Help a Brother Out

PAX: Coach K, Oatmeal, Special Sauce, Icebox, F150, Belk Bowl, Teasip, Wal-Mart, Plus One
QIC: Alright Alright

AO: Glencoe Park

9 PAX gathered in the gloom on time, 1 gathered late and parked on the wrong side of the road. We immediately moseyed to #TheBridge

SSH x20

IST x15

Overhead Claps x20

The Bird x20

Partner Pick Up

Partner 1: Flutter Kicks

Partner 2: Run to the light and back, then assist partner

Team works to 400 flutter kicks

Partner 2: Plank Jacks

Partner 1: Run to the light and back, then assist partner

Team works to 200 plank jacks

Partner 1: Bear Crawl

Partner 2: 40 merkins and chase

Flapjack and repeato until the team crosses #TheBridge

Partner2: Backwards Run

Partner 1: 15 monkey humpers and chase

Flapjack and repeato until the team crosses #TheBridge

Mosey to Tennis Courts

Partner 2: Burpees

Partner 1: Run down and back, down and back, assist partner

Team goes to 30 burpees

Partner 2: Crab Walk down and back

Partner 1: 5 burpees and chase

Round Robin

AA: WWI Sit Ups x10 OYO

+1: Uptown Crunch x12 each side

Icebox: Rugby SitUps x15

F150: Box Cutters x15

Belk Bowl: LBCs x20

The theme of this workout was “picking up your brother.” Throughout the workout one partner was struggling and it was the other partner’s job to help him out.  This meant that the other partner had to bust their butt to get to their partner in time to help.  This is what F3 is all about.  Helping our brothers get stronger.  Pulling men up from their positions of pain.  We need to learn and emphasize the F3 Credo: Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you found him.  I’m challenging all of you to start pulling men up.  Drag guys to workouts, FNGs and old PAX.  This is part of your responsibility as a #HIM (High Impact Man).

This was admittedly a very strange workout, which led to a decent amount of #mumblechatter, none of which was audible to the Q.

Teasip was honorable enough to let the Q know that the PAX weren’t properly incentivized by the initial structure of the bear crawl portion of the #beatdown, so YHC rewarded him and the rest of the PAX by allowing them to bear crawl the full distance of #TheBridge.
