100 Merkins–And That’s Just The Beginning

PAX: Snow White, Eruzione
QIC: Walmart

AO: Rice Middle School
F3 DISCLAIMER & WELCOME: Q welcomed the PAX by explaining the 5 Core Principles of F3. Q then told PAX that they are at the workout voluntarily, and that Q is not a professional. PAX should modify as necessary, and any injuries are not because of Q or F3.

Imperial Storm Trooper x15 IC

Overhead Clap x15 IC

Copperhead Squat x15 IC

Pickle Pounder x15 on Q’s count


Mosey to the football field.

PAX did a variation of IronPAX Week 2 (the “KISS” workout). PAX started by running across a football field and back, and then did 100 Merkins. PAX then ran across the football field and back again, and then did 90 Freddie Mercuries (double count). Across the field and back, then 80 Merkins. Across the field and back, then 70 Freddie Mercuries, etc. After PAX completed the workout with 10 Freddie Mercuries, PAX ran across the field and back twice.

No Mary due to time.

PAX shared prayer requests, and Q prayed out.

For the most part, PAX were too busy sucking wind to talk. However, there was some Mumblechatter as Q and Eruzione got to know Snow White more.


2nd F next week will be at either Bar Louie or Katy Trail Outpost.

Walmart Returns

PAX: Ghost Rider, Eruzione, Mookie, Rabbit, Bubba, and Boomer
QIC: Walmart

AO: Rice Middle School
F3 DISCLAIMER & WELCOME: Walmart gave the welcome and disclaimer that neither F3 nor Walmart can be liable for injuries at the workout. PAX should modify as necessary.

SSH x30 IC
Imperial Storm Troopers x20 IC
Windmills x20 IC
Merkins x10 IC
Copperhead Squats x20


Ring of Fire:
Circuit of 8 exercises with 42 seconds of work and 18 seconds of rest/move to the next station. 1 minute rest after all 8 exercises complete. Repeato 3 more times, for a total of 4 times.

Kettle bell swing with 25lb plate
Overhead press with 25lb plate
American Hammer
Mountain Climber


Deconstructed Burpee Relay:

Deconstructed burpee:
-Squats x10, x9, x8, etc.
-Merkins x10, x9, x8, etc.
-Leg thrusts x10, x9, x8, etc.
-Merkins x10, x9, x8, etc.

PAX split into pairs. One PAX on each team starts with 10 reps of each deconstructed burpee exercise while his partner bear crawls across a fotball field. Once the first PAX completes the deconstructed burpee, he runs to his partner and takes over on the bear crawl route. The second PAX then runs back to the starting point to do his 10 reps of deconstructed burpees, then runs back to his partner to again take over the bear crawl route. Repeato, except each PAX decreases reps by 1 each time he goes back to deconstructed burpees, until completing the workout by doing 1 rep of each.

Due to time, PAX stopped after completing 7 reps each of the deconstructed burpee exercises.

Flutterkick x15 IC
Freddie Mercury x15 IC

Q shared about his experience taking the bar exam, which caused Q to miss 3 weeks of workouts. PAX prayed for schools returning to in-person classes.

Lots of Mumblechatter about the return of college football. Bubba and Boomer went back and forth about which UT is superior. Still inconclusive. Ghost Rider gave his “compliments to the chef” for the Ring of Fire workout, but quickly retracted his praise once the bear crawling began.

Monday Runday on 9/14 at Oak Point Amphitheater.

Ladders and Sprints

DATE: 8/1/20

TEMP: 70.

WEATHER: Breezy and cool in the shade.



PAX: Eruzione, Walmart.

QIC: Walmart.


AO: Rice Middle School.





-SSH x25 IC

-Imperial Storm Trooper x15 IC

-Windmill x15 IC

-Forward Arm Circle x15 IC

-Backward Arm Circle x15 IC

-Pickle Pounder x15 OYO



Mosey to the hill behind the school.

Jacob’s Ladder: PAX do 9 reps of an exercise at the bottom of the hill, then run to the top and do 1 rep of the next exercise. PAX run back down the hill and do 8 reps of the first exercise, then back up for 2 reps, back down for 7 reps, etc.

