PAX: Sally, Alright Alright, Coach K, Pow Pow, Draper, Special Sauce, Sex Panther, Chairman Mao
Sh*tbreak: Pepper
QIC: Oatmeal
AO: La Madeleine
SSH x 20 IC
Hillbillies x 15 IC
Windmills x 10 IC
Red Light Green Light Stacked BLIMPS on Hillcrest
PAX run from La Madeleine parking lot to Hillcrest going the long way down Drexel. Turned up Abbott and started the Stacked BLIMPS as follows at each intersection starting at Mockingbird and heading west to Hillcrest:
Burpees x5 OYO
Burpees x5 OYO
Lunges, alternating (each leg) x10 OYO
Burpees x5 OYO
Lunges, alternating (each leg) x10 OYO
Imperial Walkers (each leg) x15 OYO
Burpees x5 OYO
Lunges, alternating (each leg) x10 OYO
Imperial Walkers (each leg) x15 OYO
Merkins x20 OYO
Burpees x5 OYO
Lunges, alternating (each leg) x10 OYO
Imperial Walkers (each leg) x15 OYO
Merkins x20 OYO
Plank Jacks x25 OYO
Burpees x5 OYO
Lunges, alternating (each leg) x10 OYO
Imperial Walkers (each leg) x15 OYO
Merkins x20 OYO
Plank Jacks x25 OYO
Squats x30 OYO
Burpees x5 OYO
Lunges, alternating (each leg) x10 OYO
Imperial Walkers (each leg) x15 OYO
Merkins x20 OYO
Plank Jacks x25 OYO
Burpees x5 OYO
Lunges, alternating (each leg) x10 OYO
Imperial Walkers (each leg) x15 OYO
Merkins x20 OYO
Burpees x5 OYO
Lunges, alternating (each leg) x10 OYO
Imperial Walkers (each leg) x15 OYO
Merkins x20 OYO
Burpees x5 OYO
Lunges, alternating (each leg) x10 OYO
Imperial Walkers (each leg) x15 OYO
Given the clock, YHC had PAX return to La Madeleine where the following was performed in the parking lot until time expired.
Burpees x5 OYO
Lunges, alternating (each leg) x10 OYO
Burpees x5 OYO
YHC prayed us out
Typical chatter to start the workout. AlrightAlright was super excited to get this workout underway and suggested a slight Omaha to the location selected by YHC to perform the workout. I’ll give it to him, the Hillcrest route was better than doing the BLIMPS in the dark neighborhood. Overall, chatter subsided as we got underway and the only real back talk was AlrightAlright complaining that I was not acquiescing to his choice of exercise while waiting for the six. Draper was quick to assist YHC by shutting down Alright’s insolence by noting that YHC was actually the Q!
Pepper disappeared somewhere after BLI to clear the mechanism and vanished like a fart in the wind.
Good workout and all but Pepper finished the full set of BLIMPS.
1. CSAUP reminder: Nov 2 ruck beginning at 00:00 at Flag Pole Hill to end at 07:00 at Burleson. Follow up meeting to be held by YHC or Sally at coffeeteria on Saturday.
2. Marathon Relay update: Rump is seeking team members for Team Gamma. Sign up now! Coach K, Team Delta?
3. Q Source Friday at Preston Center
4. Get your t-shirt orders in. Cutoff is in 3 days and shirts will ship in late September.
5. F3 Flower Mound launch is this Saturday @ 0630, Marcus High School Football Stadium. Clown car time and place of departure TBD.
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