Corners are square Bleep

PAX: Classified, Sex Panther, sound machine, DFib, Bleep, Rump Roast, bubbles, 
QIC: Slushii, 

AO: Germany Park

SSH x 15 IC
IST x 15 IC
Windmill x 10 IC
Monkey Humpers x 10 IC
Native American Lap

DORA – PAX 1 does exercise while PAX 2 run figure 8 across two tennis courts (yes Rump Roast it is 2 and not 4 – thank you for the correction)
150 merkins
250 WW1 sit-ups
350 squats

J-lo x 10 IC
Freddie Mercury x 15 IC
Penguin crunches x 20 IC
LBC x 15 IC
ARod x 15 IC
Homer to Marge (until time)

Give it away

YHC had twice the workout planned but didn’t know the DORA would take so much time. Keeping the PAX all on the tennis courts led to some great #mumblechatter . After Bleep and Rump Roast stopped harassing each other there were some good one-liners that were picked up. There was some talk about Bleep telling AlrightAlright he didn’t want to hear his $h;! which always makes for a good laugh. Rump Roast said to Bleep while running figure 8’s – “the corners are square Bleep , not round” – which made YHC laugh pretty hard. Quite a few barking spider turbo boosters coming from a few PAX. Our newest west side PAX has a pet monkey. After the workout the PAX agreed sound machine was in a negotiation with @bubbles to procure.

1. F3 Golf – always
2. Give it away – always 

Glencoe Duck Hunt 10/27/2020

PAX: Gambler, Rump Roast, Sound Machine, DFib, Aaarrrggghhh, Teasip, Bleep, Oatmeal, Classified, Alright Alright
QIC: Slushii

AO: Glencoe

SSH x 20 IC
IST x 15 IC
Hillbillies x 15 IC
Flutter Squats x 10 IC
Native American Lap

Run from gazebo to past goal post and then run back to gazebo 

Round 1 (2 burpees) – at goal post
Round 2 (5 DC lunches) – at goal post
Round 3 (2 Star Jumps) – at goal post

Quad lift (dead lift) x 20
Upright row x 20
Alternating shoulder tap merkins x 20
Calf raises x 20
Kettle swings x 20

Did not have time

Thankful for the strength within F3 Dallas and each PAX

Yesterday YHC made mentions of the inclement weather situation we were going to face this morning. Much to my surprise there was no rain but was still cold and wet. The conditions remind YHC of what I expect on every duck hunt. A typical duck hunting saying for inclement weather is “misery brings company”. YHC was hoping this rang true with the PAX this morning. Turnout was 11 for this non ideal weather day. The playlist consisted of a 10 nostalgic songs YHC has enjoyed over the years with a few sprinkled in to pay homage for Alright Alright (The Outfield and Akon). In true wannabe DJ Icebox fashion YHC picked songs from different genre’s – more of a Now 2001-2010 edition.  

1. Blood Drive – See Band for two location 
2. Give2Give – F3 foundation support 

Germany Park 10/19/2020

PAX: Sound Machine, Bleep, Classified, Sex Panther
QIC: Slushii

AO: Germany Park 

SSH x 15 IC
IST x 15 IC
Produce Pickers x 15 IC
Flutter Squat x 15 IC
Native American Lap

100 squats
80 lunges
60 big boy sit-ups
40 merkins
20 monkey humpers

Mosey to concrete stairs

Alternating Step ups x 15 IC
Dips – snake draft style – x 25 IC
Irkins x 10 IC
Dirkins x 10 IC
Alternating Twist Ups x 10 IC

J-lo x 10 IC
Freddie Mercury x 15 IC
Penguin crunches x 20 IC
LBC x 15 IC
Peter Parker’s x 15 IC

Go forth each day with the gentleness and kindness to appreciate others and respect yourself. 

YHC was glad to be back with F3 Dallas. There was more than average running today to make our #eastside brothers appreciative. I learned  two things this morning – 1. Sound Machine has a side we don’t see enough and can literally give you stitches from laughing so hard 2. Bleep has the coordination of a giraffe (wait until you see his flutter squats).  Great time seemed to be had by all this morning. Thankful for the Sound Machine boom box. I think it should be a must at every workout. 

1. Blood drive coming up 
2. F3 events in 2021 (GrowRuck and 10yr)

Man, this workout BLOWS! – 10/13/20

PAX: Classified, Alright Alright, Rump Roast, Bleep, DFib, Teasip, F150, Sex Panther, Aaarrrggghhh, Sound Machine, PowPow
QIC: Oatmeal

AO: Glencoe Park

SSH x 15 IC

Kim Jung Ils x10 IC

Windmills x 10 IC


Partner up with someone of “complementary skill” and line up with goal post on field.

P1: Carry coupon to 50 yd line and perform exercise, then make a lap of the field

P2: Bear crawl length of field until tagged by running P1

 P2: Carry block from 50 to opposite goal post and perform exercise, then make a lap of the field.

P1: Bear crawl from where P2 was tagged and continue until relieved by P2.

