Midway Hollow Statpad Sunday

Date: 5/24/2020
Temp: 74° and cloudy
Weather: It as nice and cloudy even in the dark, with a nice cool breeze.

Count-off & Name-O-Rama:
PAX:  Slushii, Bleep, Sub Prime, and Shifty McCoy
QIC: Rump Roast

AO: SE Corner of Park Lane & Lakemont Drive

Disclaimer: Given

Intro/ Warm-o-Rama:
– SSH’s x20 IC
– IST’s x20 IC
– I feel like I’m forgetting something here
– Cotton Pickers  x10 IC

The Thang:
Mosey down Lakemont a block or so to Beechwood 
– 25x Deep Squats (Slow & Low OYO) 
– Moseyed down another block for
– Wheel of Merkins x10 each (IC)

Moseyed to Walnut Hill parking lot for:
– Suicide long-to-short using light poles in the parking lot. 

Then had PAX pick exercises for a Jacobs Ladder. Bleep picked – Sideways Crabwalk to a waypoint. So I had to Omaha and had Slushii and Sub Prime pick an exercise each. Big-Boi Sit-Ups and Slushii had to get all fancy and gove us a variation of an Uptown Crunch but from the side plank position, drawing top knee and elbow together. 

After Jacobs Ladder we moseyed thru the church campus to the Midway Parking lot. 

– 10x Forward Lunges (DC IC)
– 15x Jack Reachers (overhead press DC IC)
– 10x Reverse Lunges (DC IC)
– 15x Thumbs Up reverse arm pulses

Moseyed to Valley Ridge and PAX did some Mountain Climbers waiting on the 6 (Shifty and YHC).

Then a little 2nd F slow mosey and mumble chatter back to the launch point for CoT.

Circle of Trust (CoT):
Slushii prayed us out this morning

No tunes today

It was nice to see Sub Prime back out with us this morning and that it was a decent little Midway Hollow Statpad Sunday! YHC will admit to other than knowing I wanted to go to the church, I didn’t plan the “light” workout. I believe it’s safe to say that we all ran a little further than we anticipated and ended up getting in a pretty solid beatdown. The Second F was well deserved. I think everyone agrees that after the shelter in pace, even with a lot us staying pretty active, a full week of F3 beat downs is tough, it’s going to take me a few weeks to get back into the full swing of things and can’t wait!

CSAUP tomorrow

Monday Morning at Cole Park w/ Rump and Co.

PAX: Sex Panther and Shifty McCoy
QIC: Rump Roast

Cole  Park

Intro/ Warm-o-Rama: 
Ranger Merkins x15 (OYO, SC)
20x Lil’ Baby Arm Circles FWRD
20x Lil’ Baby Arm Circles RVSE
SSH x20 (DC,IC)
Cotton Pickers x10 (DC, IC)
IST x20 (DC, IC)
I had a work out planned… Really I did
We did a suicide
We chatted for a little while
Shifty called 15x Hand Release Merkins (OYO)
I followed that up with 15x Big Boy Sit-Ups
We chatted for a while longer… Sex Panther got his phone and found the nearest Starbucks.
We moseyed (slow socially distaned walk) to Starbuck.
Got coffee
Moseyed (walked) back.
Socially distanced of course and prayed us out
I don’t really think we can count this on our workout tracker but, was an awesome 2nd F event and #coffeteria at #starbucks was a nice treat and a hell of a way to kick off the start to a great week!
Zoom Happy Hour Saturday  @ 2000

Monday Morning at Cole Park with Rump & Co.

