PAX: Draper, Pow Pow, Rump Roast, Icebox, Sally, Pepper, Coach K, Island Time, Sweet Baby, Mini Wheat (FNG)
Q: Alright Alright
AO: Burleson Park/SMU
Tha Thang:
Stage 1: SSH x20, then run a lap – Coach K won by a large margin. This run sorted the PAX into teams:
Team 1: Coach K, Icebox, Sally, Rump Roast
Team 2: Pow Pow, Pepper, Sweet Baby
Team 3: Draper, Island Time, Mini Wheat
Stage 2: IST x10, Groiners x10 – Coach K won
Stage 3: Suicides on the tennis courts – Coach K with another victory
Stage 4: T-merkins x25 – Coach K won
Stage 5: Crab Walk across both tennis courts and back – Coach K won
Stage 6: Dips x25 – Icebox won
Stage 7: Team Time Trial – 4 laps, each member of the team must lead 1 lap, the victor is determined by the final team member to cross the finish line. – Pow Pow, Pepper and Sweet Baby won this by almost a complete lap
Stage 8: Crab Cakes x20 – Coach K won
Stage 9: Mosey then Jailbreak to the Quad – Coach K won
Stage 10: Burpees x20 – Coach K won
Stage 11: Bobby Hurleys x10, Lap around the fountain – Coach K won
Stage 12: Scorpion Dry Docks x20, Carolina Dry Docks x10 – Icebox won
Stage 13: Mountain Climbers x15, Lap to flag pole and back – Sally won (granted the victory by his teammate in what was most likely a tie)
Stage 14: Burpees x7, Crawl Bear Up the Stairs, Burpee, jog down – Sally won
Stage 15: Mosey/Jailbreak to parking garage – Sally won
Stage 16 – Rugby Sit Ups x20 – Icebox won
Final Stage – Bear Crawl to the top of the parking garage. PAX are granted head starts on the peloton based on the number of stages they won.
Coach K – 90 second headstart
Icebox/Sally – 30 second headstart
Pow Pow, Sweet Baby, Pepper – 10 second headstart
Coach K won by a ton. The headstart, and the fact that he is probably the best bear crawler of the bunch led to a complete blowout. Pow Pow had an impressive second place finish and YHC believes Sally finished third.
Yellow Jersey – Coach K
Green Jersey (most stage wins) – Icebox
White Jersey (40+ division) – Pow Pow
Courageous Rider – Sally
Thanks for playing along for a very intense workout and competition. It was an honor to watch you all battle fatigue and compete with each other to complete this beatdown.
Heck of a day for a new guy to show up… Mini Wheat, YHC apologizes if we weren’t the most welcoming crew this morning. Competition and the intensity level of this workout significantly reduced the amount of friendly chatter. If you can make it through this workout you can make it through pretty much all of them.
Mini Wheat got his name because he is from Battle Creek, Michigan, home of Kellogg’s. We initially named him Flo because he is about to open his own State Farm agency. We then decided that we will have other opportunities to name people after insurance commercial characters, but we probably won’t have too many opportunities to name people after Kellogg’s cereals. Hope to see you out there again soon brother.