Alright Alright’s F3 Sixth Birthday

PAX: Pow Pow, D-Fib, Island Time, Isiah, Siesta, Oatmeal, Draper, Plus One, Classified, Pepper, Chairman Mao

QIC: Alright Alright

AO: Burleson Park

Extra Credit 6 Minutes of Mary:

– Flutter Kicks

– Low Dolly

– Rosalita

– Other Stuff


– SSH x6

– IST x12

-Burpees x6 (6 every 6 minutes for the whole workout)


– Motivator (new name for Suicide)

– Burpees x6

– Motivator

– Lunges x6

– Motivator

– Imperial Storm Troopers x6

– Motivator

– Merkins x6

– Motivator

– Plank Jacks x6

– Motivator

– Squats x6

Tha Rest of Tha Thang:

– Mosey to the Quad

– Partner Up

– Run to the end of the even numbers of the clock with one of these exercises at the end of each runway

– Jumping Spiders x6

– Uptown Crunches x6

– Nipplers x6

– Groiners x6

– Lunges x6

– Elbow 2 Knee x6

– After completing one round complete the circuit again with 12 reps of the exercises

– Mosey back to the park

6 Minutes of Mary:

– Parker Peters x6

– Peter Parkers x6

– Mountain Climbers x6

– Dancing Wilt Chamberlains x6

– Crab Cakes x6

– DWC x6

– CC x6

– DWC x6

– CC x6

Circle of Trust: 6 Years is a long time.  I’ve grown a lot in that time.  I’ve gotten stronger and faster, but more importantly, I’ve become a better leader and a better man.  Thank you all for pushing me to improve everyday.

My story is the same as almost all of our F3 brothers.  The Fitness was the magnet that brought me in.  The Fellowship is the glue that won’t let me get away.  The Faith (a belief in something greater than myself) is the dynamite that will allow us to have an impact on the community around us.  This is where our focus needs to be.  We must do a better job of having a positive impact on the city that we all love.  That starts with growing our forces.  We can change Dallas, Texas and the United States one man at a time.  It is time for us to start taking this responsibility and OPPORTUNITY seriously.  Give it away. Now.