor them.

MOLESKIN:    Not a ton of mumblechatter today.  Not sure If the rest of the PAX felt as beat up during that workout as I was or if it was just a quiet group.  Oatmeal corrected YHC a few times on the exercise call outs which YHC will keep in mind and implement for future Q’s.  Overall great morning in the gloom once again with a great PAX.


  • 2.0 workout Saturday 9am
  • Mckinney workouts this Saturday and the next 2.  Send names to AA and if so inclined join those going up for the beatdown
  • Slack migration soft launch next week and officially cut over date 6/1

B.L.O.C.K.S 4/20/21

PAX: Alright Alright,  Classified,  Slushii, Phelps, Sound Machine, Super Cuts, Silent Bob, Teasip, AAAARRRGGGHHH, Slippy, Ultra, Dfib, Rump Roast, Icebox, Meatball, Gambler, Sweet Baby
QIC: Draper

AO: Glencoe


15x IST IC

10x Windmill IC


Mosey to the goal line 

R1 of B.L.O.C.K.S

Burpee Hop over x10

Run to the other goal line and back

Lunge x10 each leg

Run to the other goal line and back

Overhead press x20

Run to the other goal line and back

Curls with hands through holes x20

Run to the other goal line and back

Kettle Bell Swing x20

Run to the other goal line and back

Squat to press x20

Run to the other goal line and back

If done before other PAX:

On your six have the cinderblock above your head raise it overhead up straight and back down

Overhead up left and back down

Overhead right and back down

R2 of B.L.O.C.K.S

Burpee Hop over x10

Lunge x10 each leg

Run to the other goal line and back

Overhead press x20

Curls with hands through holes x20

Kettle Bell Swing x20

Squat to press x20

Run to the other goal line and back

If done before other PAX:

On your six have the cinderblock above your head raise it overhead up straight and back down

Overhead up left and back down

Overhead right and back down

R3 of B.L.O.C.K.S

Burpee Hop over x5

Run to the other goal line and back

Lunge x5 each leg

Run to the other goal line and back

Overhead press x10

Run to the other goal line and back

Curls with hands through holes x10

Run to the other goal line and back

Kettle Bell Swing x10

Run to the other goal line and back

Squat to press x10

Run to the other goal line and back

If done before other PAX:

On your six have the cinderblock above your head raise it overhead up straight and back down

Overhead up left and back down

Overhead right and back down


YHC thanks the PAX for being my grounding force.  Mornings like today are what keep YHC coming back.  I have not been as consistent due to life, but knowing F3 is always there keeps me going.  YHC is looking forward to being out more.

MOLESKIN:  @Ultra defeated the odds and the fartsack by showing up with seconds to spare.  YHC made the mistake of letting @Alright Alright get in his head and I tried to change the cadence of SSH.  This resulted in confusion and miscounting.  Not a lot of mumblechatter today as we quickly spread out.  Lots of talk about which round of BLOCKS the PAX appreciated more. 


  • New Tuesday AO Shops at Park Lane starts next Tuesday 4/27

Toss Of The Coin 3/04/21

#Backblast Katy Trail Thursday 3/4/21

PAX: Oatmeal, Jobu, Dirtbag, Gambler, Avril, Big Tex,
QIC: Draper

AO: La Madaline

15x SSH IC

15x IST IC

10x Windmill IC


Mosey to Bishop Blvd


Let the coin decide

Heads – Short Loop

Tails – Far Loop


Round 1 – Heads

Run the short loop

Burpee w/mountain climbers x 10

Panther shoulder taps x 24


Round 2 – Heads

Run the short loop

Burpee w/mountain climbers x 10

Single leg jackknife x 24


Round 3 – Tails

Run the far loop

Merkin side reach x 10

jlo’s x 20


Round 4 – Tails

Run the far loop

Merkin side reach x 10

Penguin Crunch x 10 ic


Round 5 – Tails

Run the far loop

Merkin side reach x 10

Flutter Kicks x 10 ic


Round 6 due to time no coin was flipped

Run the short loop


YHC thought a lot about the Q Source topic this week and asked the PAX to continue to look for ways to find positive disruption.  Use Positivity and Empathy to gain support and allies as we make change.

