Tied to a Whipping Post


Title: “Tied to a Whipping Post”

Region: F3 Cross Timbers

AO: #ao_pain_castle_monday_saturday

Date: 2023-12-09

Day: Saturday

Start Time: 0630 CST

End Time: 0730 CST

Q: @Griswold

PAX: @bus @sharkbait @undercover @hardwire @jumanji @sixer @howitzer @dragon @spacehammer 

Count: 10

Temp: 57 Degrees Fahrenheit





30s each, 2x

  • SSH

  • Hit the floor

  • Butt kickers

  • Heismans

  • Zombie kicks



  • Up/Down/up/down/up down

  • Flat back/Left/Right 10,10,10

  • Hurdle Left, Left up/down

  • Hurdle Right, Left up/down


MOSEY to South Parking Lot


  • Atomic Skips

  • Karaoke Left/Right

  • Shuffle Left/Right


MOSEY to the horizontal bars


THE THANG (Tie @dragon to a whipping post)

  • “Jack Webb’s Bar Birthday Party”

  • 1 Burpee, 4 Vertical Rows

  • 2 Burpees, 8 Vertical Rows

  • 3 Burpees, 12 Vertical Rows

  • 10 Burpees, 40 Vertical Rows (Happy Birthday @razr!)


MOSEY to wall



“Activate Cervical, i.e. Posture Exercises”



  • Flappy Arms, 15x, 15x, 10x (40! Happy Birthday @razr!)

  • Ear Touchers, 15x, 15x, 10x (40! Happy Birthday @razr!)

  • Climbers, 15x, 15x, 10x (40! Happy Birthday @razr!)


MOSEY to Startex



“@sparky’s revenge”



  • Pickle pounder, 15x, 15x, 10x (40! Happy Birthday @razr!)

  • Pickle pointer, 15x, 15x, 10x (40! Happy Birthday @razr!)



  • Oblique LBCs, 4 sets of 10 (40! Happy Birthday @razr!)

  • Jane Fonda, 4 sets of 10 (40! Happy Birthday @razr!)

5 Tardy Burpees

2 Good Morning Burpees





Plank up for announcements

1st F

  • 12/8-12/10 Dallas Marathon @gizzard

  • 12/14, Thursday, Expansion PM workout #ao_penitentiary


2nd F

  • 12/14 Pub Crawl


3rd F

  • Praises. For our health, for the health of our families, for our friends, for this group, for our ability to make money, for the amazing weather

SKYQ Videochat

  • “Hey, wow. What a beautiful day you’ve given us. Thank you for the many blessings. Please grow those blessings 10 fold. Grow our love, our peace, our spheres of influence. Grow our relationships with our families. Deepen our understanding of what it means to walk with you. Show people daily your face when they see ours.




Damnit! I forgot my Q Moment. So here it is:


“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try one more time.” -Thomas Edison.


Think about that for a moment. 

What does it mean in your life? 

Have you given up on something? 

Have you given up on a job? A hobby? A dream?

Have you given up on someone?

Have you given up on yourself?


You never know how close you are until you look back AFTER succeeding. Nothing is impossible in your life. You just have to keep trying.


One more take-away from the above. Trying one more time doesn’t necessarily mean trying it the exact same way. After all, Edison figured out 2774 different ways to NOT make a light bulb. 


With regard to today’s workout, the PAX are sure of two things:

  1. @razr had a birthday and turned 40 (yesterday)

  2. Jack Webb must have been really hated. 


And, in all seriousness, we had a lot of fun. If you are looking for a great beat down routine, check out all of the various “Webbs” on the Exicon, some are even more daunting and will definitely make an appearance future workouts. 🙂


After the workout, we headed to Coffeeteria where YHC dispensed the new FNG itty-bidy-cindy to all of the men who had been FNGs at some point. If you have been an FNG before, and don’t have a white itty-bidy-cindy, hit me up at the next workout. 

