PAX: AlrightAlright, Ant Man, Chairman Mao, F150, FracSac (NOLA), Ina, MySpace (FNG), Oatmeal, Pepper, Podcast, Sally, Special Sauce, Teasip, Thunderlips
QIC: Coach K (aka Batman)
AO: Burleson Park
Mosey to nearby quad for 19 SSH and 20 IST (1920 was the first rivalry matchup between Duke and Carolina).
Mosey to next quad for 10 Irkens and 20 Flutter Kicks
Mosey to track
Tha Thang:
Catch me if you can with 6 merkins (one for each Carolina natty)
Jacob’s Ladder up and down bleachers with 7 squats and 1 burpee (8 miles of Tobacco Road between Duke and Carolina).
Cue torrential downpour during mosey to main quad. Stop in the road for some Tunnel of Love. Sprint to parking garage upon lightning strike. Sprint harder at the onset of some serious hail.
Say what’s poppin’ to AlrightAlright (bear crawled entire workout due to injury) as storm subsided. Collect the six and mosey to park.
8 rounds:
6 pull ups; 6 burpees; 24 mountain climbers; 6 turkish get ups; lap around tennis courts
Mosey to tennis courts for some bear crawl action and wrap up the morning with team sit-ups. Oh and 5 punishment burpees for Podcast running his mouth.
YHC tried coming in with a more positive vibe and energy and tried to keep the pace very fast and upbeat all morning. YHC immediately took the group on a run to a nearby field before starting the warm-up much to the shock of the PAX. We finally made our way to the track and YHC reiterated the disclaimer given the numerous hurdles (literal hurdles) scattered all over the track. A couple PAX were kind enough to move them as they got to them – no PAX, to my knowledge, ran into a hurdle. As we started the Jacob’s Ladder, the drizzle started and YHC became painfully aware that he didn’t check the weather. Sorry not sorry.
The Jacob’s Ladder was pretty quiet bar some jabs here and there. As we started moseying towards the quad, the sky fell out. PAX were trapped in an awkward spot with no shelter, and as YHC put it: “You can only get wet once”. YHC made the bold decision to do a very wet tunnel of love much to the PAX’s chagrin. PAX were very derisive – an attitude that would pervade the rest of the workout. That said, PAX were compliant and we moseyed on. After lightning struck, we started a straight line towards the parking garage. About halfway there, PAX were treated to chunks of hail. Special Sauce led the sprint to the garage while a few others took immediate shelter. Hurt like hell.
We ran into AlrightAlright who was doing his bear crawl workout – he ultimate traveled between 2-2.5 miles (garage through off some metrics). Regardless, very impressive and hats off to him. Like a true West Texas storm, it came and went in a matter of minutes, so the scheduled workout resumed as planned. PAX were led back to the park for a Hero circuit. Several PAX began to accuse YHC of running out of ideas and being uncreative. By the third lap they were sucking wind, so hopefully they came to the realization that uncreative doesn’t always equate to bad. “Back to the basics” is a common phrase in our species for a reason. The actual circuit was made even tougher by the extra water weight PAX had to carry. Except for Special Sauce who treated us to a gun show. Though he should remember that some of us are still single and don’t want to fight for attention.
YHC cut the circuit short, so PAX could get in some hot bear crawling action on the tennis courts followed by group sit ups. It took a while, but the group finally figured out that following YHC’s cadence was the easiest way to get through it. As we were closing out, a certain PAX decided to make a tasteless jab at UNC. PAX were made to do 5 punishment burpees.
All in all, there wasn’t much notable mumblechatter. YHC made several comments about men taking ownership and stepping up to Q themselves in response to a few PAX’s derisive comments. Nevermind the aforementioned circumstances, YHC does expect more men to step up and Q. In 70 some days, we’ve only had 13 Qs. Take an active role, step up, and lead. This group isn’t about sitting on your ass and skating by – we’re here to become better men. One of the easiest ways to do that is taking the reigns for 45 minutes.