 Continue sequence flip-flopping bear crawls and crab walks through the following 5 evercises:

Blockees x10

Lunges x10 DC

Overhead Press x10

WonderBras x 10

Squats x 10

YHC announced the F3 Foundation Give2Give (a name that was much too easy to remember so thank you to AA for the memory bump) campaign and challenged the PAX locally by announcing a $1/$1 match in contributions up to $1,000 along with a burpee/$10 raised over $1,000

F3 Blood Drive: TBD.  Need indoor space if anyone knows of a location.

F3 Ten Year Anniversary, Cape Fear, NC: weekend of Jan 15

GrowRuck Alamo, San Antonio: weekend of April 9

YHC prayed us out

Coffeeteria followed for those that wanted the fellowship.

Lots of mumble chatter to begin the workout.  Once again, at least three PAX were hood sliding into the warm up at just past 5:30 so YHC doled out 10 penalty burpees (3/late PAX rounded up).  Lots of chatter/questions/delay as YHC explained the partner circuit.  @AlrightAlright was bummed that there was a disincentive to bear crawl/crab walk quickly and repeated voiced his displeasure.  As PAX were staggered throughout workout chatter was muted although @Rump Roast was purposeful in giving me a capital “FU” some where throughout the beat down.  Huzzah!  I believe all teams completed the full circuit by time. 

Teasip Visits the West Side

PAX: Blue Apron (FNG – Welcome!), Bleep, Pow Pow, Slushii, Sound Machine
QIC: Teasip

AO: Germany Park #westside
F3 DISCLAIMER & WELCOME: Given, with COIVD disclaimer

SSH x20, IST x15, Vegetable Pickers x12, Merkins x20

Run a lap, then to the football field for Jacob’s Ladder (Monkey Humpers and Burpees)

Lunge walk across the field, 10 merkins, then reverse lunge walk back and 10 diamond merkins.

Bear crawl across, 10 squats, then crawl bear back and 10 more squats.

Mosey to the bleachers/stone area for a modified Dirty McDeuce. 4 rounds of the below:

10 Irkins, 20 Step Ups, 10 Derkins, 10 dips, with a run across the field and back between each set. 

Run a lap around to the entrance and mosey to the tennis courts for Mary.

LBC x20, Rosalita x10

YHC prayed us out

Not much mumblechatter this morning. Slushii was quick to give A&M props for the win, and proceeded to put on his lab coat to walk us through the Dak injury and recovery (prognosis is good from Dr. Slushii). YHC found out Bleep doesn’t count so much as grunt in cadence. Still #tclaps for being on rhythm I suppose. The naming for Blue Apron was relatively quick (he is a chef/owns a private chef company). Some possibilities included Rachel Ray, Flay, Fieri, and Martha. YHC couldn’t remember the company that Martha Stewart got busted for insider trading with, so Blue Apron won out. Bleep also did 13 more F3 t shirt burpees today. 

1. F3 Foundation has kicked off giving in October!
2. Pow Pow & Siesta are going to host a Paella, tentatively scheduled for 11/7
3. F3 10 Year anniversary
4. Grow Ruck in April

Another round of coffee? 9/23/20

PAX: Aaarrrggghhh, Sound Machine, Slushii, DFib
QIC: Oatmeal

AO: Coffee Park

SSH x 15 IC

IST x15 IC

Kim Jung Ils x10 IC


Modified four corners starting at playground and working around the park counterclockwise x 5 rounds increasing reps by original number each lap:

  • 5 pull ups bear crawl to large tree in NE corner
  • 10 squats; run to bleachers in NW corner
  • 5 derkins; backward run to SW corner
  • 10 Russian twists; sprint back to SE corner playground equipment

Omaha after 4 rounds to get in some TCB suicides starting at the far north end of Turtle Creek Blvd:

  • Start with a T merkin x1
  • Run to alley
  • Carolina dry dock x1
  • Bear crawl back to start; complete T merkin x1
  • Sprint to Villanova
  • Burpee x1
  • Sprint back to start

Repeato adding one rep (Omaha run for bear crawl in rd 2)

Mosey back to playground to finish

YHC prayed us out, and then talked a bit about opening up and being vulnerable with the PAX.  This is a key tenet of F3.  It also allowed YHC to plug, once again, the necessity of Shield Lock groups, but also open up about struggles at home with kids and general family life during Covid.    

Random mumblechatter throughout workout especially during bear crawls.  YHC and Aaarrggghhh attempted to EH a park patron after a round of derkins but neither of us had a card so YHC pulled some out of the car during the next sprint.  Pullups are definitely a weak spot for most PAX since the beginning of Covid so it was nice to get in some quality lat work.

