DATE: Friday 5/31/19
PAX: Teasip, Coach K, Draper, Rump Roast, Sweet Baby, Stingray, F150, United, Peppa, Alright Alright, Icebox, Sambuca
QIC: Sally
AO: Caruth Park
F3 DISCLAIMER & WELCOME: Given – also noted that there would be competitions today but that the goal of the workout is to get stronger, faster, and more resilient, not to beat guys (friends) in something meaningless 🙂
SSH x20
IST x 15
Run from one end of parking lot to the other at 50%, 75%, 85%, and all-out
Mosey to tennis court
Circle up, count off 1-2
Team 1 vs Team 2 in a timed points contest
PAX had the choice of:
1 lap around the short loop (outside of the tennis court),
20 catcher squats, or
20 hand-release merkins
Completing 1 round of an exercise was worth 1 point. PAX could not do the same exercise twice in a row.
PAX were informed that “the losers had to do burpees.”
After ~10 minutes, we tallied up the scores. Team 1’s average score of 11.714 points beat Team 2’s average of 11.5 points.
Team 2 had to do 10 burpees, and Team 1 had to also do 10 burpees, but with two jumps at the top :).
5 count
Circle up; partner with the man across the circle from you.
Partner sprint relay competition
One partner planks on the endline/baseline while his partner sprints to the other endline/baseline (across both courts) and back.
Each sprint down and back was 1 point.
After ~4 minutes, AlrightAlright and United’s score of 13 sprints beat the several other teams at 12 and 11. They were allowed to select “15 of any exercise”; they chose burpees.
At this point the tennis instructor guy was ready to get going, so we moved to the curb on the far side of the tennis court.
Wheel(/?World) of Merkins
Starting with Irkins (hands on the curb, feet in the street), PAX did 10 merkins.
Then rotate 90 degrees clockwise and put your left hand on the curb, right in the street. 10 merkins.
Rotate 90 degrees clockwise again and do 10 derkins.
Rotate the final 90 degrees and do 10 merkins with your right hand on the curb, left in the street.
10 count
Wheel(/?World) of Legs
Similar to the above with merkins, but this time starting with your left foot on the curb and right in the street – a lunge position. 20 squats/lunges.
Rotate clockwise, this time feet shoulder-width apart, with left leg on the curb and right in the street – uneven squats. 20.
Rotate clockwise, put right foot back on curb, left in the street. 20 squats/lunges.
Rotate the final 90 degrees, right foot on the curb, left in the street, 20 uneven squats.
Brief Rings ‘N Things
3 groups:
First group does 10 pull-ups
Second group does 15 derkins
Third group runs around the tree (“that tree”) and back.
Move to the next station. Go through all once.
PAX’s choice:
Penguin crunch
Uptown crunch
Sally’s choice:
Dr. W’s
Gave thanks for the men around us and for all of our blessings, asked for direction and guidance, and prayed for comfort for those in affliction.
Great turnout for a Friday with 13 guys.
Competition is a great way for guys to push themselves, as long as it doesn’t turn into a negative. Guys did great today and it never (okay maybe only a couple times) got too intense.
Wheel/World of Legs required some dynamic thinking which YHC failed… by putting the right leg up on the 3rd exercise, we essentially did uneven lunges with the “left leg up” twice.. YHC recognized this fact when his left quad started shaking.
“Hip Hop Workout” on Spotify was a less vulgar playlist than YHC’s last Q. Still had some drops here and there but overall a better balance between “Go HAM” and “oh my goodness”
1. Hit up the chat about QSource today.
2. Coach K’s Amazing Race tomorrow. It is a good time and a great workout, make it out if you can!
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