Escalating Intervals

Backblast for 1/10 Katy Trail Thursday

PAX: Ina, Aaarrrggghhh, Alright Alright, Chairman Mao, Special Sauce, The Gambler, Coach K, Candy Land, F-150, Rump Roast
QIC: Mile High

AO: Katy Trail

SSH x20

ISS x15

Windmills x10

Cotton Pickers x10, nice and slow

Rump Roast and F-150 took off on a ruck while the remaining PAX moseyed over to the Katy Trail

Having attended the first Q Source meeting the night before, YHC encouraged the PAX to disrupt their status quo. Anything done habitually or with high frequency can easily become the status quo, so YHC challenged the PAX to push themselves on the intervals, go harder on the beat down, etc.

¼ mile run

Merkins x12 IC

CDD x12 IC

½ mile run

Overhead claps x12 IC

Calf raises x12 IC

¾ mile run

30 sec. plank

Crab cakes x12 IC

¼ mile Native American run

Alternating shoulder taps x12

Rugby sit-ups x10

½ mile run

10 count

¼ mile Native American run

10 count

¼ mile run

American hammer x 12

¼ mile run burning whatever is left in the tank

Mosey back

Miles Covered: 4.2 miles

None, YHC went past 6:15 with Tha Thang.

YHC reminded the PAX of comments made at the beginning of the beat down: habitual and high frequency activities easily become the status quo. This can be especially true of the relationship with your wife. For YHC, it is a unique challenge to define what it means to create movement towards advantage (F3 definition of a leader) in his marriage, exhorting each PAX to determine what this means for their own marriages. A place to start is to review the vows made to your wife during your wedding. YHC encouraged the unmarried PAX to consider what they may vow when they marry. Expressions of emotion, such as, “I have loved you since first sight,” is not a vow. The old fashioned, “in poverty and wealth, in sickness and health, till death do us part,” is a promise made and a standard to which one must hold. Each man should share leadership within his family with his wife; however, being the NANTAN (see the Lexicon if unfamiliar) of his marriage, it is the responsibility of each man to set the vision and communicate it in such a way that inspires his wife to follow.

YHC offered prayer.

Alright Alright, Ina, and YHC were the first to congregate and speculated about the current temp. Official starting temp was 41 degrees, but all agreed it felt warmer. Overall, the mumblechatter was at a minimum. Howdy’s and Good morning’s were exchanged with passers by on the trail and there was the occasional trash talk between PAX during the intervals. Coach K and YHC had a chat on the next to last interval of Coach K’s love for running. Having already signed up to Q next Thursday’s beat down, Coach K assured YHC that it would enjoyable for all involved, likely involving less running.

Those at the back of the pack on the mosey back exchanged pleasantries with a runner going in the opposite direction. It is probable that she did not appreciate a group of beat down men running on the right side of the road. Hopefully her day improved from there.

1. Run Ranger Run – Gambler said he was going to claim one of the two remaining spots, leaving one more spot
2. 2nd F Happy Hour at Ozona on Friday

3. Friday Q Source at 11:30, Taco Joint in Preston Center