PAX: Agnes, Slushii, Bleep, and Shifty McCoy
QIC: Rump Roast

Burleson Park

Intro/ Warm-o-Rama: 
SSH x20 (DC,IC)
Cotton Pickers x10 (DC, IC)
IST x20 (DC, IC)
FWRD Lil baby arm circles x15 (DC, IC)
BWRD Lil baby arm circles x15 (DC, IC)
Overhead presses x15 (DC, IC)
Moroccan Night Cubs x15 (DC, IC)
BWRD Thumbs Up Arm Pulses (DC, IC)
Deep Squats x25 (OYO, SC)
Mosey around the park to continue the warm-up
10x Mini Hair Burners each arm (DC, IC) – Shifty was going to lead these but we flat out forgot!
Gorilla Complex 
8x Curls for the Girls
8x High Pulls
8x Overhead Presses
8x Tricep Extensions
8x then drop your block for 8x Merkins
Run across field and back.
Rinse n Repeat x8
Mosey back to start
Socially distanced of course and prayed us out
It was my first #2ndct since being back from atx and my first ever coupon Q. There was some light rain and the Gorrila Complex was NOOOOO joke. It’s reminded me a lot of the Fitness Test even though it was much different. It’s been too long, and I know I’ve not done this bb completely correct. It was an all-around great beat down! #acceleration
Zoom Happy Hour Saturday 5/16 @ 2200

The Wheel of Pain Co-Staring Oatmeal

Island Time, Special Sauce, Alright Alright, Draper, Sally, Ice Box, Siesta, Dem Apples, Oatmeal, 2 FNG’s Greenspan and Rainman. (I think I remembered everyone)

YHC, Rump Roast

46 degrees and beautiful 



SST’s x20 IC
IST’s x20 IC
Cotton Pickers x15 IC
Burpees x15 OYO (Because there was too much Mumbblechatter)

The Thang:
Mosey to the fountain at the Quad bro
Wheel – of – Pain (roughly 45min OYO)
Mosey back to Burleson
4mins of Mary

YHC prayed us out

Texas Independance Day 18K comming up in 2wks


The warm-o-rama had a lot of chatter that YHC self consciously took personally. So I decided to dole out some OYO Burpees to quiet the noise. Then we were off to the Quad and although our little clusters chatted it was much quieter. Once we got to the spot the chatter started again, especially, the fact YHC needed Oatmeal to explain the Wheel of Pain since even I had forgotten how awful it was. I heard about it that I didn’t have a speaker…. It was a rough crowd this morning! I believe Coach K would have been proud had he been present today. He was there in spirit.

I have to admit, I neglected to write everyone’s name down right after so I hope I didn’t leave anyone out. I also hope I got the FNG’s new names accurate. IT had been a while since I’ve lead a large group of men and it felt almost like a VQ. I hope I was able to mask that and pull off a solid beatdown. Until next week my friends! 



EC Sunday – Rucking with Shorties

Shifty McCoy 

Rump Roast

34 at launch and a beautiful day to be outside!

Flag Pole Hill


Intro/ Warm-o-Rama: 
SSH x20 (DC,IC)
IST x20 (DC, IC)
Cotton Pickers x10 (DC, IC)
Little Baby Arm Circles x15 FWD (DC, IC)
Little Baby Arm Circles x15 BKWD (DC, IC)
Suicide from Handicap to end of parking lot (Roughly half the parking lot)
Butt Kickers down and Lunge Walk back

Tha Thang:
Ruck on (Shifty found a stick to carry along the way, “just in case, Dad”.
We Rucked and Ruck Shuffled down the hill and took the route that I know from most Monday mornings when I have come out. With the warm-o-rama we went for close to an hour.  It was a solid Q!

Circle of Trust:
YHC prayed us out.
So today’s EC was a last minute, half baked idea I came up with yesterday and I posted it at around 2200 so it was no surprise that only YHC and Shifty McCoy were in attendace and we were early. We warmed up at the launch untill after 0700 and then took off on our ruck. At every opportunitty to take the short route, Shifty chose the long way to get in a full loop. We moseyed/ruck shuffled for some of the way and talked about what Mom and sis were probably doing or NOT back at home. 

No personal bests were shattered but, I broke a sweat, it was great to get out there and spend some time with the Shorty. Bonus it was a beautiful morning even if it was a little chilly. I would like to do this again with a little more notice and better execution.  #F3Shorties #statpadsunday 

Army Sgt. Zachary D. Tellier WOD || Bringing Back Sunday’s With Sally

Sally and Sweetbaby

Rump Roast

41 at launch and a beautiful day to be outside!

