AO: Glencoe Park

Side Straddle Hops IC x13
Baby Arm Circles IC x13 each way
Hillbillies going right IC x13
Prisoner Squat IC x13
Daisy Pickers IC x13

Mosey to field
PAX line up spread down the benches, one at a time move to light stick and do exercise, and Bernie Sanders back to PAX. PAX do AMRAP while awaiting their turn. All Exercise x13 in 4 count

Rd. 1
PAX: AYG; We’re Not Worthy Praises (Front raises w/ CMU)
Group: Mountain Climbers (Mod on knees)
Rd. 2
PAX: Lunge; Goblet Squat
Group: Worst Merkin Ever (Werkin, Merkin, Diamond Merkin) (Mod on knees)
Rd. 3
PAX: Lt. Dan; Colt 45
Group: LBFlutter Kicks
Rd. 4
Run to glow sticks and back
13 monkey humpers

Crunchy Frog IC x20
Uptown Crunch IC x13 Both sides
Hello Dolly IC x13

PAX: Eruzione, Teasip, Gold Digger, Boomer, Oo-De-Lally, AlrightAlright, Wojo, Q*Bert, Coach K, Aaarrrggghhh
QIC: F150

During YHC’s time in Scripture this morning I came across Matthew 9:35-38. This famous passage is the one of the labors and the harvest. For the harvest is plentiful and the labors are few. When Jesus saw the crowds, He had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless. For compassion is not pity men but it is to be sympathetic consciously of other distress together with the desire to alleviate it. In our jobs do we see people as a means to an end or as people we walk with daily. Are we seen as compassionate? YHC challenged the PAX to different and lead with compassion as Jesus did.

This gloom was a humid morning. YHC has been challenged with the need to make sure to respect the time given of men. For it is a F3 thing to start on time and end on time. Doing so respects mens time and other commitments to the day. We had two Willy Loman join us Wojo and Q*Bert for this morning’s beatdown. Teasip and YHC worked to find a place where the shovel flag could be placed in the ground…this stinking no rain has caused all the ground to be tough. So it was planted in the woodchip playground.

YHC enjoys the use of the coupon and brought a few for us to use this gloom. This worked out well in our beatdown until one of the coupons go the upper hand of BOOMER and it sidelined he and ultimately sent him home early. Gold Digger aided him in the care of his hand and rejoined the PAX at MARY. There was much room for mumblechatter during THA THANG and mentions of an excerise called the Alabama Prom Date?!? Multiple modifications where made as each round took a while with a coupon…and there was as normal AlrightAlright comments about Q doing the workout. YHC can handle anything thrown out and that I lead, modifications have to be made when we have good numbers show up and exercises take longer than expected. That’s a good problem, but challenge accepted and welcomed to be pushed harder.

Counting was again pointed out that YHC used cadence different than intended…some fast…some slow and some mixed. YHC will do a better job in consistence in the future but hey it was unexpected and kept all PAX on their feet.

During the Name-o-Rama F150 missed Eruzione which drew immediate reaction from the PAX and Coach K issued penalty Burpee‘s with the truth if any were to be had for anything it was for missing a PAX. To which penalty Burpee‘s were executed.

1. Guest Q on Saturday – Gus from Memphis
2. 2nd F Scotch Club May 17
3. VAPE dinner May 29
4. GrowRuck Memphis Sept 21-23