Boy Band Beatdown

Bleep and sound machine joined Slushii and YHC for our boy band beatdown

Here’s the thang

daisy pickers

Boy Band Dora
Group of 4 a la 98 Degrees

Took turns running a short lap around the tennis courts while the rest of the PAX completed the following exercises

100 of each (all in cadence…ie choreographed)
Upper Body (with block)
chest presses, curls, shoulder presses
Lower Body (with block)
Dead lifts, squats
Core (with block)
Freddie Mercury, sit ups, leg raises over coupon

A lot of fun putting this together with Slushii and Agnes glad to get a couple PAX to complete our vision

I saw Oatmeal at the corner of Mockingbird and Abrams at 0520 and tried talking him into coming to the fun workout this AM but he turned me down

A lot more coupon work than I’m used to, doing the exercises in cadence definitely made it harder. Not a ton of mumblechatter because we were counting the whole time

Bleep posed for the F3 #dadbod calendar and I got a good shot, my vote is for September since it’s his bday month

Burleson 09/17/2020

PAX: Shift McCoy, Rump Roast, Bleep, Sound Machine
QIC: Slushii

AO: Burleson Park

SSH x 20 IC

Hillbillies x 10 IC

Produce pickers x 10 IC

Mosey to tennis courts – “4 Corners” – forward lunge on long stretch and reverse lunge on short stretch. 1st corner – 10 merkins, 2nd corner – 20 big boy situps, 3rd corner – 30 plank jacks, 4th corner – 40 peter parkers

Mosey to big steps – “7s” – box jumps on the fountain, run up the stairs, rugby situps

Mosey to round-a-about on next to steps – bear crawl 3/8, lunge to center, reverse lunge to outer loop, bear crawl back to start

Mosey back to muffin top

JLo x 10 IC

Penguin Crunches x 30 IC

Uptown Crunch x 10 each side IC

Flutter Kicks x 10 IC

Always be EHing. Never be afraid to reach out and have the conversation. 

Lots of mumblechatter this morning around the soreness from IPC. Didn’t hit many F’s on the Rump scale so must have been a fairly simple workout. Bleep was working on Sound Machine on his ABC’s (Always Be Closing for the non sales guys). Rump Roast made some comments about them not counting and maybe we should workout harder. Sound Machine was giving some good advice on “how to become an efficient runner” which we were all taking note of. 

1. F3 golf tournament on 10/3

Arms and Abs

PAX: Bleep, Classified, Rump Roast, Shifty McCoy, Slushii, Sound Machine
QIC: Teasip

AO: Glencoe Park #glencoefasho
F3 DISCLAIMER & WELCOME: Given w/added COIVD disclaimer

SSH x20, IST x15, Don Quixote x10

Divide into three groups and start with a 3x5x3 (5 pull ups with the other two groups doing squats and step ups, wait for the pull ups to finish to rotate).

Mosey to the bleachers for a coupon Dirty McDeuce (Curls, Bent over rows, Dips, Upright rows) with a run across the field and back in between rounds.

Ab work – LBC x20, Uptown Crunch x12 each leg, Penguin crunch x15, Flutter kicks x15, Homer to Marge with some Rosalita and Low Dolly added in.

Finish with 10 Burpees and a few squats since we had a minute left.

Done during the workout

YHC prayed us out.

There was some relief when YHC announced there would be no rifle carry or squat thrusters during the beatdown after all the fun of IronPax last week. Shifty defended his dad’s honor by telling Bleep to “can it old man” which got some chuckles. Overall, a good time had at the beat down and hopefully it didn’t destroy anyone for IronPax tomorrow.

1. F3 Golf 10/3.
2. F3 10 year anniversary in January.

College Football Kickoff

PAX: Ant Man, Classified, Dfib, Dirtbag, Fanny, Icebox, Oatmeal, Plus One, Pow Pow, Siesta Sound Machine, Splash, Whoops
QIC: Teasip

AO: Burleson
F3 DISCLAIMER & WELCOME: Given, with the added COVID disclaimer

SSH x25, IST x15, Produce Picker x12, then a warmup lap and end up at the field


Fingertip Merkins x12
Oh Claps x14
Outlaw with 10 circles clockwise and counter clockwise
T-Merkins x14
Burpees x10
Alternating Side Squats x14)
LL Cool J x14

Alabama Ass Kickers x14
Carolina Dry Docks x14
Cheerleaders x14

Big Boy Sit Ups x10
mperial Squat Walkers x10
Get ups, Prisoner Style x10

Squats x14
E2K x14 each leg
Circle Burp (go around in a circle with each PAX yelling “down” to do a burpee. Chop your feet while in between).

Next started the running across the “football field” portion of the workout.

Plank Hurdles
Suicides, but wait at each point for all the PAX (chopping your feet while you wait) then everyone does a Burpee together. Continue with suicide.

Red Barchetta – run 1/4 of the way down, 25 merkins, run back. Then run 1/2 way down, 50 squats, run back. Run 3/4 of the way down, 75 Mountain Climbers, run back. Run all the way down, 100 SSHs, then run back.

Finished it up with some forward and backwards arm circles, as well as some burpees.

LBC x24, Rugby Sit Ups 14 OYO, Rosalita x14

YHC prayed us out

Not a lot of mumblechatter that YHC could hear, though he was right next to the speaker that was blaring different fight songs for different schools. Oatmeal asked DFib to sing Boomer Sooner, but Dfib declined. Splash correctly identified several fight songs. May have to do a contest at some point.

1. F3 Golf confirmed for October 3rd. 
2. F3 10 year anniversary in January