Burleson Park/Garage


Intro/ Warm-o-Rama: 
SSH x20 (DC,IC)
Cotton Pickers x10 (DC, IC)
IST x20 (DC, IC)
Ranger Merkins x15 (OYO, SC)
World War II’s x15 (OYO, SC)

Mosey to the parking Garage

Tha Thang:
Army Sgt. Zachary Tellier WOD
31, of Charlotte, N.C.; assigned to the 4th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, N.C.; died Sept. 29, 2007 at Firebase Wilderness, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when insurgents attacked his unit using small-arms fire. Read more about Tellier here.

Starting at the gound level in the garage
10x Burpees
Run to the next level
10x Burpees  
25x Merkins
Run to bottom, repeat-O; floor 1 & 2
Then add 3rd level
10x Burpees  
25x Merkins
50x Lunges
Run to the bottom, repeat-O; floor 1, 2, & 3
then 4th level
10x Burpees  
25x Merkins
50x Lunges
100x LBC’s
Run to bottom, repeat-O; floor 1, 2, 3, & 4
5th level
10x Burpees  
25x Merkins
50x Lunges
100x LBC’s
150x Squats
Run to bottom then mosey back to launch point.
Circle of Trust:
YHC prayed us out.
This is a workout that Sally, Coach K, and YHC had completed on a Sunday many moons ago. I remember, we wondered what we had done to make Coach K so mad at us to inflict such a beating. Well, I’ve often remembered (or had flashbacks?!?!?) this beatdown and wanted to do it again. I texted Coach last night and with little detail, he knew exactly what I was talking about and pointed me to this little gem. I tweaked it a bit for the garage and we probably could have talked a little less and gotten farther but truthfully, our shoulders were shot from the weeks HEAVY shoulder days leading up to this. When I saw the story it inspired me last night, and made glad to have a group of brothers while maybe not combat soldiers… We’re in the trenchs together in day-to-day life combat here in the big city. I’m thankful to have a group of men that make me better in every way as we fight to be leaders in a world of followers. #taketheredpill #fitness #statpadsunday #sundayfunday 

Second Choice Thursday || Jacobs Bear Crawl Ladder…

Aaarrrggghhh, Sex Panther

Rump Roast

53 degrees, cloudy, cold wind blowing, and over “dampness” in the air

Burleson Park/Garage


Intro/ Warm-o-Rama: 
Ranger Merkins x15 (OYO, SC)
World War II’s x15 (OYO, SC)
SSH x20 (DC,IC)
Cotton Pickers x10 (DC, IC)
IST x20 (DC, IC)
Coper Head Squats x 20 (IC)

Mosey to the top of the parking garage
Jacob’s Bear Crawl Ladder
1x Gorilla Jump Squats at the top
Bear Crawl down the parking deck x6 Merkins
Bear Crawl back to the top
Mosey to the bottom of the parking garage
Ring of Fire Burbee’s 
Ring of Fire Merkins
Ring of Fire Squats 
Run & Bear Crawl back to the top. Alternating levels. Ran down the steps and moseyed back to the launch to finish it out.
Circle of Trust:
YHC prayed us out.
This morning was fairly uneventful, Arrrrrgggghhhhhh was very pasoinate about something but I forgot. The crawling Jacobs ladder had us spread out enough that there wasn’t much mumble chatter. When we ran down to the basement Arrrrggggghhhhhh also commented about the mattress down there and how uncomfortable they used to be after having sex on them in college… It felt colder than the thermometer read but 3 men came out to get better this morning and we did just that.

Mutt Ruck Monday w/ Rump & Co.

Coach K

Rump Roast

Around 50

Flag Pole Hill Park


Warm -O- Rama:
20x IST (DC/IC)
20x SSH (DC/IC)
20x Lil Baby Arm Circles FWD (DC/IC)
20x Lil Baby Arm Circles BKWRD (DC/IC)
20x Overhead Claps (DC/IC) – It was about here when Drapper decided to cut out
20x Seal Claps (DC/IC)
20x Morrocan Nightclubs (DC/IC) – It was about here Sex Panter decided he was running TOO!

