Haabaa on a boat

PAX: F150, Bleep, Agnes, Stingray, Alright Alright
QIC: Slushii

AO: The Harbor – Lake Highlands North Park 

SSH x 15 IC
Hillbillies x 15 IC
Grass pickers x 10 IC

Mosey towards football field

Burpees x 6 on ramp in-front of high school
Lunge walk forwards 20yds in parking lot
Lunge walk backwards 20yds in parking lot

On track – 30 merkins (10 shoulder tap merkins, 10 T merkins, 10 hand release merkins)

On football field – punt football (whoever recovers picks a number between 5 & 15). Sometimes it was PAX choice and sometimes it was Q choice on exercise. Exercises included sprints, bear crawls, fox holes, monkey humpers, burpees, Freddie Mercury, squat jumps, Carolina dry docks, others that I can’t remember

Mosey back to launching point

Done during workout 

Thankful for each man present and for Bleeps parents 53 years of marriage 

Was hoping for a #subarumafia ride this morning but Rump Roast had some dental work done yesterday and decided it was best he take the morning off. We had a injured Alright Alright which created much more mumblechatter as he was with the group and not way ahead like normal. We all learned who is great at counting in cadence and then there is F150 doing RedBull T Merkins (#tlclaps to the speed). Was hoping to stay around the 2mile mark which we did for the day. Bleep chose sprints as the last exercise which must have worn him out because he caught a nap in on the way home this morning. F150 blew by everyone and looked like he was coming out of the gates at Churchill Downs. Agnes caught the normal amount of chatter about something he loves to talk about (IYKYK). Stingray averaged about 6yrds/punt and that is being generous. YHC had some technical difficulties with the speaker….because it died half way through the first song. Need some help from DDDDDJJJJJJ Icebox. PAX all determined that was probably the best part of the morning so they didn’t have to listen to YHC HaaBaa Playlist. 


1) F3 Golf

2) CSAUP – 4x4x24 in February

3) Patriot Run “Run Ranger Run” in February – get signed up!

4) Q source lunch today – Ozonas @ 11:30am

5) TID 18k – March

6) Grow Ruck San Antonio – April

7) PEP clothes donation – BRING  TO JAN 30th WORKOUT