MOLESKIN: YHC wanted to do something different and since it had been a while since KTT ventured to bishop avenue YHC thought that was perfect.  Most of the PAX had never done this version of KTT which was a huge plus.  Using a coin to determine if we ran the shorter or longer distance was a fun idea that seemed to get a lot of excitement.  Despite Rump Roast’s (j/k TCLAPS) sabotage it was a great turnout.  We focused on upper body and core and got about 4 miles in.  Overall great morning with the PAX


  • TID 18k Saturday
  • Grow Ruck San Antonio 4/8 and 4/9

1/21/21 Katy Trail

PAX: Alright Alright, Pow Pow, Ina, Gambler, Big Tex, Special Sauce, Oatmeal, AAARRRGGGHHH, Avril
QIC: Draper

AO: La Madaline

15x SSH IC

10x IST IC


Mosey to KAty Trail

Run 1/4 Mile

Complete the following:

10x Knee to elbow

10x Inchworms

10x Sit-up

10x Shoulder tap


Run 1/4 Mile

Complete the following:

5x Burpees

10x Lunges

10x IST

10x Merkins

10x Plank Jacks

10x Squats


Run 1/4 Mile

Complete the following:

10x Knee to elbow

10x Inchworms

10x Sit-up

10x Shoulder tap


Run 1/4 Mile

Complete the following:

5x Burpees

10x Lunges

10x IST

10x Merkins

10x Plank Jacks

10x Squats


Continue this pattern till the last 1/4

10x Flutter Kicks


Run last 1/4 Mile

Mosey back to La Madeline


Complete the following:

10x Knee to elbow

10x Inchworms

10x Sit-up

10x Shoulder tap


YHC gave thanks for this group especially after being away for almost 2 months.  YHC noticed a void without F3 so is grateful to be back.

MOLESKIN: Great running weather today and a good turnout.  KTT won the Thursday attendance challenge once again.  Good mumblechatter and great effort by all the PAX


1) CSAUP – 4x4x24 in February

2) Patriot Run “Run Ranger Run” in February – get signed up!

3) Q source lunch today – Ozonas @ 11:30am

4) TID 18k – March

5) Grow Ruck San Antonio – April — COMMIT!

6) PEP clothes donation – BRING  TO JAN 30th WORKOUT

Figure 8 SMU Run

PAX: Alright Alright,  Pow Pow, Ina, Oatmeal, Special Sauce
QIC: Draper

AO: La Madaline

Mosey to SMU BLVD

15x SSH IC

15x HillBillies IC

15x Windmill IC

10x Merkins IC

Mosey to the area between the SMU track and SMU stadium


Run figure 8’s around the stadium and the track.

Each time the PAX made it to the center (1/2 of the 8) complete the following

10x Merkins

20x Squats

30x LBC’s

MOLESKIN: As we started to mosey to meet the 2nd choice PAX’ers a lot of Mumblechatter started as fear of not getting the run in set in.  We met the rest of the PAX at SMU blvd, did a quick warm up and mosey’d between to the stadium and track.  Here I stole @PlusOne’s figure 8 path and the exercises and the PAX were off.  Not much chatter during the workout as everyone was on their own pace.  Most finished a full round of 7 and completed the exercises for 8 which if you were keeping track is 80 merkins, 160 squats and 240 lbc’s.  The elite few made it through round 9.


  • Turkey Trot Saturday
  • Q of the year.  Nominations are open and tournament starts Monday 11/30

Burleson 8/29



PAX: Teasip, Ant Man, Island Time, Isaiah, Whoops, Classified, Lil Smokey, Siesta, Oatmeal, Fluoride, Special Sauce, Chairman Mao   
QIC: Draper

AO: Burleson


15x SSH IC

15x IST IC

10x Windmill IC


Mosey to the field

Across the field motivator with burpees at every “line”

Repeat long to short

Mosey to Caruth Hall

Dirty Mcduece on the bottom step

Shoulder taps x 12 IC

Dips x 12 IC

Decline mountain climbers x 12 IC

Claymakers x 12 IC each leg

Box jump up the steps

Repeat 2 more times


Mosey to Turner Centennial Quadrangle


Partner #1 runs around the quad

Partner #2 does exercises

100 merkins

200 Squats

300 IST

400 LBC

Mosey back to Burleson


Finish the 400 LBC’s from the Dora

Homer Marge till time

CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: YHC thanked the PAX for always being a positive influence.  Often life makes us face difficult choices that require a sacrifice and having F3 and to help us all stay accountable and support those decision is invaluable. 

