AO: Williams Park
SSH x25
Imperial Stormtrooper x20
Windmill x10
Carolina Drydocks x10
Williams 10×5:
Squats x10, Merkins x10, WWII x10, run up ladder and go down slide. 5 rounds
Bear crawled around a bit with burpees every now and again (25 burpees total)
Walking lunge / burpee ladder. Follow the trees around the park doing increasing number of burpees at each tree. (9 trees total)
Dirty McDeuce:
Claymakers x12 each leg
Irken/Merkins/Derkin x12
OHD Claps x12
More burpees, cause why not?
LBCs x15
Scissors x15
Penguin Crunch x15
More burpees, cause, again, why not?
PAX: F150, Gold Digger, Teasip
QIC: Coach K
Omaha Q because some people needed their beauty rest. Felt like a trap being led to a new AO, but it all worked out.
PAX were a big fan of the Williams Park slide, which is about twice as high and steep as those at Caruth. Add some fresh rain and you’re knee high to a grasshopper. We gave Teasip a solid 8.25 for sliding on his feet and sticking the landing (minor buckle of the left knee docked him some points). I even ended the workout with a final trip down the slide to compensate for the 90 burpees.
Minor complaints about the number of SSH to kickoff the workout. I wanted to embrace the spirit of the original Q and his passion for the exercise. Granted 25 isn’t a lot, so complaints were promptly ignored.
I did regain credibility by saying we’d do 100 burpees but only did 90. As always, I’m here for the people, so I do what I can.
1. Guest Q tomorrow, Gus from Memphis, at Burleson Park 0700
2. VAPE dinner May 29
3. GrowRuck Memphis Sept 21-23