12 Angry Men


Title: “12 Angry Men”

Date: 2023-12-05

Day: Tuesday

Time: 0530

AO: #ao_jakes_revenge_tuesday

Q: @Griswold

PAX: @spacehammer @undercover @jumanji @howitzer @dragon @razr @ironman @fabio

Count: 9


  • Crystal clear skies, 40°F.
  • Gentle SW breeze, 3 mph.
  • Feels like 38°F due to windchill.
  • 50% humidity, comfortable coolness.
  • No rain expected.
  • Low UV index (0), but morning sun can be deceiving.
  • Light jacket/scarf for extended outdoor time.
  • Moderate pollen levels, allergy precautions advised.
  • Moderate air quality.
  • Sunset 5:41 PM.
  • Sunrise 7:24 AM



30s each

  • SSH
  • High Knees
  • Butt Kickers
  • Heisman
  • Zombie Kicks
  • Wood Chopper
  • Run in Place


Stretch O Rama

  • Up/down/up/down
  • Hands to ground/left/right
  • Hurdle left/right
  • Lunge left, alternating hands up
  • Lunge right, alternating hands up


The Thang 1

“Moving mini hairburners”


Repeat 3x

  • Coupon Push Left across Parking Lot
  • Coupon Push Right across Parking Lot




Repeat 3x

  • Coupon Pull Left across Parking Lot
  • Coupon Pull Right across Parking Lot




The Thang 2

“Copperhead Chaos”


Repeat 3x

  • Copperhead Curl 10x
  • Lunge 10x




Repeat 3x

  • Copperhead Press 10x
  • Copperhead Squat 10x




Repeat 3x

  • Skullcrushers 10x
  • Calf Raise, Normal/In/Out 10x



  • Oblique Crunches 60x



Plank for Announcerama


1st F

  • 12/8-12/10 Dallas Marathon @Gizzard
  • 12/14, Thursday, Expansion PM workout #ao_penitentiary


2nd F

  • Coffeeteria a truck
  • 12/7 Men at Work
  • 12/14 Pub Crawl

3rd F

  • Bring shoes for @cousin




QMoment: All PAX express gratitude


  • Healing from the bad
  • Gifts from above
  • Put us on the mountaintop. Protect us. Let us see all of the greatness you have for us.
  • Let everyone see you in us. 

1-2-3 Lead





It would appear that @dragon DOES listen to everything and take notes as indicated by the fact that he remembered the exchange yesterday about the lack of pulling exercises in bootcamps. Today, we cured that. What’s interesting is that because so many of us have been doing this for a while, that even coupon squats are easy. But, when you make a pulling exercise such as pulling a coupon across the payment, it crushes even the strongest PAX. 


@howitzer put up the cones for us today of which YHC is truly grateful for lest we be smashed by the Tuesday 1st of the month trash truck. Luckily, the cones deterred his approach and left us unharmed and unmoved. Thus, always Karen Kone it. That reminds me that we probably need another set to ensure coverage and protection for all of our workouts, including #ao_dark_forest and days when @macgyver or I are not at #ao_penitentary.


An important thang that all Qs should adopt is the practice of the Q Moment. Weave in some words of wisdom near the end of the workout. This can be anything of your choosing: life lesson, words of wisdom, scripture, famous quotes. But, take this opportunity very seriously as in the twilight between a good beatdown and coffeeteria, there exists an opportune time for instruction and shaping. Don’t waste it.


Speaking of not wasting it, our man @howitzer said something that is really important. “When I’m the Q, I no longer think about the workout the night before…I think about it four days before it.” Think about that. @howitzer is expressing something that is profoundly important here for the Qs. Leading is a serious undertaking. It involves planning, testing, reflection, inspection. If you are a Q, do not “Show up, and throw up.” That is, do not plan the workout AT the workout. Spend some time. Write it down. Overplan. Change it up. Reorder it. Make it perfect. There is no pride to be found in, “I’ve been doing this for so long that I don’t need to plan it.” Personally, I’ve been doing this weekly for four years and I STILL write it down. Join me.


Great job today guys. Way to not waste it and seize the day! Good luck out there.

Fourth Annual Texas Independence Day 18K #TID18K

On March 2, 1836, 59 #HIM signed the Texas Declaration of Independence to declare independence from Mexico and create the Republic of Texas. To celebrate these #Disrupters we will hold our fourth annual Texas Independence Day 18K on March 5, 2022. (This year it is a 17k because of construction at Caruth Park.)

We will launch at 0700 from Reverchon Park Baseball Field. From 0700 – 1200 we will complete the following: 6 miles of running, 4.5 miles of rucking and 120 minutes of boot camp workouts.

Men across Dallas and F3 Nation are invited to join us for all or some of this event.

