F150’s Deck of Death

THE SCENE:  48 windy
AO: Mockingbird Station
Annie IC x15
Sixty Second Arm Circles (SSACs)
    Start in T Plank (left arm up) 15 IC roll to back for LBCs 15 IC to T Plank (right arm up)

Moseyed to top of parking deck
    Deck of Death is a routine done with a deck of playing cards where each suit is an exercise and each card dictates the number of reps you do of  that exercise all the way up to an Ace being 14 reps.

This mornings version was the following:
    Hearts = Merkins
    Diamonds = Dive bombers
    Spades = Lt Danger (lunge, lunge, squat, merkin)
    Clubs = Mexican Jumping Bean Squat
    Joker = 50 SSH IC
    For cards lower than 5, we did the following:
    4 = Sprint length of parking deck and back
    3 = Crab Walk/Lunge to midpoint of parking deck and back
    2 = Plank side shuffles/Lunge Walk to midpoint of parking deck and back

We made it through 23 cards = 43% of the deck

Card Suit Number completed
Hearts (merkins) 43
Diamonds (Dive bombers) 49
Spades (Lt Danger) 36
Clubs (Mexican Jumping Bean Squat) 29
Joker (50 SSH IC) 50
4 (Sprint length of parking deck and back) 4
3 (Crab Walk/Lunge to midpoint of parking deck and back) 1
2 (Plank side shuffles/Lunge Walk to midpoint of parking deck and back) 1

Reverse crunch IC x10
Hello Dolly IC x20
LBCs IC x20
Boxcutters IC x20 (10 then reverse)

6 PAX – Teasip, Chairman Mao, AlrightAlright, Coach K, Pepper
Q: F150 

F150 shared as he has been reading through Scripture in the Old Testament how God has used a lot of jacked up men in history. We are all leaders either within our families, jobs, or elsewhere. Let’s be men that influence others and reinvigorate men to be men.


AlrightAlright shared about February 9th and 10th special weekend. We will have a 2nd F Happy Hour on February 9 at Ozona Grill and Bar. This is a special HH to have M’s,  new men, and those that have not been to a workout in a while join us. On Saturday we welcome back all our new men and brothers who have missed workouts…we will welcome them with Kotters. Mark your Calendar and begin inviting men today.