-Irkin / Burpee

-Rosalita / WWI Situp

-Calf Raise / Jump Squat


Mosey to the practice football field.



-100-yard sprint across the field.

-Squat x25. 100-yard sprint across the field.

-Lunge x25 (double count). 100-yard sprint across the field.

-Monkey Humper x25. 100-yard sprint across the field.


Mosey back to the front of the school.



-Flutterkick x25 IC.

-LBC x25 OYO.

-Box Cutter x25 IC.

-Freddie Mercury x25 IC.


CIRCLE OF TRUST: Q prayed for the pandemic and for the parents, children, and teachers preparing to begin school in August.

MOLESKIN: PAX talked about DFW school districts’ plans for returning to school. Q shared the delays and uncertainty surrounding the Texas bar exam. Eruzione, aftering watching “The Firm,” advised Q not to become involved in a law firm that helps mobsters evade taxes.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: GrowRuck Alamo is coming up! Sign up by August 15 to make sure you get a t-shirt. It will be an awesome weekend of fellowship with PAX from all over Texas.

F3 Plano Reclaims the Gloom

DATE: 5/9/20

TEMP: 50

WEATHER: Sunny and breezy.


PAX: Rabbit, Maverick, and Bubba.

QIC: Walmart.

AO: Rice Middle School.



-Windmills x22 IC

-Overhead Claps x22 IC

-Forward Arm Circles x22IC

-Backward Arm Circles x22 IC

-Merkin x4 IC

-SSH x46 IC

-Bone the Fish

Run one lap around the school.


Mosey to the practice field by the tennis courts.

Jacob’s Ladder: bear crawl from the end zone to the tire and back.  PAX do 1 Bonnie Blair (double count) at the end zone, then bear crawl to the tire for 6 Jump Squats. Bear Crawl back to the start for 2 Bonnie Blairs, then Bear Crawl to the tire for 5 Jump Squats, etc.

PAX line up along the end zone. One PAX runs down Crawl Bears to the tire, then lunges back while the other PAX do Nipplers. Each PAX takes turns going to the tire.


American Hammer x46 IC

Freddy Mercury (slow) x22 IC

WWI Situp x10

CIRCLE OF TRUST: Q explained that PAX did 46 reps in the Warm-o-rama and Mary in honor of the 46 days it has been since the last F3 Plano Backblast; 22 reps in honor of the 22 COVID-19 deaths in Collin County; and 4 reps in honor of the 4 COVID-19 deaths in Plano. Q prayed for the health of the community and our country.

MOLESKIN: PAX talked about COVID-19 and the new measures to re-open the Texas economy.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Beatdowns will continue on Monday with Monday Runday at Oak Point.

Skeleton Crew

DATE: 3/21/20.

TEMP: 40.

WEATHER: Cool and cloudy.



PAX: Rabbit.

QIC: Walmart.


AO: Rice Middle School.





Mosey to the tennis courts.

-Windmill x15 IC

-Little Baby Arm Circles Forward x20 IC

-Little Baby Arm Cicles Backward x20 IC

-Moroccan Night Club x25 IC

-Imperial Walker x15 IC



-Burpee Lunge across three tennis courts. 10 Merkins. Run back to the beginning of the first tennis court. Burpee lunge across two tennis courts. 10 Merkins. Run back. Burpee lunge across one tennis court. 10 Merkins. Run back.

-Same thing, but Bear Crawl instead of Burpee Lunge and Bonnie Blairs (double count) instead of Merkins.

-Mosey to the picnic tables by the school.

-Irkin x15

-Dip x15

-Derkin x15

-Box Jump x15

-Irkin x15


Jacob’s Ladders:

-1 Box Jump, then run to the benches for 7 Dips. 2 Box Jumps, 6 Dips. Etc.

-Mosey to the tennis court for another Jacob’s Ladder. 1 LBC, then run across two tennis courts and do 10 double count Flutterkicks. Run back for 2 LBCs, then 9 Flutterkicks. Etc.



