DATE: 5/9/20
TEMP: 50
WEATHER: Sunny and breezy.
PAX: Rabbit, Maverick, and Bubba.
QIC: Walmart.
AO: Rice Middle School.
-Windmills x22 IC
-Overhead Claps x22 IC
-Forward Arm Circles x22IC
-Backward Arm Circles x22 IC
-Merkin x4 IC
-SSH x46 IC
-Bone the Fish
Run one lap around the school.
Mosey to the practice field by the tennis courts.
Jacob’s Ladder: bear crawl from the end zone to the tire and back. PAX do 1 Bonnie Blair (double count) at the end zone, then bear crawl to the tire for 6 Jump Squats. Bear Crawl back to the start for 2 Bonnie Blairs, then Bear Crawl to the tire for 5 Jump Squats, etc.
PAX line up along the end zone. One PAX runs down Crawl Bears to the tire, then lunges back while the other PAX do Nipplers. Each PAX takes turns going to the tire.
American Hammer x46 IC
Freddy Mercury (slow) x22 IC
WWI Situp x10
CIRCLE OF TRUST: Q explained that PAX did 46 reps in the Warm-o-rama and Mary in honor of the 46 days it has been since the last F3 Plano Backblast; 22 reps in honor of the 22 COVID-19 deaths in Collin County; and 4 reps in honor of the 4 COVID-19 deaths in Plano. Q prayed for the health of the community and our country.
MOLESKIN: PAX talked about COVID-19 and the new measures to re-open the Texas economy.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Beatdowns will continue on Monday with Monday Runday at Oak Point.