Men, as you all probably know at this time, the governor is allowing for a staged reopening of the state of Texas on May 1. I understand that this exciting news, but please take it with caution. The overall recommendation is to still stay home as much as possible, but I also understand that cabin fever has been rough on us all. I am longing for the days of personal interaction outside of my house. There has been mumble chatter about setting up happy hours and in-person workouts. Each of you must decide for yourselves what you consider safe for you and your families. I will make recommendations, but each man here should be accelerating toward being a HIM and, therefore, must make the decisions most appropriate for his health and family.
Given the loosening of restrictions tomorrow, I recommend we continue to stage our Ultra Bluejeans Network (UBJN) workouts virtually as our main conduit of keeping 1F accelerating. However, I know that there are pockets of PAX that have and continue to meet in person in small groups at times outside the Gloom. If you can and/or have set up these workouts in a way that allows for proper distancing, keep it going! I would ask, however, that you keep the groups small (4-5 max). This is a time to show leadership and adaptability. If you have other ideas for workouts, themes or AO’s make use of them, blast it to your fellow PAX and share it on Twitter. I will also ask that you take pictures of your workouts and send to F150 for posting, but please make sure you’re not breaking any distancing rules to get that pic!
In conclusion, use your best judgment when thinking about non-virtual workouts. Don’t bring unnecessary attention to yourselves or F3 but use your leadership and creativity. We are out to positively influence other men and our communities! This is a great time to EH men in our communities with the number of men I see out exercising in solitude. Men, let it be known if you post outside of an UBJN virtual workout. This will encourage other PAX to post to workouts. Look on Twitter or Slack for workouts outside the region for a change up. A special thank you to Special Sauce, Agnes and others who have stepped in with the SIP Daily Challenges! These have been fantastic even though I have failed to complete one in quite a while. Keep it up! #coronavirus #isolatedbutnotseparated #isi