Pick up Ruck
Ruck Curl x20 (OYO, SC)
Ruck Man Makers x20 (OYO, SC)
Ruck Shoulder Shrugs x20 (OYO, SC)
Ruck Bear Hug Squats x20 (OYO, SC)
Rucks On, Ruck to the bottom of the hill
Prisoner Get-Ups x10 (OYO, SC)
Ruck-On Burpee’s x10 (OYO, SC)
Ruck-On Mountain Climbers x20 (OYO, DC)
Rucks off – Run – Exercise WITH Ruck:
Run Bridge and back x5 Big Boi Situp’s w/ruck on chest (OYO, SC)
Run Bridge and back x10 Deep Squats w/ruck overhead (OYO, SC)
Run Bridge and back x15 Lunges w/ruck (OYO, DC)
Run Bridge and back x20 Burpee press w/ruck (OYO, SC)
Ruck back on, ruck shuffle back to the top of the hill.
Circle of Trust:
YHC prayed us out.
I wanted to bring something to MRM that in my experience hadn’t been done.  More of a beat down than a ruck really, but using the rucks to solidify the kick-assery of this beatdown. Honestly, it was Icebox’s “elf on a shelf” that gave me the idea of doing more with the ruck on. Anyway, YHC stayed up hella late jacked up on Starbucks putting together a “war” playlist (again, a nod to my man DJ Icebox) to get us in the zone. I get there on time first to realize my speaker has 10%, Coach K is the only other one wearing a ruck… 
By the time we lost Drapper and SP, and FOR SURE when we got to those man makers we knew this wasn’t a joke. Rucking down the hill The speaker played out before the 1st song came to an end. Coach K and I got to catch up some and talk about not talking.  Keeping it 100, Coach K, donned his ruck entire Tha-Thing. By the end, the man makers from the top of the hill had me feeling my age and I had to Omaha to Burpee’s on the last round. We made it to the top of the hill to SP waiting for us, we were jut a minute early and by the time we took off our rucks it was 0615. Need to tweak it some, but I would say it was a pretty solid workout! 
#acceleration #taketheredpill #sharedpainbuildstrust


The Second Choice OG Beatdown/ The Grinch

Sally, Ice Box, and Alright Alright

Rump Roast

Nice cool 55*

Burleson Park

Welcome/Disclaimer Given:
Sort of

Warm -O- Rama:
20x IST (DC/IC)
20x SSH (DC/IC)
20x Lil Baby Arm Circles FWD (DC/IC)
20x Lil Baby Arm Circles BKWRD (DC/IC)
20x Overhead Claps (DC/IC)
20x Seal Claps (DC/IC)
20x Morrocan Nightclubs (DC/IC)
20x Light Bulbs (DC/IC)

Mosey to the parking garage
The Thang:
Remaking THE GRINCH, Austin Style
Run up 2 flights of the parking deck
5x Get-ups of the Prisoner variety 
Run back down – Burpee’s for your Bro’s
Run up 2 flights of the parking deck
5x   Get-ups of the Prisoner variety
10x Russian Twists 
Run back down – Burpee’s for your Bro’s  
Run up 2 flights of the parking deck
5x   Get-ups of the Prisoner variety
10x Russian Twists 
15x Imperial Storm Troopers
Run back down – Burpee’s for your Bro’s
Run up 2 flights of the parking deck
5x   Get-ups of the Prisoner variety
10x Russian Twists 
15x Imperial Storm Troopers
20x Nolan Ryans
Run back down – Burpee’s for your Bro’s
Run up 2 flights of the parking deck
5x   Get-ups of the Prisoner variety
10x Russian Twists 
15x Imperial Storm Troopers
20x Nolan Ryans
25x Copperhead Squats
Run back down – Burpee’s for your Bro’s  
Run up 2 flights of the parking deck
5x   Get-ups of the Prisoner variety
10x Russian Twists 
15x Imperial Storm Troopers
20x Nolan Ryans
25x Copperhead Squats
30x Hand Release Merkins
Run back down – Burpee’s for your Bro’s 
Mosey back to the softtop
Introduced Bear Squared, a Bear Crawl exercise an Willie Loman from TN brought to Austin – Into “you call it” Mary to wrap us up! – I called Rosalita’s and Alright Alright counted us out on Sloooooooow Fluuuuuutttteeeerrrrrrr Kicks. It was a pleasure leading this group of fine men.
Circle of Trust:
YHC prayed us out, thanking the good lord for giving us the gumption, and ability to get out of bed to come help each other get better. Time with families, safe travels, and a safe year end celebration. 