  • 0700 – 0730 – Boot Camp At Reverchon Park Baseball Field
  • 0730 – 0805 – 3.5 mile Run to Glencoe Park
  • 0805 – 0835 – Boot Camp at Glencoe Park
  • 0835 – 0850 – 1.5 mile Run to Burleson Park
  • 0850 – 0920 – Boot Camp at Burleson Park
  • 0920 – 0930 – 1 mile Run to Curtis Park
  • 0930 – 1000 – Boot Camp at Curtis Park
  • 1000 – 1130 – 4.5 mile Ruck to Reverchon Park Baseball Field
  • 1130 – Parking Lot celebration with spouses, girlfriends, kids, and dogs.


SHIELD LOCKS and dissing Spiderman

May 28, 2021

PAX: Classified Slippy AlrightAlright Big Tex Icebox Meatball Siesta Jennay Chase (FNG)
QIC: PowPow

AO: Lindsley Park

See below

Circle of Pain at the Pavilion, Q leads PAX through the exercises below. After each set the PAX run the smaller loop path from the pavilion around the playground and back to the pavilion.  Beginning with the 2nd run (after the Hillbillies) 2 PAX stay at pavilion to perform sandbag deadlifts (120#) – 5 reps then switch alternating while rest of PAX run. Each pair of PAX did the deadlifts twice.

SSH x 20 DC
Hillbillies x 20 DC
ISTs x 20 DC
Eagle wings x 20 IC
Lunges x 20 IC
Derkins x 20 IC

LBCs x 20 DC
One legged Burpee x 20 OYO
Carolina Dry Dock x 20 IC
Knee to elbow x 20 DC
Superman x 20 IC

WWI sit-ups x 10 DC
Jane Fonda’s x 10 / leg
Crab cakes x 20 DC
LBCs x 20 DC
Flutter kicks x 10 DC
Freddie Mercury x 12 DC

YHC’s typical blend of expressing gratitude and a charge to the PAX to go out and get after it and accelerate their relationships. Capped off with an enthusiastic “Kobe!” from Alright Alright

Lots of mummblechatter and high levels of 2nd F (or put another way, lots of Alright Alright talking and the rest of the PAX reacting) given the structure of the workout. Chase, the FNG that Jennay brought, did great, YHC is looking forward to seeing him again. Classified helpfully gave PAX guidance on deadlift form (and carried the sandbag back to YHC’s car after the workout, thanks brother!).

AA mostly gave YHC a pass with the Eagle Wings exercise but lost his mind when YHC called Peter Parkers “Knee to Elbow” in order to suit my spelling needs (spelling SHIELD LOCKS), then YHC dropping Supermans right after the “disrespect” to Spiderman just added to the drama. YHC would have loved to “argue” with AA over these unforgiveable violations of protocol, but was occupied counting cadence. The rest of the PAX really failed to come to YHC’s defense in any meaningful way…YHC will chalk that up a failure of his leadership.

The point of the workout was to acknowledge Shield Lock Week here in Dallas but also to incorporate some heavier lifting. Coupons are good, but at 35 pounds they’re not really gonna build much strength/power when it comes to certain movements (squats and deadlifts for example).  Hence the 120 pound sandbag deadlifts.

Carry the Load- this Sunday 5/30 – Monday 5/31
Memorial Day Flag planting and removal on 6/5 –  leading this
F3 Bingo launching on 6/1
Bro/M/2.0 Yoga – 6/5
F3 Golf – planning is underway

Rucking Party

Backblast! Rucking PartyCOUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA:

Date: 5/24/2021

AO: Flag Pole Hill

PAX: Alright Alright Icebox Jennay Oatmeal Silent Bob Stingray Trash Panda Rabbit from F3 Memphis (I think?)
Q: Teasip
Count: 9
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Given as we started
Did the normal ruck route
YHC prayed us out
Big crowd for MRM, including 4 pups (Larry, Green, Maverick/F3 Goose and Stingray‘s pup whose name escapes me). Good mumble chatter amongst the group, including the first day away from the 2.0 for Alright Alright‘s M, moving and all that fun, Hilton Head and I’m sure other stuff I missed as Larry was much more interested in the smells than keeping up with the other ruckers. A lot of discussion about poor Green and how he would probably crush the DT route since he was ready to be let loose
  1. Carry the Load Next Weekend – Lots of open spots!
  2. Broga the weekend after (June 5th). M’s and 2.0s welcome!