-American Hammer x25 IC

-Box Cutter x15 IC

-Freddie Mercury x15 IC

-Leg Raise x10 IC


CIRCLE OF TRUST: Q prayed for coronavirus, and for PAX that had not been seen at workouts in awhile.

MOLESKIN: PAX talked about coronavirus and Texas’s lockdown.



Walmart and Silicon Tagteam the Q

DATE: 2/22/20.

TEMP: 40.

WEATHER: Cool and cloudy.



PAX: Walmart, Silicon, Mookie, Eruzione, Landry, and FNG.

QIC: Walmart and Silicon.


AO: Rice Middle School.





-SSH x50 IC

-IW x15 IC

-Overhead Clap x15 IC

-Absolution x10 IC

-Native American Run around the school.


Mosey to the picnic tables by the tennis courts.

-Dip x20 OYO

-Irkin x25 OYO

-Derkin x30 OYO

-Dip x35 OYO

Mosey to the tennis courts.

Church Picnic: PAX split into pairs. Pairs leap frog across three tennis courts, then wheelbarrow back across to the start. 10 Absolutions each one PAX return to the start. Repeato.

Elevens: Jacob’s Ladder of burpees and LBCs. Start with 10 burpees, then run across all 4 tennis courts and do 1 LBC. Run back to the start and do 9 burpees, 2 LBCs, 8 burpees, 3 LBCs, etc.

Bear Crawl across 1 tennis court, then Crab Walk across 1 tennis court. Repeato but in reverse to get back to the start.


-Flutterkick x10 IC very slow.

-5 burpees.


MOLESKIN: PAX got to know Landry and FNG. PAX named FNG “Jennay.” Glad to have a new addition to the brotherhood.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Deafinitely Not Different 5K on March 28. F3 Dallas’s Texas Independence Day 18K on March 7.

Where’s the Playground?

DATE: 2/8/2020.

TEMP: 35.

WEATHER: Clear and sunny.



PAX: Walmart, Maverick, Eruzione, and Mookie.

QIC: Walmart.


AO: Rice Middle School.


WELCOME/DISCLAIMER: Given. Q is not a professional. PAX are here voluntarily. Modify as necessary.



-SSH x25 IC

-Mountain Climber x25 IC

-Imperial Walker x25 IC

-Cotton Picker x25 IC

-Mosey around Rice.



Mosey to the playground. Stopped at some benches on the way.

-Dip x30 IC

-Irkin x25 OYO

Continue to the playground.

Jacob’s Ladder: 5 pullups, 1 swerkin. Then 4 pullups, 2 swerkins. 3 pullups, 3 swerkins, etc.

Bear crawl across playground.

Mosey back to Rice.

Baseball: each corner across the entire tennis court area of 3 courts is a pain station. PAX split into pairs and were responsible for 80 reps total per pair. PAX could divide reps however they like. Partner carry between each Base.

-First Base: Flutterkick (double count).

-Second Base: Bonnie Blair (double count for first lap, then single count).

-Third Base: Freddie Mercury (double count)

-Home: Frog Jumps.



-WWI Situp x25 OC

-Plank for 1.5 minutes.

-American Hammer x25 OYO (double count).


CIRCLE OF TRUST: prayed for Maverick’s family, Rabbit, Walmart’s wife, and the coronavirus outbreak.

MOLESKIN: PAX discussed Elon Musk, the proposed high speed train between Dallas, Houston, and Austin, Teslas, solar panels, fun things to do in Phoenix, and the Superbowl.



Wanna Get Away?

PAX: Eruzione, Mookie, and Boomer
QIC: Maverick

AO: Vines HS

DATE: January 21, 2020

F3 DISCLAIMER & WELCOME: All pax showed up late so they’ll never know if I gave it or not.


87 SSH solo as I waited for PAX to show



25 Seal clap IC


Mosey to the Tennis courts with 2 coupons.

Paired up for some DORA.

