PAX: Papercut (Willy Loman from Seattle), Clipboard, Sally, Alright Alright, Coach K, Rump Roast, Dr Seuss, Plus One, Pow Pow, Draper, F150, Special Sauce, Isaiah
Partial Credit: Island Time
QIC: Oatmeal
AO: Burleson Park
- SSH x 16 IC
- Hillbillies x 15 IC
- Peter Parkers x 10 IC
Making use of the 12 spokes (sidewalks) out from the fountain in front of Dallas Hall, YHC had PAX perform the following rotating around each spoke like clockwork for a total of 45 minutes.
- 10 Pamela Andersons (burpee nippler)
- 20 Squats
- 30 V Ups
- 40 Merkins
- 50 Rugby Situps
- 60 Gorilla Squats
- 70 Mountain Climbers (x2)
- 80 Lunges (x1)
- 90 OH Presses
- 100 Plank Jacks
- 110 OH Claps
- 120 LBC’s
Following each set of exercises, PAX ran the length of spoke, perform a burpee (adding a burpee at each spoke for a total of 78 burpees if the circuit was completed) and running back to fountain (hub). An exception was made following gorilla squats and OH presses, where YHC had PAX bear crawl length of the spoke and back since the spokes were relatively short.
PAX results:
- YHC started at 1:00 and finished +13:30 at 2:30
- Coach K started at 1:00 and finished +17:00 at 6:00
- Alright Alright: started at 11:00 and finished +15:30 at 2:30
- Plus One started at 8:00 and finished +12:00 at 8:00
- Draper started at 1:00 and finished + 13:30 at 2:30
- Rump Roast started at 4:00 and finished
- Pow Pow started at 5:00 and finished +10:30 at 3:30
- Isaiah started at 9:00 and finished +14:00 at 11:00
YHC prayed us out
YHC started workout straightaway with a mosey to the fountain in front of Dallas Hall. There was a bit of grumbling with the lack of warm up as was the case last time I rolled this out as well. This time I remembered to bring my speaker, we started on time and got in a full 45 mins of what I will lovingly refer to as the Doomsday Clock. I even added several songs to the playlist to make it more ‘hip’, however Draper said the fact that I made this statements meant I was anything but… Mumble chatter died away quickly as the effects of the workout took effect. YHC has decided that he needs to invest in a louder speaker when Q’ing around the fountain.
Island Time gets partial credit for earning his name today! He showed up 10 mins late, but T-claps to him for getting in his own workout, however I suggest that the PAX chip in and buy him a map of the SMU campus. Apparently, he ran the whole campus looking for us and completely missed the main quad!
- 1. CSAUP reminder: Nov 2 ruck beginning at 00:00 at Flag Pole Hill to end at 07:00 at Burleson. Follow up meeting announced.
- 2. Marathon Relay update: Rump is seeking team members for Team Gamma. Sign up now! Coach K to start Team Delta out of spite for Team Gamma.
- 3. Q Source for the upcoming week on Weds/ Fri