Mookie the Navigator

DATE: 8/12/2019

TEMP: 79

WEATHER: Clear, but with 82% humidity.



PAX: Mookie, Strangler, and Boomer.

QIC: Walmart


AO:Oak Point Park


WELCOME/DISCLAIMER:Q neglected to give the welcome and disclaimer. Luckily, no injuries on this run.


WARM-O-RAMA:OYO stretching for 5 minutes.


THE THANG:4 mile run around the nature trails at Oak Point Park.


CIRCLE OF TRUST:PAX brought up a friend of Mookie’s named Mark who is struggling with cancer. Prayers for Mark and his family. PAX prayed for Mark and for the start of a new school year. Prayers for Boomer as he and Mrs. Boomer figure out life with their new baby.

MOLESKIN: Good Mumblechatter this morning. Walmart talked about his trip last week to Northwest Arkansas, and about his fear of ending up on a true crime podcast he had been listening to. Mookie was instrumental in providing directions for the PAX. Q is directionally challenged, which is especially bad considering today was Q’s first time at Oak Point Park.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Second F family day on August 25. Be sure to give Boomer money for supplies. PAX also mentioned doing another Second F event soon with just F3 brothers.