Lindsley Ladder

#backblast #lindsleywarriors #lindsleyladders

PowPow Siesta AlrightAlright Dirtbag Meatball sound machine Dirtbag’s Brother from Another Mother (FNG) joined YHC for the unveiling of Lindsley Ladders

Dirtbag knew it was serious when we walked over to the park together (safety in numbers) when I didn’t have the speaker

After a quick warmup we went to the corner of Lindsley and Tenison Memorial and did a Lindsley Ladder, run up one block for 50 merkins, run back one block for 10 LBC’s, then 40-20, 30-30, 20-40, and 10-50. YHC was accused of doing my best F150 impression and AlrightAlright fell behind Meatball’s Italian merkins and couldn’t recover from the deficits after the first 50 merkins. Might need to do this for time and make it a #benchmark

Then we went back to the corner of Lindsley and Tenison Memorial and did a suicide down Tenison Memorial, running to each house on the street and back, doing squats when we got back starting at 10 and increasing in increments of 10 until 40 where YHC called #omaha and we went to the trail

At the trail we did two full rounds of baton death marches, with PAX needing to do two burpees before running to the front of the line

After that we went with a traditional Native American run back to the Lindsley Park pavilion and finished up with some core

Hope to see Dirtbag’s friend again for what should be a good naming (cough…Stepbrother…cough)

Shield Lock Week – reply to POW’s survey
Carry the Load this coming weekend
Brigs (not taught by a Bro) 6/5, bring the M and 2.0 as Avril will be babysitting
PowPow can give just as lengthy announcement as Oatmeal

Harbur 5/21

PAX: Draper, F-150, Jobu, Oompa Loompa, Slippy, Stingray
QIC: Sally

AO: The Harbur

SSH x 10

Lots of pearls-O-A-S

Run down Church, stop at.. that church

Chase Dora
P1 start lunging toward the end of the parking lot and back
P2 50 “jump ropes”; run to your partner when done and switch
Modify to P1 bear crawl 2/3 the way through

Keep running down Church to the bottom of the hill
Some flutter kicks I think

Dora #2
P1 run halfway down the street and back
P2 100 merkins, 150 squats, 200 SSH’s

I believe some mountain climbers and plank jacks

More PoaS back to the tennis courts by the track w rugby situps

Suicide long to short, all 4 courts 
got about halfway done, did some Wilt Chamberlains
Headed back to the AO start

Called upon Slippy and Draper to count a couple exercises, they chose V-ups and big-boy sit ups respectively


fun day today. lots of running. we discussed prime numbers, making up workouts as you go, and probably went about 45 seconds overtime. Topped it off by laughing that the picture is probably one of the only ones recently where PAX are all smiling.

Alcohol tonight at Slushii’s, carry the load, yoga (Jobu demonstrated a nice tree pose), and flags for fallen vets

5/19/21 Beatdown at the Harbor

PAX: Avril, Jennay, Phelps, Silent Bob, Stingray, FNG – Austin Bonick, FNG – Travis Connor
QIC: Big Tex

AO: The Harbor

15 SSH, 10 ISP, 10 Vegetable Pickers

11’s in the parking lot w/ Burpees and Squats

Mosey to the park at Church and Fieldcrest

10 Urkins OYO, 10 Step-ups each leg, 10 Derkens OYO, 15 Dips OYO

Mosey on back trail, stop halfway 10 Carolina Drydocks IC, Mosey to the back parking lot of the Rec Center

Partner up and Dora – 100 Merkins, 200 Monkey Humpers, 200 Overhead Claps

MARY: 20 LBCs, 15 Flutter Kicks, 2 Penguin Crunches

YHC thanked everybody for coming and prayed us out.

MOLESKIN: Not a lot of Mumblechatter that I heard. I heard Stingray and Jennay tell each other their origin stories for their nicknames. FNG – Travis threatened to splash merlot at one point, but to his credit no merlot was splashed.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Oops. YHC was in a hurry this morning, and I think we neglected announcements.

Lightning, Omaha, Omaha, Sweatbox set go!

PAX: Jennay, AlrightAlright, Slushii, Bleep, Sound Machine

QIC: Oatmeal

AO: Burleson Park Parking Garage



SSH x15 IC

IST x15 IC

Windmills x10 IC


Mosey down to bottom level for ascending BLIMPS.

