DATE: 7/2/2019
TEMP: 75.
WEATHER: partly cloudy. Very breezy and cool.
PAX: BOOMER, Mookie, and Walmart.
QIC: Walmart.
AO: Liberty Park.
WELCOME/DISCLAIMER: Q is not a professional. PAX were there of their own volition, voluntarily doing each exercise. PAX should modify as necessary. Q also disclaimed that he would be cutting the exercise a few minutes short.
•SSH x30 IC
•IW x 10 IC
•Moroccan Night Clubs x50 IC
•Merkins x25 CC
•Pickle Pounders x15 IC
•Absolution x10 IC
Batan Death March around the track–3 burpees at the back of the line.
Church Picnic: PAX are supposed to do the following in pairs, but Q modified since there were 3 PAX at the workout.
•Leap frog to cone (3 tennis courts long), wheelbarrow back, then 5 Absolutions each.
•Repeato x3
•LBC’s x20 IC
•J-Lo’s x15 IC (each leg)
•WWI Sit Ups x15 CC
•American Hammer x20 IC
•Penguin Crunches x20 IC
MOLESKIN: not much mumblechatter. PAX were too busy sucking wind.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: we’ll be rescheduling the abandoned Second F event planned for 7/6. Will pick a date following the 4th. BOOMER will be Qing an Independence Day workout at 7A.M.
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