Bleep and sound machine joined Slushii and YHC for our boy band beatdown
Here’s the thang
daisy pickers
Boy Band Dora
Group of 4 a la 98 Degrees
Took turns running a short lap around the tennis courts while the rest of the PAX completed the following exercises
100 of each (all in cadence…ie choreographed)
Upper Body (with block)
chest presses, curls, shoulder presses
Lower Body (with block)
Dead lifts, squats
Core (with block)
Freddie Mercury, sit ups, leg raises over coupon
A lot of fun putting this together with Slushii and Agnes glad to get a couple PAX to complete our vision
I saw Oatmeal at the corner of Mockingbird and Abrams at 0520 and tried talking him into coming to the fun workout this AM but he turned me down
A lot more coupon work than I’m used to, doing the exercises in cadence definitely made it harder. Not a ton of mumblechatter because we were counting the whole time
Bleep posed for the F3 #dadbod calendar and I got a good shot, my vote is for September since it’s his bday month