So to be upfront, YHC did call out there would be “NO” running… Well, even Rump Roast likes to run some. Actually, it’s the opposite, I hate it and know that I absolutely need it. But, I neglected to recall that Alright Alright was injured. Oops! Even hobbled, walking, and doing bear crawls he was still faster and better than YHC! He also pointed out how nice it was outside this morning and that we were in the parking garage… I needed a hill to run so the garage was the best I could come up with. I got a big “F You” leaving the Austin style arm warm-up. I considered it a win at that point and everything else was “all gravy”!!! YHC never knew that Ice Box’s Kryptonite were bear crawls although it’s apparently well documented.  Also, Ice Box’s brother fartsacked him but, Ice Box gave him the brotherly love handing out a solid “he had to get up with the baby” pas to his bro-ski. Overall I would say it was a decent beatdown! Men, I know I’m always belly aching, joking around, being sarcastic, but I hope each and everyone of you men in F3 Dallas know it’s just me letting you know how much I appreceiate you guys. The opportunity to be a part of something that makes me and ALL of us better husbands, brothers, fathers, and so on… I’m proud to be apart of F3Nation! I miss you guys and look forward to being “home” for the next week or so.  

Thank you,
Rump Roast

Second Choice Thursday w/ Rump & Co. Bringing families together!

Date: 9/26/2019
Temp: 80 but felt great
Weather: Moon and stars were still out. Clear morning could see the Dallas skyline in the background. 

Count-off & Name-O-Rama:
PAX:  Sweet Baby, Abercrombie, and Splash 
QIC: Rump Roast

AO: Burleson Park

Discaimer: Given

Intro / Warm-O-Rama:  
Cotton Pickers  x10 IC
Ranger Merkins x14 IC
Windmill x10 IC
Groiners x 10 OYO

The Thang:
Run DMC’s
20x Diamond Grip Merks – 1x around the outside of the tennis courts
20x Merkins – 1x around the outside of the tennis courts
20x Carolina Dry Docks – 1x around the outside of the tennis courts

Mosey to the Tennis courts:
15x Dirty Hookups IC

Circle up:
IST’s x20 IC

Suicide long to short

BearPee’s x4
1x Burbee + 4step/count Bear crawl across the field
2x Burbee + 4step/count Bear crawl across the field  
3x Burbee + 4step/count Bear crawl across the field  
4x Burbee + 4step/count Bear crawl across the field 

Partner up: (3 sets of each):
5x Pull ups
10x Squats
10x Merkins
10x Partner Shrugs
10x Lunges (each leg)

Circle up:
SSH’s x20 IC 

Circle of Trust (CoT):
Rump prayed us out

Run DMC and other random rap tunes

I saw @AlrightAlright post the #preblast for the runners and Katy Trail an had that sinking feeling. No one had signed up to Q @2ndct so YHC jumped on it even though I can still barely walk.  I didn’t want to do all arms, but, I’ll point out once more due to @Sex Panther’s Tuesday beatdown my legs are still screamin’.  I immedieatley caught flack for not starting with the crowd pleasers SSH’s & IST’s… I thought I would randomly throw them in. The Groiners were NOT a crowd favorire. I was moving a little slow this morning but after the Run DMC’s we we’re all moving at a good pace and not a ton of mumblechatter.  I didi hear Ambercrombie and Splash connecting getting each other name and age and Splash says “You’re my sons age!” and Ambercrombie calmly responds with somthing like “Dad, I’ve been looking for you!” It was great! 

– Q Source Friday @ 1130, Preston Center-ish
– 2nd F this coming up at Ultra’s (on a Friday, I forgot the date)
– F3 Golf October 5th – Sign up like yesterday!
– CSAUP Nov 01st, 1145pm at Burleson