Our mission is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.
Upcoming Workout AOs & Q Source AOs:
5:30 AM – 6:15 AM | Double Time Running | Katy Trail AO (La Madeline) | Q: Alright Alright
5:30 AM – 6:15 AM | Mutt Ruck Monday | Flag Pole Hill (Second Parking Area) | Q: TBD
5:30 AM – 6:15 AM | Bootcamp Workout | Glencoe Park AO (Eastside playground) | Q: Q of the Year Icebox vs Oatmeal
5:45 AM – 6:30 AM | Bootcamp Workout| Caruth Park AO (Parking lot) | Q: Q of the Year Coach K vs Sex Panther
5:30 AM – 6:15 AM | Bootcamp Workout | The Harbor | Q: Stingray
6:00 PM | Q Source | Chick-fil-A on Hillcrest (across of SMU)
5:30 AM – 6:15 AM | Running with Pain Stations | Katy Trail AO (La Madeline) | Q: TBD
5:30 AM – 6:15 AM | Bootcamp Workout | Second Choice Thursday Burleson Park AO (Park on Southside) | Q: Ultra
5:30 AM – 6:15 AM | Bootcamp Workout | Burleson Park AO (Park on Southside) | Q: Q of the Year Alright Alright vs Sally
5:30 AM – 6:15 AM | Bootcamp Workout | The Harbor | Q: F150
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM | Bootcamp Workout | Burleson Park AO (Park on Southside) | Q: Q of the Year Teasip vs Pepper
Q Source Groups are a great place to learn and explore the leadership philosophy of F3. We meet to improve our leadership skills for the benefit of our families, workplaces and neighborhoods. The philosophies are based on timeless principles, they are also useful for any group that wants to improve the leadership skills of its members.
As Texas weather is never typical, know we do workout outdoors and our weather policy is…
1. We don’t cancel for cold, wind, or rain. If possible, we defy the forecast and POST!
2. We don’t mess with lightning. Lightning will kill you. If there’s lightning, we will relocated, cancel, or ENDEX.
3. Check Twitter for updates before the workout.
4. #SYITGF3 Dallas Preblast December 1, 2019F3 Dallas Preblast December 1, 2019