PAX: Oatmeal, Teasip, Ant Man
QIC: F150
AO: Williams Park
20 Merkins OYO
Side Straddle Hops IC x15
Cotton Pickers IC x28
Imperial Storm Troopers IC x20
Mosey to the fountain and benches
Rockette Hillbillies IC x30
O.P.P x5
Partner 1 – Overhead claps in Peoples Chair position,
Partner 2 – 30 Plank Jacks
Ladder Jacks x15 (2 of each SSH, Seal Jack, Smurf Jack, Plank Jack)
Laney Lu Plank Merk x5
V-up, Laney Lu, position hold for 10x IC, roll into Low Plank for 10x IC, then 1 merkin.)
The Wovlerine OYO x10
burpee…plank, merkin, left knee tuck, merkin, right knee tuck, merkin, stand, over head clap
Imperial Storm Worm to the fountain and back
Derkins IC x15
Elbow Jacks IC x15
Seal Crawl short field
Elbo Jacks IC x10
Crab Jacks IC x15
Crunchy Frog IC x8
Rugby Situps IC x10
Flutter Kicks IC x12
Boxcutters IC x14
Uptown Cruch IC x16 (each side)
Protractor (90, 15, 45, 90, 15, 45, 90, 15)
LBC IC x20
YHC shared Matthew 9:27–30 And as Jesus passed on from there, two blind men followed him, crying aloud, “Have mercy on us, Son of David.” When he entered the house, the blind men came to him, and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to him, “Yes, Lord.” Then he touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith be it done to you.” And their eyes were opened. And Jesus sternly warned them, “See that no one knows about it.” (ESV)
YHC has been discussing with my staff this week that Jesus fully healed these men “According to your faith…” As we pray do we have faith that He will answer 100% or do we lack faith. At times I struggle with doubt that He will answer my prayers, the Lord has revealed to me that at these times I need to ask Him to strengthen my faith. What would begin happening if God answers our prayer according to our faith?
Great group of PAX this gloom, there was a brief discussion about whether we really workout at Williams Park or Gore Park. This was brought up by Ant Man who looked to see if there were PAX parked near Williams. We have done a few beatdowns at Williams and the island that exist there. We jumped quickly into 20 OYO merkins where it was mentioned that certain PAX bodies were not yet warmed up and that can only be accomplished by doing SSH, I was happy to oblige. Through our Jack Ladder YHC had some difficulty keeping the exercises in order at times…too much on the mind or not enough sleep one or the other. We did miss out fearless AlrightAlright but YHC made sure that we keep every exercise balanced if we did one side we did the other…balance is important.
We attempted to do true Seal Crawls, but quickly had to modify them in order to keep going. After our beatdown Oatmeal brought up and we discussed the Darby Challenge, discussed on the Weekly Round Table podcast (Click Here to listen or Click Here to go to doc info), it will be in the month of February and will help to support Run Ranger Run. Teams are 10 PAX, talk with Oatmeal about info.
1. 2nd F – Happy Hour December 14 location TBD
2. CSAUP Darby Challenge – February see above