PAX: Hardywood (down range from Richmond), Walmart, Teasip, Rump Roast, Antman, Sally, AlrightAlright
QIC: Oatmeal
AO: Germany Park
F3 DISCLAIMER & WELCOME: Given and implicitly acknowledged
SSH x15 IC
IST x15 IC
High knees x20 IC
YHC had PAX team up, and decided to play cards with PAX by bringing two decks of cards set at different locations around the track (not quite at 200m intervals, more like 150m and 250m).
Each suit in the deck corresponded to a different exercise: Humpers, monkey (Hearts), Squats (Spades), Carolina Dry Docks (Clubs) and Diamond Merkins (Diamonds) while PAX performed number indicated on card (face cards were 10 and aces 11). YHC was kind enough to remove all cards lower than seven from each deck, and as a bonus, one deck contained two jokers. The reward for drawing jokers was 20 burpees for the “lucky” teammates! Upon completing each lap, PAX completed five pullups before drawing a new card.
When the cards at both stations were drawn out, YHC assembled PAX in a circle of pain, reshuffled both decks and had each PAX pull a card from his deck of choice.
All IC:
Flutter kicks
Marge & Homer
YHC prayed us out.
Mumble chatter was varied since PAX were spread out around the track. There was enough overlap to know Teesip and Rump Roast drew both jokers to complete 40 burpees (with luck like this, a trip to Vegas should be arranged). No explicit thanks were given by other PAX for this sacrifice (however PAX were rewarded with a joker during circle of pain). YHC had the pleasure of partnering with Hartywood during workout and learning he made the road trip to Texas with his M and 4 x2.0’s, one of which is 5 mos old (TClaps)! Best to our Richmond brother and safe travels home after the holidays!
1. Q Source launching in 2019. Vote for times that work for your schedule on Band.
- Run Ranger Run signup. Team page is at following link:
- CSAUP event March 2. Contact AlrightAlright to volunteer for “planning committee”