It was a hot morning with solid showing if 13 PAX.  YHC noticed the tennis courts were already occupied so we Omaha’d to the field and completed out motivators there.  This Omaha was not a welcomed one.  We then Mosey’d to the Pit of misery (aka Caruth Hall) and did our Dirty Mcduece.  YHC was feeling gassed and counting a lot to which the PAX joked about some of YHC’ questionable sounding numbers.  YHC was feeling spent, and based on the mumble chatter it seemed like the rest of the PAX was too, I Omaha’d once again and went to the Turner Centennial Quadrangle rather than the originally planed SMU quad.  The running distance for the Dora was a lot smaller here and I for one was grateful. 


  1. Grow Ruck in April
  2. F3 10 year in Jan
  3. F3 Golf tournament sometime in October (update Ultra?)


Beach Day 8/26

PAX: Plus One, F150, Jazzercise, Icebox, Stingray, Classified, Isaiah 
DJ: Icebox

QIC: Draper

AO: The Harbor



Mosey to the Volleyball court

SSH x 10 IC

IST x 10 IC

Shell Pickers x 10 IC

Windmill x 10 IC


  • Light jog/run across the volleyball court and back
  • High knees across the volleyball court and back
  • Butt kicks across the volleyball court and back
  • Karaoke across the volleyball court and back
  • Run across the volleyball court and back about 60 percent of your top speed
  • Lateral shuffle across the volleyball court and back
  • Run across the volleyball court and back about 80 percent of your top speed
  • Football run and drop downs and sprints
  • Sprint across the volleyball court and back twice
  • Walking lunges across the volleyball court and back
  • Squats to broad jump across the volleyball court and back
  • Bearpees – 1 Burpee 4 bear crawls across the volleyball court and back


  • 10 Revers lunge single leg hops

Bear Crawl down and back

  • 20 merkins

Sprint across the volleyball court and back

  • 30 Carolina Dry Docks

Bear Crawl down and back

  • 40 Mountain Climbers

Bear Crawl down and back


  • 10 Revers lunge single leg hops

Sprint across the volleyball court and back

  • 20 merkins

Sprint across the volleyball court and back

  • 30 Carolina Dry Docks

Sprint across the volleyball court and back

  • 40 Mountain Climbers

Sprint across the volleyball court and back


  • 10 Revers lunge single leg hops
  • 20 merkins
  • 30 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 40 Mountain Climbers


Side plank elbow to knee x10 each side

American hammers

CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: YHC thanked the group for coming out and for helping to keep him accountable and encouraged the PAX to continue to keep that up.

MOLESKIN: We mosey’d to the sand volleyball court right away and a little realization amongst the PAX set in that we were all about to get real sandy.  As soon as SSH started there was some groans and laughs as we learned how different this workout would feel on the uneven sand.  The bear crawls quickly were not a PAX favorite to at one point Icebox yelled “Did you think about this at all when you wrote this workout down?”. At  the end of the workout came all the mumble chatter about how to remove the sand without getting all over the PAX cars and houses.  YHC is wondering if any of the PAX actually used a hose as mentioned.  Also, Tclaps to resident DJ Icebox for the spring break playlist that brought back a lot of memories.



  • F3 golf tourney oct 10th (or the 3rd)
  • Grow Ruck San Antonio
  • F3 10 year in January

Burleson 8/21

PAX:  Ultra, Pow Pow, Agnes, Bleep, Shushii. Double Pane, Dfib
QIC: Draper

AO: Burleson


SSH x 20 IC

IST x 15 IC

Windmill x 10 IC


Mosey to the Blanton Student Services Building

Partner up

Partner #1 run up the stairs and back

Partner #2 Does the exercises below

When partner #1 returns switch

50 x Derkins

75 x Box Jumps

100 x Dips

150 x Rugby Sit Ups on the bench

Mosey you the round concrete barricades

With feet up on the barricade plank walk counter clockwise until back at starting position

Repeat going clockwise

Mosey to the parking lot across from Burleson

Agile Bear Crawls – Each PAX finds 2 tandem parking spots. 