Burpees x5

  Bear crawl up two ramps

Burpees x5

Lunges x10 DC

  Bear crawl up two ramps

Burpees x5

Lunges x10 DC

IST x15 DC

  Bear crawl up two ramps

Burpees x5

Lunges x10 DC

IST x15 DC

Merkins x20

  Bear crawl up two ramps (walk back down one to stay out of lightning)

Burpees x5

Lunges x10 DC

IST x15 DC

Merkins x20

Plank Jacks x25

  Bear crawl up two ramps (walk down stairs a level)

Burpees x5

Lunges x10 DC

IST x15 DC

Merkins x20

Plank Jacks x25

Squats x30

Mosey down stairs to bottom level

Grab coupon, fire brigade back up stairwell

Mosey back down stairs

Crawl bear up ramp

Crab cakes x10 DC

Crab walk down ramp

Carolina Dry Docks x 10

Reverse lunge walk up ramp

Backward run down

YHC prayed us out. 


A late lightning Omaha moved the workout from Phelps’ front yard to the Burleson parking garage and YHC volunteered to take the Q since Phelps was homebound.  YHC limped his way to the garage with an achilles injury and awaited AlrightAlright who texted at 5:25 that he was en route coming in hot from FPH via Phelps front yard.  Sound Machine also via Phelps front yard, came in Tokyo sliding.  AA & the Subaru mafia were smart and parked in the garage.  We started a little late  and YHC brought out the AA special workout with no running and plenty of bear crawls since his achilles began giving him fits after KTT last week.  Mumblechatter was varied and I spent some quality time on the ramps with Jennay!  

Proud of the men that braved the parking garage this am!  We must have forgotten that lightning is a good excuse to fartsack!


  • Carry the Load Memorial Day Event: May 30, noon – May 31, 13:30
  • McKinney workout May 22 @ 0700, Bonnie Wenk Park.  Need volunteers to head up with YHC
  • Say your goodbyes to Band.  The plug is being pulled on May 31.  Pick up the Slack!
  • F3 Golf…

The New Rump Heads North – McKinney

Date – 5/15/2021
Weather – 65° and beautiful  day to be alive

Count-off & Name-O-Rama:
PAX –  Eruzione, Walmart, Yogger, Maverick, Ultra, Agnes, DFib, Jobu, Shify McCoy, and Draper
QIC –  Rump Roast
AO – Bonnie Wenk Park | McKinney, TX
Disclaimer – Given 
Intro/ Warm-o-Rama:
Dynamic Warm-Up
20x Pop-Up Groiners OYO – (Omaha – Someone, @Walmart was one minute late. 15x burpees for him & AMRAP Merkins for the PAX)
Mosey to Workout Pavilion area 
20x T-Merkins (hold plank till all-in)
10x J-Lo’s IC, DC (Just for @Slushii)
Recover/Mosey thru the woods to the Y 
20x IST IC, DC
Pretty sure I did one more exercise but can’t remember!
Mosey to the Park swings
The Thang:
Break up in semi even groups (3 groups this morning)
5x Swerkins w/ the knee to chest
5x Pull Ups
5x Hand Release Merkins
Run up the stairs, across
Run up the stairs, across the bridge for 
5x Squats
5x DC Lunges
Five rounds of that.
Mosey to the field for Catch Me If You Can BLIMPS!!!
Partner up with someone you don’t know
Partner #1 Bear Crawls while partner #2 does 5x Burpees
When done with exercise run to “catch” the other partner
Then partner #1 has to compete, while partner 2 BC’s forward. 
Repeating until both partners have completed all
Going up by 5 on each new 
B – Burpees x5
L – LBC’s x10 
I – IST’s x15 DC
M – Merkins x20
P – Plank Jacks x 25SC
S – Squats x30
Wind Sprint across that ginormous field, touch the fence and back. This is where the HC’s got their prize. With a page out of the @Slippy book, I let them cut the sprint in half. But in Rump style had them burpee until we were done!
Had a little time left so did a “3 Corners” 
20x Squat Jumps OYO
Mosey across the field
20X Monkey Humpers (Thanks @DFib)
Mosey that length of the field
Ring of Fire  Merkins
Mosey back for Descending Mary
12x LBC’s IC, DC
11x Big Boy Sit Ups IC, DC
10x Penguine Crunched IC, DC…
Circle of Trust (CoT):
YHC prayed us out


A lot of comradery this morning. I was sucking wind all morning so I believe it was a good day. great coffee after

Carry the Load at Reverchon Park (I believe 30 May into 31 May Sunday to Monday)