#backblast 6/11
PAX: Alright Alright, Chairman Mao, Sally
QIC: Teasip
AO: Katy Trail #katytrailthursday
SSH x15, IST x15, Vegetable Picker x10
Mosey to the trail. Run a quarter mile, then 10 Merkins and 15 OH Press
Run another quarter mile, followed by the Teasip second quarter special (Irkins and Derkins), followed by 15 LBCs
Partner up for the next quarter mile. Partner 1 starts running and Partner 2 starts bear crawling. Partner 1 runs to the next quarter mile marker, then runs back to swap with Partner 2. Partner 1 then continues bear crawling while Partner 2 runs to the next quarter mile and back. Keep switching until you finish bear crawling the full quarter mile.
Mosey to the benches for Dips x12. Then quarter mile runs back with the following pain stations:
15 Rugby Sit ups OYO
Uptown crunch x12 both sides and 10 diamond merkins.
Mosey back to La Madeline for Merkin ring of fire to 50.
Done during the workout
YHC prayed us out. Alright Alright proposed an idea of starting every workout with a Merkin Ring of Fire so guys can get familiar with each others names.
Small group this morning, which was a shame cuz the no shows missed out on some great Trail running weather. Alright Alright informed us that Pepper did his best politician impersonation by promising to have a perfect rest of the week starting today, but alas he was a no show. Maybe he’ll HC again for tomorrow? AA said Pepper promised him Canes if he didn’t show, so we’ll see if Pepper will pay up. Everyone was pretty sore from either the Harbor yesterday (even Sally with his half post yesterday) so YHC tried to hit the upper body hard. This was confirmed by AA saying this was the heaviest upper body Trail day (Mustang nonwithstanding). Overall, a solid beatdown enjoying probably the last good weather day until October.
1. Happy Hour tomorrow at 1730 at Oatmeal’s. Check the details and RSVP