Weds “Black Thursday” History Lesson

PAX: Gambler, Pepper, Rump Roast, AlrightAlright, Coach K, Ina, Spread, Candy Cane, Princess Turtle Head, Aaarrrggghhh
QIC: Oatmeal

AO: Caruth Park
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: I am not a professional, expert nor do I pretend to be one on TV.  Fortunately, no one got hurt!

All in IC:
Side Straddle Hops x 21
Windmills x 15
Imperial Storm Troopers x 19

Mosey to Coffee Park with the following fun along the way
Intersection – Peter Parkers OYO x 10
Straightaway  – backward run
I – Squats IC x 24
S – lunges
I – Merkins SC, IC x 19
S – sprint
I – Air chair boxers x 29 (2 punches count 1), IC
S – Karaoke switch 1/2 way
I – Burpos x 11 OYO
S – Skips
I – Flutter kicks IC x 45 (double count)

Park: Partner up @ playground equipment
– Partner 1: Assist pull ups, Partner 2: Squat while assisting switch @ 10 reps x 6
– Partner 1: swing crunches switch @ 20 reps x 3, Partner 2: High knees
Mosey to bleachers
– Partner 1: Burpee step up, Partner 2: Plank.  Burpees x 15 switch partner each rep (total 30 burpees)

-Partner 1: Cliff hanger merkins x 10, Partner 2:  Hold partner 1’s legs off shoulders while squatting.  All x 5

NA run back to base
Dealers choice Mary if time allows

Dealer’s Choice around the circle x 2 each.  Not worth noting exercises given short duration

Q decided on a theme for the mosey over to the park.  Black Thursday (10/24/1929) began the stock market crash of said year and, thus, the beginning of the Great Depression.  On Black Thursday, the stock market dropped 11% in one day before finally posting the low of the 20th century in July 1932 having dropped almost 90% from the high.

YHC prayed us out.

Much mumblechatter at the beginning with Q’s odd numbered warm up exercises.  Chatter continued throughout themed mosey as Q, while a CPA, obviously had challenges counting properly to lead exercises.  PAX seemed to enjoy their history lesson for the day.  Many comments about how creative the workout was.  Just trying to keep things fresh!