  • Bear Crawl the right side
  • Lateral plank walk left to the left side
  • Crawl bear down left side
  • Lateral plank walk right back to starting position

Repeat for a total of 5 times

Mosey to the tennis courts

Motivators short to long

Motivator long to short

Mosey to soft top


10 x Rugby Sit Ups OYO

20 x Plank Jacks OYO

20 x Mountain Climbers OYO

Homer Marge Maggie Bart till time

CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: YHC made a call back to the Katy trail Thursday where Rump and Ultra came and YHC challenged the PAX to push themselves to do things that are harder to do.  Todays Q was YHC attempting to be true to that.  YHC typically has a lot of running and hates bear crawling so YHC limited the running and added in bear crawls.

MOLESKIN: YHC tried to limit the running as that is typically his default.  Lots of talk early on about sore legs from the insane amount of lunges this week.  Box jumps did not help.  Otherwise not a ton of mumblechatter which was surprising since we did the routine YHC is calling the agile bear on the infamous Starbucks hands parking lot.  Bleep did say multiple times how there wasn’t any mumblechatter, which YHC thinks that was his subtle way of announcing his displeasure in the exercise. 


  • Happy hour tonight @ Pow Pow’s house
  • Siesta VQ tomorrow followed by 2.0 workout
  • F3 golf tourney oct 10th (or the 3rd)
  • Grow Ruck San Antonio
  • F3 10 year in January

Katy Trail 8/6

PAX: Plus One, Alright Alright, Rump Roast, Shifty McCoy, Ultra, Sound Machine, Bcup, AAARRRGGGHHH
QIC: Draper

AO: La Madaline




Mosey to the bridge

Run back and forth across the bridge.

On the north side of the bridge do 4x squat to IST combo

On the south side of the bridge do 4x Merkin to Nolan Ryans combo

Mosey back to La Madeline


Flutter Kicks till time

CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: YHC gave props to @rumproast and @Ultra for going out of their comfort zone and showing up for a running workout.  YHC then asked the PAX to follow that lead and push ourselves to do things we normally shy away from.  If you don’t like running, go run.  If you hate bear crawls, do bear crawls.  Keep this mentality in all aspects of your life not just fitness.

MOLESKIN: YHC wanted to try and stick to the golf theme of the week but doesn’t know much about golf.  The exercises were done in 4’s for a par 4, and the combo’s were inspired by the Arnold palmer (the drink). 


  • Grow Ruck San Antonio
  • F3 10 Year


Glencoe 7/28

PAX: Alright Alright, Pow Pow. Classified, Splash, Sex Panther, Bleep, Slushii, Hotty Toddy, Special Sauce
QIC: Draper

AO: Glencoe


20x IST IC

10x Windmill IC


Mosey to the pavilion

Grab a bench

Step up and press x10 each leg

Dips x10 IC

Mosey to the goal line 


R1 of B.L.O.C.K.S.

Burpee Hop over x10

Run to the other goal line and back

Lunge x10 each leg

Run to the other goal line and back

Overhead press x20

Run to the other goal line and back

Curls with hands through holes x20

Run to the other goal line and back

Kettle Bell Swing x20

Run to the other goal line and back

Squat to press x20

Run to the other goal line and back


If done before other PAX:

Flutter kick holding coupon x20

Feet on coupon decline mountain climbers x20


Mary Intermission

5 reps total each rep contains:

On your six have the cinderblock above your head raise it overhead up straight and back down

Overhead up left and back down

Overhead right and back down


R2 of B.L.O.C.K.S.

Burpee Hop over x10

Run to the other goal line and back

Lunge x10 each leg

Run to the other goal line and back

Overhead press x10

Run to the other goal line and back

Curls with hands through holes x10

Run to the other goal line and back

Kettle Bell Swing x10

Run to the other goal line and back

Squat to press x10

Run to the other goal line and back


If done before other PAX:

Flutter kick holding coupon x20

Feet on coupon decline mountain climbers x20

Mary Intermission

5 reps total each rep contains:

On your six have the cinderblock above your head raise it overhead up straight and back down

Overhead up left and back down

Overhead right and back down

Mosey back to pavilion



Feet on coupon decline mountain climbers  x10 IC

Flutter kick holding coupon x10 IC

LBC x20 IC

CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: YHC thanked the PAX for joining him and challenged them to keep pushing themselves when creating workouts.  Let’s continue to make them harder.

MOLESKIN: Not much mumble chatter today.  PAX were pretty spread out.  Some discussion on whether the reduced rep count on round 2 was a positive or a negative. 


  • Grow Ruck sign ups are available
  • F3 10th anniversary in Jan