Return of the Suicide Squad

PAX: Draper, Icebox, Oatmeal, Rump Roast, Sally, Sex Panther, Sweet Baby
QIC: Teasip

AO: Glencoe Park #glencoefasho #makeglencoefunagain

SSH x15

IST x15

Daisy Pickers x10

Brought back the old classic of suicides with exercises in between.

Bearway to Heaven, then running suicides with increasing and decreasing exercises to 10 each time you returned to the starting line. 

LBC’s (increasing, close line to far line)

OH Claps (increasing, far line to close line)

Calf raises (increasing starting at 2, increasing by 2, close line to far line)

Merkins (decreasing, far line to close line)

Monkey Humpers (increasing, close line to far line)

WW2 Sit ups (increasing far line to close line)

Burpees (increasing, far line to close line)

Done during the workout

YHC prayed us out

Not sure if any of the PAX knew what was coming with the gif provided in the #preblast, but they showed up anyway if they knew. There was some complaining about the amount of sprints at Special Sauce’s Thursday beatdown, but YHC didn’t really care/bother to change the workout. Not much mumblechatter during the workout has most of it was spent sucking wind or counting out exercises. Rump Roast did want to do the full count up to 10 of Burpees after YHC orignially said just 1 Burpee each time to return to the line. YHC obliged and that led the rest of the PAX to suggest Rump Roast should have to lead a running intensive Q going forward, as well as captain the Gamma team for the Dallas Marathon.

Some good discussion on Gatorade and how apparently the new version is just kool-aid per Oatmeal and if Draper’s “electrolyte” pills are in fact “electrolyte” pills. We’ll have to monitor Sex Panther tomorrow to see.

1. Q Source today at 11:30 at Flying Fish in Preston Center
2. Rump Roast Birthday Beatdown tomorrow