Rumps Birthday Beatdown…The Fitness Test! Fancy water included

PAX: Draper, Oatmeal, Sally, Sex Panther, Sweet Baby, Plus One, and the one and only Chairman Mao (pulling in about 80 burpees in)
QIC: Rump Roast 

AO: Burleson Park #thefitnesstest #55minutes
Weather: 74 degrees and sunny but not hot!

SSH x20
IST x15

The Fitness Test

Included in the package deal

YHC prayed us out 

The PAX knew that it was a birthday beatdown for the Rump-ster’s 44th! I believe the cat was out of the bag and most everyone but @Draper knew we were doing the fitness test.  YHC was still determined to beat my benchmark score on the last “faulty” Fitness Test. I thought what better motivation than to have the whole group do it with me on my special day! There wasn’t a ton of mumble chatter with everyone racing the clock. It was @Drapers first go at this one and he seemed SUPER excited. As eluded to in the preblast there was a fancy water cerveza salute. I took a moment to thank the guys for coming out and sharing my day with me and getting better. YHC has been coming out since last October and when I started I couldn’t run 200yrds much less complete the Fitness Test. Even with 20yrs of living in Dallas, it’s a hard place for even the most social guy to make solid friends and in less than a year I have an entire group of buddies I can depend on. I told someone last week that asked me “does it get easier?” – My response was that it doesn’t get easier, we get better! Keep showing up gentlemen.

I got DJ @Ice Box’s birthday playlist, copied it to Google Play, and added a few more Bday favorites! –

1. Q-Source next week Wednesday (1800 @Chick-fil-a on Hillcrest) and Friday (1130-ish and Preston Center-ish)
2. Second F – @Pow-pow and @Draper are hosting the UFC fight this evening at Pow-Pow’s house
3. @Oatmeal and @Sally Q’ing a CSAUP meeting Thursday 0930 at Dream Cafe on Mockingbird / Abrams