DATE: 8/22/2019
TEMP: 77
WEATHER: 74% humidity. Clear skies.
PAX: Eruzione, Boomer, Mookie, and Walmart
QIC: Walmart
AO: Liberty Park
WELCOME/DISCLAIMER: Q gave welcome and disclaimer.
-Abe Vigoda x 12 IC
-SSH x 25 IC
-IW x 12 IC
-Bone the Fish across the parking lot.
Mosey to the track. One lap around the track.
ROLLBACK: each letter is an exercise. PAX did 10 reps of each exercise. PAX start with R, then run one lap around the track. Then R and O, one lap around the track. Then R, O, and L, etc. PAX today only had enough time to make it through C, so they were spared the torture of Kraken Burpees.
-R = Reverse Crunch
-O = Outlaws – 10 circles to the right, 10 to the left.
-L = LBC
-L = Luge
-B = Burpees
-A = American hammer (double count)
-C = Crab Jacks
-K = Kraken Burpees
MARY: no MARY due to time.
MOLESKIN: Lots of mumblechatter today about sports, the measurements of our track, and Mookie’s recent baseball game experience with his Shortie. Thankfully, Mookie did not claim deity when given the opportunity.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Be sure to respond to Boomer’s poll regarding a change to our Second F Family Day if you haven’t already. Currently, it looks like Sunday, September 15, will be the day unless anyone changes votes. It will be an awesome time of Fellowship with M’s and Shorties.