PAX 1 did cattle bell swings with Coupon, PAX 2 bear crawled to mid line of court then crawl bear back, bear crawl to end and crawl bear back. Swap rinse and repeat x3

Partner carry across 4 tennis courts, swap rinse and repeat x3

PAX 1 over head presses with coupon while PAX 2 crab walked to mid line in court, walk crab back, then crab walk to end of court walk crab back. Swap rinse and repeat x3 

11s We started with 21s but after 1 round quickly realized time was behind us so Q called an audible and changed to 11s. 

10 burpees, run to other side of courts, 1 squat back peddle to start.

9 burpees 2 squats and so on.

Returned coupon to coupon holding area.

Closed with picture and discussed inviting pax and FNGs to the relaunch on Jan 25th. Closed with a prayer.

Boomer mentioned something about a “Wanna Get Away” fare In regards to the workout so Q decided that was an appropriate name for the beat down.

1. Plano relaunch January 25th 0700 Rice Middle School. AlrighAlright from Dallas is giving away a T-shirt to the PAX with the most FNGs.
2. be sure to share phone numbers on Band if you want to stay in the loop.

Rice Rice Baby

DATE: 1/19/20.

TEMP: 56.

WEATHER: Sunny and cool.



PAX: Walmart, Maverick, Eruzione, Silicon, Boomer.

QIC: Walmart.


AO: Rice Middle School.





-IW x15 IC

-Windmills x15 IC

-SSH x101 IC

-Arm Circles Forward x15 IC

-Arm Circles Backward x15 IC

-Moroccan Nightclubs x15 IC



Native American Run around the school.

Burpees x10 OYO

Black Snake around the school.

Burpees x10 OYO

Batan Death March around the school. Just like a Native American Run, but drop and do 2 burpees at the back of the line before running to the front.

Burpees x10 OYO

Honeymoon Night:

-Pickle Pounder x15 OYO

-Wall walk

-Sky Pickles x15 OYO

-Repeato once.


Mosey back to the parking lot.


AYG back to the Honeymoon Night wall to retrieve Q’s phone, then back to the parking lot.


Mosey to the tennis courts.


7 of Diamonds: PAX do the following at each corner of one tennis court. Bear crawl between corners.

-Burpees x7
-Flutter Kicks x14 (4 count)
-Merkins x21
-Squats x28
-Carolina Dry Dock x21
-Freddie Mercury x14 (4 count)
-Burpees x7


-Flutterkick x20 IC

-Freddie Mercury x20 IC

-LBC x20 IC

-Box Cutter x20 IC

-WWI Situp x20 OC

-Uptown Crunch x10 each side OYO

-Rosalita x21 IC

-Oblique Crunch x15 each side OYO

-Crunchy Frog x20 IC

CIRCLE OF TRUST: Q prayed out.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 Flower Mound is doing a CSAUP on February 1 from 2AM to 7:30AM. PAX will ruck between Flower Mound’s 6 AOs and do a mini Q at each. CSAUP will conclude with an hour-long workout from 6:30-7:30. Starts at Lewisville High School and will end at Marcus High School.

Walls of Rice Middle School

PAX: Mookie, Silicon, Rabbit, Eruzione
QIC: Maverick

AO: Test AO: Rice Middle School




20 Imperial Squat Walkers IC

20 Don Quiotes IC

20 Picking Cotton Through the Tunnel IC

Walls of Jericho around Rice Middle School 

7 laps, 7 Excercises, 7 reps each

Mountain Climbers (double count)

Worst Merkin Ever

Peter Parkers

Bonnie Blairs


Imperial Squat Walker

Plank until every pax has completed the round.

We ran out of time and only completed 6 full rounds. 

No time

Counted off. Closed out in a prayer.

A lot of talk about Python; both the language and the snake. Talked about driving distance for the current pax and the new AO. Silicon had the Coffeteria Q at Rusty Taco.

1. January 25th will be the official F3 Plano Relaunch with PAX from Dallas. Start EHing some FNGs and bringing them to all the beatdowns. Location TBD. We’d like to get feedback on this new AO or one nearby.