PAX: Ultra, Pow Pow, Agnes, Bleep, Shushii. Double Pane, Dfib
QIC: Draper
AO: Burleson
SSH x 20 IC
IST x 15 IC
Windmill x 10 IC
Mosey to the Blanton Student Services Building
Partner up
Partner #1 run up the stairs and back
Partner #2 Does the exercises below
When partner #1 returns switch
50 x Derkins
75 x Box Jumps
100 x Dips
150 x Rugby Sit Ups on the bench
Mosey you the round concrete barricades
With feet up on the barricade plank walk counter clockwise until back at starting position
Repeat going clockwise
Mosey to the parking lot across from Burleson
Agile Bear Crawls – Each PAX finds 2 tandem parking spots.
- Bear Crawl the right side
- Lateral plank walk left to the left side
- Crawl bear down left side
- Lateral plank walk right back to starting position
Repeat for a total of 5 times
Mosey to the tennis courts
Motivators short to long
Motivator long to short
Mosey to soft top
10 x Rugby Sit Ups OYO
20 x Plank Jacks OYO
20 x Mountain Climbers OYO
Homer Marge Maggie Bart till time
CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: YHC made a call back to the Katy trail Thursday where Rump and Ultra came and YHC challenged the PAX to push themselves to do things that are harder to do. Todays Q was YHC attempting to be true to that. YHC typically has a lot of running and hates bear crawling so YHC limited the running and added in bear crawls.
MOLESKIN: YHC tried to limit the running as that is typically his default. Lots of talk early on about sore legs from the insane amount of lunges this week. Box jumps did not help. Otherwise not a ton of mumblechatter which was surprising since we did the routine YHC is calling the agile bear on the infamous Starbucks hands parking lot. Bleep did say multiple times how there wasn’t any mumblechatter, which YHC thinks that was his subtle way of announcing his displeasure in the exercise.
- Happy hour tonight @ Pow Pow’s house
- Siesta VQ tomorrow followed by 2.0 workout
- F3 golf tourney oct 10th (or the 3rd)
- Grow Ruck San Antonio
- F3 10 year in January