Surprise Plus One

AO: Glencoe Park

SSH x 31
IST x 21
Merkins x 11
LBC x 21

Mosey to Football Field
Jacobs Ladder (5s) – Squats & Diamond Merkins

Irkins x 11
Tree-Hugger (Hold Al-Gore with a PAX count to 79)
Plank(ton) (Hold Plank with a PAX count to 79)
LBCs x 21
Derkins x 11

Dora 3,4,5
Partner PAX (width of football field run)
300 Low Flutters
400 LBCs
500 Freddie Mercury (single count)

Mosey to Tennis Court

Del Brown
Crab Walk across first tennis court
Diamond Merkins x 11 (thanks mostly to special Teasip special request – much to the dismay of the PAX).
Crab Walk to beginning of Court 2
Regular Merkins x 11 (again the originally suggested 10 Plus One)
Crab Walk to end of Court 2
Wide Grip Merkins x 11
Repeato back across

WWII Sit-ups (OYO) x 10
Uptown Crunch x 11 (both sides)
Homer to Marge (the old Marge to Marge trick always gets someone in the PAX).

PAX: AlrightAlright, Oo-De-Lally, Coach K, Icebox, Teasip, Pepper
QIC: Plus One

Plus One prayed us out and the PAX headed off to make a difference in the workplace.

Always a great time with the men of F3 in the gloom at #glencoefosho


1. 2ndF Happy Hour June 8th – Pepper is the Q, see his recent poll post
2. 3rd F Second Saturday, June 9 Chairman Mao is your Q for this event. Talk to him for details
3. 2nd F Charity Concert for First Tee of Dallas – Josh Abbott and Wade Bowen June 7th – talk to Aaarrrggghhh about tickets
4. GrowRuck Memphis Sept 21-23

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