PAX: AlrightAlright, Belk Bowl, Helmet, Special Sauce, Aaarrrggghhh, Teasip, Rump Roast, Ant Man
QIC: DJ Icebox
AO: Glencoe Park
SSH X 20
IST X 15
Daisy Pickers X 10
OutKast- hey ya, SSH + burpees with “hey ya” (22)
DJ Khaled Ft Rhianna, Wild Thoughts- back plank + dip with “wild” (53)
Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody – P1 jump rope, P2 10 pull-ups, switch
Beanie Sigel, Feel it in the air – Freddy Mercury’s + rugby sit-ups with “air” (32)
Queen, fat bottomed girls- P1 jump rope, P2 20 LBC’s, switch
Panic! At the disco, High Hope- plank + merkin with “high” (31)
JT, Sexyback- flutter kicks + yeah thrusts with “sexy” and “go head be gone with it” (72)
Selena Gomez, Wolves- Superman’s +T merkin with “you” (30)
Jawga Boyz, All the Girls Wanna Ride- Chairman Specials
Queen, Another One Bites the Dust- P1 jumps rope, P2 5 pull-ups, switch
Queen, We Will Rock You – SSH + burpee with “we will”
Included above
Didn’t do as good of a job as I wanted to of getting my message out so I’ll try it here: Q’ing is fun! If you’re new at it don’t hesitate to reach out to others for ideas, I text Alright Alright all the time about things I’m thinking about and there are others who are happy to help. The important thing is that you try and we’ll support you through it. That is until you get the hang of it and then we’re going to be a bunch of smart asses to you.
As promised to Rump Roast there was no running. To get our cardio we used a heavy dose of jump rope, to make it even better for Alright Alright we listed to various Queen songs while we did it. AA had some words for the Q but he made me crawl bear upstairs a couple times so he had it coming. Not a ton of mumblechatter since we were sucking wind and listening to a sweet playlist. Special Sauce had some words about the Beanie Siegel song and how I don’t get any slow jams at home anymore but I mostly ignored him.
Tried to console Teasip on the A&M loss but we couldn’t tell which team was which because they and Miss St wore the same jerseys for the game.
1. Nominate for Q of the year!
2: vote for volunteerism or college football watching